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Everything posted by darwin

  1. My TC 208 has the same Amp and had the same issue. The black component in your photo is a thermistor which had disappeared completely in my amp, just two burnt stubs left (see photo) After a Google search I found others with the same problem which led me to buy a replacement thermistor from eBay for £1.25. A five minute solder job later and it works again.
  2. I play in a function band playing a wide range of songs. I don't use a lot of effects, only on 4 or 5 songs, mostly Synths or maybe an Octaver. I use a TC Spectracomp and a Zoom B3. In my opinion the Zoom does a great job for the occasional effects user like me and is great value for money.
  3. I last owned a Precision about 15 years ago but this arrived last week... I think the colour is Blizzard Pearl ?
  4. For the last 5 years or so I've been using a Airturn BT-105 with an iPad (running Setlist Maker) that i picked up second hand on eBay. Its always worked flawlessly and is great for quick changes between songs when you've not got time to swipe to the next song with your hand.
  5. My main gigging bass is a sunburst orange Fender USA Jazz with a Fender high mass bridge and d-tuner fitted. Its currently strung with Orange Dr Neons.
  6. I had a MarkBass LM + 1x15 for a while which I really liked the sound of practicing at home etc. It had loads of bottom end and really I wanted to like it but I just felt it got lost in the mix when playing with the band and I was never really happy with it. When the TC RH450 came out I bought that and an RS210. For me I find the TC gives a tight, well defined sound that sits nicely in the mix. Of course its all personal taste but for me the TC sounds better in a band situation and even after 8 years I've no desire to move to something else.
  7. Could I ask why you replaced the N3 pickups with the EMGs. Also, would posting be possible ? Thanks
  8. I’ve got one of these. Mine is strung with orange dr neons for extra tango goodness The finish is really nice - both the colour and the grain showing underneath. These don’t come up very often so I’m sure this will sell
  9. Neil, you have a PM Horrorhiker, "Hi !" from just up (down ?) the A14 in rainy Ipswich
  10. Thanks Neil. Its a shame I'm not closer but I'll have a think (and more importantly a chat with the wife !) as this would go very nicely with my little collection of jazz basses - natural, sunset orange and lake placid blue, all maple neck Darren
  11. Hi, Where are you based and would you post this ? Thanks
  12. I always feel like I've been out on the lash the morning after gigs. I'm sure its got worse since I hit 40 and found a fear of needing to visit the gents mid set !
  13. That's a great colour and would go nicely with my natural USA deluxe jazz.... its a real shame about the damage, will have to have a think about it ? I'm sure someone will snap this up though !
  14. ...and sold to me Now looking forward to picking this up and giving it a blast with my other 2x10
  15. I set up a profile on [url="http://www.bandmix.co.uk/"]http://www.bandmix.co.uk/[/url] with my details, some pics, a few MP3 and saying I was looking for a band..... I had about 10 bands contact me including my new band with whom I do my first gig with next weekend
  16. We do a good proportion of those in our female fronted covers band along with Love Shack as has been suggested. Its probably not what I'd choose to play to be honest and def not what I listen to by choice but the punters seem to like it and thats the important thing as far as I'm concerned. Cheesy tunes = full dancefloor = happy band
  17. 3Leaf Audio Groove Regulator - 6 Adrenalinn II - 1 Aguilar Agro - 2 Aguilar Octamizer - 1 Akai Unibass - 2 Amptweaker Bass TightDrive - 1 AMT Slap Bass -1 Aphex Punch Factory - 1 Ashdown Chorus - 1 Ashdown Drive Plus - 2 Asdown dual band compressor - 2 Ashdown Lomenzo Hyperdrive - 1 Ashdown sub octave plus - 1 Barge Concepts VFB-2 - 2 Behringer BDI21 - 3 Behringer chorus - 1 Boomstick Bottom Feeder - 1 Boss BF-3 - 1 Boss CE-2 - 3 [b]Boss CEB3 - 4[/b] Boss CS-3 - 1 Boss DD-20 - 3 Boss DS-1 - 2 Boss GE7B (japan) - 1 Boss LS-2 - 9 Boss ME-50B - 1 Boss ME-8B - 1 Boss MT-2 - 1 [b]Boss NS-1 - 2[/b] Boss OC-2 - 13 Boss OC-3 - 1 Boss ODB-3 - 8 Boss PH-1r - 2 [b]Boss PS-3 - 2[/b] Boss PW-10 - 1 Boss SD-1 - 1 Boss SL-20 -2 Boss SYB 3 - 2 [b]Boss TU2 - 15[/b] Boss TU3 - 2 Boss TU-12H - 2 Boss chorus ensemble CE-5 - 2 Bugbrand Bugcrusher - 1 Catalinbread SFT (clone) - 2 Catalinbread Teaser Stallion - 1 Chunk Systems Octavius Squeezer - 1 Danelectro French Toast - 2 Demeter Opto Comp - 2 Devi Ever Hyperion - 1 Devi Ever Cherry Pop - 1 Devi