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Everything posted by CraigPlaysBass

  1. Damn, was looking at getting this when my cab had sold!
  2. Having decided I need to go super-small and light for university, I am selling my current rig and looking at class D amps and very small cabs. First, my [b][s]Gallien Krueger Neo 212 mark 1[/s]. [size=5]SOLD[/size] [/b][url="http://www.gak.co.uk/en/gallien-krueger-neo-212/2642"]http://www.gak.co.uk...er-neo-212/2642[/url] Here on GAK for £512 (on sale). This is a high quality, fairly light (28kg) and powerful (600w rms) 2x12 cabinet that I am loathe to sell. However I am without a car and need a rig that I can take on public transport. Manual here: [url="http://www.gallien-krueger.com/manuals/NEO-Owners-Manual.pdf"]http://www.gallien-k...ners-Manual.pdf[/url] It also features bi amp capabilities with the right GK heads. It is in good condition with minimal superficial bumps and scrapes. I am asking for £300 plus £20 delivery. [attachment=105886:DSC_0033.jpg] [attachment=105888:DSC_0040.jpg] Secondly, a [s][b]Peavey 115 BX Black Widow. [/b][/s][b] [size=5]SOLD PENDING PAYMENT [/size][/b]Making no bones about it, this is an old and tatty cab. However it is one still very capable of outputting phenomenally deep lows. It's a big cab with a monstrous Black Widow driver. I used it recently as a sub at a function. Using the low pass filter on my preamp it made pop songs sound like bass heavy club music. As I said, an old but still very capable cab. I am asking for £50 (stickers can be removed). However I will not post, it's heavy and not worth it. [attachment=105891:DSC_0051.jpg] [attachment=105892:DSC_0052.jpg] Third, a [b]QSC RMX 850 power amp[/b], rack cased. I have been using it since I bought it from 'Pentode' as part of a preamp - power amp setup. It has stayed in the rack and has not been abused whatsoever. It hasn't missed a beat since I have been using it and, with the Yamaha PB1 preamp I have been using, outputs clean, punchy bass for miles. I'm not keen to sell the pre, but may consider a trade for the right micro head. User manual for the power amp can be found here: [url="http://media.qscaudio.com/pdfs/manuals/RMX_User_Manual.pdf."]http://media.qscaudi...ser_Manual.pdf.[/url] I would like £150 for the amp in the rack, plus £15 postage. [attachment=105887:DSC_0034.jpg] [attachment=105890:DSC_0050.jpg] I'm looking for cash or trades for light cabs, Schroeders perhaps? Feel free to PM me with any offers however ridiculous or far fetched, I'll probably reply
  3. I have the Neo 212 mark 1 and it is solid. A bit heavier than some neo cabs, but it's like a rock. Sounds great. The tweeter is really nice and of course it has the biamp capability. [size=2]It's also going to be for sale soon as I'm off to uni........ Shameless plug.[/size]
  4. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1335197775' post='1627098'] Can i ask you 1215L owners how the tone differers from the 1212L? Is there a bit more low end, and is the tone a bit more even compared to the rather middy 1212L Cheers. [/quote] I would also like to know...
  5. PM'd him a couple of days ago and no reply as yet.
  6. [quote name='iconic' timestamp='1328080942' post='1521371'] Weren't older yamaha combo/heads fitted with parametric, B100 series? [/quote] My Yamaha PB1 Preamp has a fully parametric eq yeah. It's really handy. It's got the all important Q filter which makes it far more useful. I've been using it with a QSC RMX850, weighs 16kg alone but is thunderously powerful and barely gets warm. I am selling it though, trying to go down the 1u class D route.
  7. Does anyone know how it performs with a single 8 ohm cab? I know it's meant to put out the same power into an 8 ohm load without any form of physical switch, does it work?
  8. Clarinet, doing grade 6 at the moment, and a bit of guitar, but only dabbling really.
  9. Interested in any trades? I'm in Bournemouth so trying stuff is on the cards!
  10. For sale is a Mackie cr1604vlz mixer. Features:[list] [*]Inserts on every channel (Mic and line) [*]60mm Log taper faders [*]Built in power supply [*]-20dB signal present LED that doubles as a solo indicator [*]Control Room outputs [*]Mono output volume control [*]AFL/PFL solo for easy level setting and panning adjustments [*]Aux Send 1 & 2 master controls with individual solo switches and LEDs [*]Effects Return to Monitor controls for Aux Sends 1-2 [*]Control room/ phones source matrix for selecting any combination of Tape, Subs 1-2, Subs 3-4, and Main Mix sources [*]Tape Input level control [*]Tape to Main Mix switch [*]Multi-configuration for easy rackmounting and tabletop setups [*]Direct outs on channels 1-8 [/list] More information is available on the mackie site: [url="http://www.mackie.com/products/cr1604vlz/"]http://www.mackie.co...ucts/cr1604vlz/[/url] I have barely used it since I've bought it, as such it could probably do with a proper internal clean. I tested it recently and all of the inputs were working fine but it hasn't been used since and could do with some maintenance. One of the trim knobs has lost a bit of the plastic, but I have superglued it back together and it's solid. Not sure how much this is worth, they were 1k new, and they're selling on ebay for £270 in the US, guitar centre in the US had one for sale for £380 not long back so.... Shall we say [b][s]£200[/s] [s]£160[/s] £120 + postage (edited due to intermittent faults found)[/b] PM me with any trades, I'm interested in recording interfaces and class d power amps primarily, though I'll consider pretty much anything within reason. Pictures will be up soon. [b]Edit: I've just got the mixer out and tried all the channels just with the line level input, it appears that for four of them, the gain stage is working intermittently. The channels are still receiving the signal and it shows up on the level meter, however the gain knob has no effect. I presume this is due to a loose connection or dust . Like I said, this is intermittent and I'm sure could be resolved with some contact cleaner.[/b]
  11. Have PM'd several times as requested without a reply...
  12. Interested in any trades? eg, a Mackie cr1604vlz? and cash?
  13. Aaagh, I want it, but don't have an ebay account and the parents are out!
  14. Good shout guys, ME3008s they are! Spoke to the seller yesterday, he informed me that 3 of them had gone open-circuit and that I could have them all for free if I picked them up. So I did, they were screwed into massive 2x12 scoop bass bins, and had obviously seen some heavy usage. Will check them all today and see if they're repairable at all, if not, I have one that works... Any one got any good ideas for what to use it for? If it's so terrible for bass?
  15. Maybe rebadged was the wrong word, the model evolved into, may be a better one. Had my info from here: [url="http://poszukaj.elektroda.pl/szukaj,eminence-kappa-pro-15lf.html"]http://poszukaj.elektroda.pl/szukaj,eminen...a-pro-15lf.html[/url] (5th post down) [url="http://www.volny.cz/master_akustik/em_b.htm"]http://www.volny.cz/master_akustik/em_b.htm[/url] (Look down to delta 12 and then in the info box) [url="http://www.technovox.se/index.php/serviceprislista/eminence.html"]http://www.technovox.se/index.php/servicep...a/eminence.html[/url] (Look down to the '1998 updated eminence range). I'm not normally one to blindly trust what a google search comes up with, but that's the best I could come up with.
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