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Everything posted by Linz

  1. [quote name='Mrs Tinman' post='6990' date='May 26 2007, 06:03 AM']Tinman at 5.00 am - "Is it time to go yet? Is it, is it?" What on earth am I doing up at this godforsaken hour? The things we do for love :wub:[/quote] Have a great day - whats his joy is your joy etc, etc...
  2. [quote name='simon73' post='6533' date='May 25 2007, 02:40 PM']I have a small Stanley plastic tool box for all my leads, Strings and tools. Mine came from B&Q. They are so cheap, just get a new one. They do metal ones which are a bit more sturdy.[/quote] [quote name='simon73' post='6988' date='May 26 2007, 05:26 AM']I used to use a big holdall bag, but it just collect crap! You never know what you will find at the bottom.[/quote] Of course, life would be great if only you DID keep them in the box! Tell the truth - there are wires trailing all over the spare room floor... No mention of the stand I see...
  3. [quote name='simon73' post='6986' date='May 26 2007, 05:15 AM']Sane! Its madder than my work in here and thats saying something.[/quote] Oy! Simon! Get back to work, havent you got some nuts to sort out??? Now I know what you get up to on the night shift!!
  4. Linz


    My humblest apologies, mods, I don't usually shout so loud. Please forgive my lack of control! I have calmed down now:
  5. I know nothing about subscription terms on the internet so please dont beat me up over this one - but would subs payments mean the site would have to pay a tax of any kind? If so donations are by far the better way. (I said I didnt have a clue! I dont know who the tax would go to but in my cynical world they tax you for everything they can!)
  6. Linz


    [quote name='Tinman' post='5055' date='May 23 2007, 12:28 PM']Tried that and when I logged out and back in again it reverted back to being an hour ahead.[/quote] That happened to me too - its done me out of a whole hour of my birthday!
  7. I dont go to gigs all that often (make allowances, please! I'm an Old Lady) but each time I do I come out with my ears humming and the last time my ears were hearing muffled sound all the way home. If thats what happens when you're at the front of the audience right next to the speakers, I dread to think what its like for you chaps on stage week in week out! You only have one set of ears and when they stop working you'll regret it for the rest of your life. Good luck with the earplugs.
  8. welcome to the madhouse mhuk 552 eh? The site's doing well! Enjoy ^_^
  9. It'll make a difference to the number of gigs I go to - as a non-smoker I used to cough my way through and have to go outside for fresh air every half hour or so - so I for one am all for the ban (pubs too, our local is great apart from the fog)
  10. Phaedrus - what can I say - Awwww cute (and the kids are too!)
  11. Linz


    And anyways, Ped, why Legoland of all places? For heavens sake get some style! Asterix World at least!
  12. Linz


    [quote name='simon73' post='5048' date='May 23 2007, 12:24 PM']The wife has just had a vision of Ped flying to the moon in a lego space ship. (Tablets are on hand for her).[/quote] He wasnt supposed to tell the world about my flights of fancy (or do I mean Ped's?) I have no idea where that thought came from but next time I'll not tell hubby then.....
  13. [quote name='Spikyhedgehog' post='5026' date='May 23 2007, 12:04 PM']Why were you shopping in the jungle?! [/quote] We were on honeymoon, we went into the mountains for the night and the next morning they had closed the road down and we had to divert down another road which led throuogh little villages in the jungle, quite off the usual tourist routes. Our guide showed us some great little 'shops' (a table outside a villagers house) where we bought local wares (carved ornaments, jewellery). Made a great change from John Lewis
  14. [quote name='presoulnation' post='4414' date='May 22 2007, 03:22 PM']Make a suit of armour for when you go shopping in particularly dangerous places![/quote] Oh the vision that came into my head when I read this one! Sadly we dont go to many dangerous places to shop - my last one was the jungle in Sri Lanka - met a cobra, dont think a suit of armour would have kept the fangs away! Mind you, me in a suit of armour - I could have scared them off! Nah, I'll stick to normal clothing and send the strings to Madagascar!
  15. [quote name='R,5,R,5...' post='4406' date='May 22 2007, 03:16 PM']Here is the link. An email address is provided. Might be a nice brotherly gestures towards those who although less fortunate are trying to enjoy the pleasures of making music. [url="http://acapella.harmony-central.com/showthread.php?t=746304"]http://acapella.harmony-central.com/showthread.php?t=746304[/url][/quote] Thanks for this - I'll pass this on to Simon!
  16. [quote name='Quantum Sheep' post='4181' date='May 22 2007, 10:11 AM']I've never really got ebay as it seems too hard to start. Seems like if you have no feedback it's impossible to even get started selling stuff![/quote] You have to get a feedback of 10 for some people to you seriously. I have have bought and sold off there and if you follow common sense your fine. I started off buy buying some cheaper items off there, the last thing I bought was a set of bass strings. With paypal you all so have to get verification eventually. Its time consuming but easy to do.
  17. [quote name='peted' post='3837' date='May 21 2007, 06:56 PM']I just did a Google search and someone is making artwork out of them [url="http://www.mnartists.org/work.do;jsessionid=1BD72C95D341BB4C4C2B924FE544B62C?rid=10820"]http://www.mnartists.org/work.do;jsessioni...4B62C?rid=10820[/url][/quote] WOW! After I posted the last one, I actually looked at the link! Its not 'artwork' its jewellery, and its great! I see a fortune beckoning after all....
  18. Please don't give Simon ideas! I like the art one though. I have news for Si though, I dont make fortunes from my art or we'd both be living somewhere a darn sight posher than Ashford! Plus, I'm trying to work out how I can combine it with oils for a landscape - use it for fences and telegraph lines possiibly... To be honest, I really was wondering if the coated strings could be re-coated and get used again, shows what I know...
  19. I wouldn't touch this with a bargepole. If you look at his previous sale, the buyer is in the United States (for a kiddies bike??) and HE only has 77.8% positive feedback. Twice he didnt pay for the goods, and 4 of his sellers are no longer registered with Ebay! I think they may both be in on a scam... Also there appears to be no reserve price and for a real fender you would expect it to have one (they start at £50 upwards). Finally, I have checked the geography too - there is no place called Dunedin in the UK. The seller is registered in the UK. Bad move all round!
  20. Linz spent 46 blissful years totally ignorant of the Bass scene, her only link was to admire Phil Lynott's playing in the 70s! Then she met [b]Simon73[/b] on the internet :wub: and was plummeted headlong into the crazy world of Bass. Since then she has endured countless questions such as "Am I getting better?" (thankfully, the answer is 'YES'!) and "What do you think of this amp?" (search me, they all sound the same...!) but apparently her Bass "Ear" is improving... there is hope yet.. What am I saying, I must be mad but I married him anyway...!
  21. Linz

    Hi All

    Hi Paul and welcome to Basschat
  22. Linz

    no escape

    Hi Frank and welcome! The more the merrier!
  23. Linz


    [quote name='simon73' post='901' date='May 17 2007, 11:18 PM']I know the feeling, I have one like that![/quote] Simon, you git, I'll get you for that! Its all porkies!
  24. Hi, welcome - hope it'll last, its very user-friendly!
  25. Hi Simon and welcome to the site. I prefer ash ones myself, but each to their own - black, very gothic!
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