Ever SodaMeiser - 1 Digital Labs MD1 - 1 [b]Digitech Bad Monkey - 3[/b] Digitech Bass Synth Wah - 1 Digitech Whammy - 5 DOD FX-25 B - 1 DOD 250 - 1 Dunlop Bass Cry Baby - 3 DHA VT1-drive-eq 1 DHA VT2 - 3 EBS Octabass - 3 [b]EBS Multicomp - 6[/b] EBS Dynaverb - 2 EBS Unichorus - 2 EBS IQ - 1 EHX Memory Man with Hazarai - 2 EHX Bass Balls - 1 EHX Bass Big Muff - 5 EHX Bass Metaphors - 2 EHX Bass Micro Synth - 4 EHX Big Muff Pi (Black Russian) - 3 EHX Big Muff Pi (Green Russian) - 1 EHX Clone Theory - 1 EHX HOG - 1 EHX LPB-1 - 1 EHX Octave Multiplexer - 2 EHX POG2 - 1 EHX Small Clone - 1 EHX Small Stone Nano - 2 EHX Small Stone (Black Russian) - 1 EHX Qtron - 1 EHX Qtron+ - 3 Exar PigNose - 1 Ernie Ball VP-Jr - 1 Fishman Platinum Pro EQ -1 FuzzHugger ABsynth - 1 Fulltone Bass-Drive Mosfet - 1 Guyatone MD-3 delay - 1 Guyatone PS-3 Phase Shifter - 1 HBE Psilocybe -1 Ibanez PD7 Phat-Hed Bass Overdrive - 2 Ibanez SB 7 - 1 Ibanez WD7 Weeping Demon - 1 ISP Decimator - 1 Korg DT-10 - 2 Korg Pitchblack - 6 Line 6 M9 - 2 Line 6 Bass Pod XT Live - 1 Line 6 DL4 - 3 Line6 FM4 - 1 Line6 Echopark - 1 Maestro Brassmaster (clone) -1 MarkBass Compressore - 2 MarkBass Super Synth - 1 Marshall Guv'nor (MK1) - 1 Marshall Jackhammer - 3 Marshall Echohead - 1 Marshall Regenerator - 1 Maxon CP9+ - 1 Mellowtone Clean Chan Dirty Chan - 1 Moen Buffalo - 1 Mojo Hand Cream Pie - 1 Mooer Green Mile -1 Mooer Pure Boost - 1 Moog MF-101 - 3 Moog MF-102 - 1 Moog MF-105b - 2 Moog MF-107 - 2 Moog MP-201 - 1 Mr Zinky Master Blaster - 1 MXR Bass Octave Deluxe - 1 MXR Blowtorch - 4 MXR El Grande Bass Fuzz -1 MXR M-80 DI+ - 7 MXR M-143 Limiter MXR Super Comp - 1 Palmer Deepressor - 1 Peterson StroboStomp 1 - 1 ProCo Tubro Rat - 2 Radial Bassbone - 2 Radial bishot io - 1 Rocktron Cyborg Reverb - 1 Sansamp Bddi - 9 SansAmp Para-driver - 1 Seymour Duncan Tweak Fuzz - 1 SFX Micro Fuzz - 1 SFX Micro Thumpinator - 1 SFX S&M - 1 Subdecay Noise Box - 1 [b]TC Electronics PolyTune - 3[/b] TC Electronics Nova Modulator - 1 Tech 21 VT Bass - 3 [b]Tech 21 VT Bass Deluxe - 4[/b] Toadworks Mr Squishy - 1 Way huge swollen pickle - 1 Way huge Pork loin - 1 Wounded Paw Black Sheep - 1 Wren & Cuff Phat Phuk B - 1 Xotic X-Blender - 1 Yamaha OD-10 - 1 Z.Vex Box of Rock - 1 (clone) Z.Vex Woolly Mammoth - 5 (clone) Z.Vex Mastotron - 1 Z.Vex Wah Probe - 1
  18. now sold
  19. Just to confirm the lights work as sound to light if you dont want to use DMX. I used to link the gobo in a pair together and the led bar in a pair together with each master unit triggering from sound and sending DMX (over a normal XLR cable) to the slave. Its not difficult to set-up and I have either the original manuals or PDFs which I'll print out and send.
  20. I have one footswitch remote with three buttons on it and one homemade one just to blackout. I think the footswitch was about £35 but I could add the two for £25
  21. [quote name='Mattbass97' timestamp='1351511579' post='1851877'] Dya think your up for trading with a digitech bad monkey? [/quote] Thanks for the offer but I've already got an EBS Multidrive
  22. After leaving my function band I'm having a clearout of lighting, this is the first batch... These are all in fully working, good condition but have been used extensivly so will have dents/scratches. Bulbs not guaranteed in transit. I can take more photos if needed - please PM me [b]KAM Liteobbar 0.5m LED Bar x 2 [s]£95[/s] £90 [b]+ P&P[/b][/b] These are less than year old and cost about £70 each Includes have the brackets to allow these to be hung vertically from speaker or lighting stands at the side of the stage [url="http://www.kam.co.uk/index.php?action=product&product_id=401"]http://www.kam.co.uk...&product_id=401[/url] [b]Acme Magic Gobo x2 + Case [s]£55[/s] £45 [b]+ P&P[/b][/b] DMX + Master/Slave, Jack socket for remote control weighs 14kg [attachment=122248:DMX Lights 004.jpg] [attachment=122249:DMX Lights 003.jpg] [b]Acme Falcon [s]£40[/s] £30 [b]+ P&P[/b][/b] DMX + Master/Slave, Jack socket for remote control weighs 10kg [attachment=122250:IMG_0413.JPG] [b]Protex Case for four scanners [s]£40[/s] £30 + P&P[/b] External dimensions 44cm high, 40cmx40cm weighs 4kg [attachment=122251:IMG_0411.JPG] [b]Footswitch Remote Control £20[/b] Allows blackout, speed, next show control - will only sell with either Gobo or Falcon I'm happy for you to collect from Ipswich, for you arrange your own courier or I can get a price from ParceltoGo Thanks, Darren
  23. Bought on a whim but not really for me so has been gathering dust. In great condition, no chips or scratches. Price dropped to [b]£4[b]0 [/b][/b]posted (in the UK) [attachment=122247:IMG_0414.JPG] Thanks.
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