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Everything posted by darwin

  1. [quote name='finnbass' post='111155' date='Dec 30 2007, 09:20 PM']Woah! They are £499 here: [url="http://www.soundslive.co.uk/product.asp?id=4272"]http://www.soundslive.co.uk/product.asp?id=4272[/url] You might even find them cheaper...shop around a bit.[/quote] I've used Soundslive a lot and not had any problems. In fact I bought a 5 string Rockbass Corvette to go with my 4 string Ash Corvette back in November... I wish I had paid the extra for a 'proper' Warwick now rather than the Rockbass to have a proper matching pair. I wasn't sure how I'd get on with a 5 at the time though.
  2. Every other week on average but only 18 in total this year as I 'retired' due to being stressed out about my tinitus in March. By July I couldn't take not playing live anymore so took up an offer to join a function band with regular gigs again from August on. I've learnt to accept my Tinitus now and how to live it. At gigs I put my plugs in when I arrive at a gig and take them out after packing away. Maybe I'm a bit over the top but better safe than sorry ! I'm much less stressed according to my wife now I'm back in a band...
  3. darwin

    Zoom B2.1

    OK, cheers Paul. I'll probably have to think about spending a bit more cash to get that then...
  4. darwin

    Zoom B2.1

    [quote name='craigjf1969' post='108891' date='Dec 24 2007, 12:29 PM']I have one for sale,boxed with instructions and zoom power adaptor(but i dont have the Cubase software c.d.)..looking for 40quid,plus whatever the postage will be,or if you prefer you could pick up(i live in Ellesmere Port,near to Cheshire Oaks Outlet Village)....slight scratch on face of unit,dont know whether pictures will show it...cheers Craig[/quote] Hi, I might be interested as I'm thinking of swapping my B2 for a B2.1u but I'd like to get to know more about editing the patches via USB ? A lot of sites reference 'remote patch editor software' but I can't find any sign of it anywhere on t'interweb ? Any experience with this ?? Thanks, Darren
  5. +3 again (4 string, 5 string & acoustic) [b]503[/b]
  6. [quote name='outsider70' post='101397' date='Dec 8 2007, 03:53 PM']Yeh we do that one. I've adapted the bass line to suit me, cos the original is all over the place...with lots of mistakes if you listen carefully! Great song which always goes down well at gigs.[/quote] We used to do it in my last band, and as Outsider says it always went down really well.
  7. I've got a PDF somewhere with the electronics on it, I'll see if I can find it.... If you do decide to sell I would be interested... Thanks !
  8. Cheers guys. I'm sure it's not the same - I used to run my Amp flat with the same gain/vol settings but I have to boost the bottom end and run the volume higher to get the same output. I don't think repair is an option, I used to be a lab tech in an electronics lab so can tackle most things but this is all surface mount electronics. I'll keep an eye on the For Sale section. Thanks
  9. Hi, Last time I replaced the battery in my Warwick Corvette I managed to touch the battery terminals the wrong way round for a second which resulted in a worrying puff of smoke ! Since then it just hasn't sounded the same... the controls still work but compared to before and also to my Rockbass Corvette the output level is lower and it sound a bit flat - it just doesn't have the punch or bottom end that it used to. I've carried on for a couple of months but I think I need to do something about it as it's my main gigging bass and it's really bugging me. Does anyone have any recommendations for replacement active electronics ? Thanks Darren
  10. Hmm I don't think I want to go down the licensing route but like the idea of free CD with T-shirt.... Thanks
  11. The best thing I did after 5 years in a band, the last few being seriously board, was find a new band. It may sound a bit extreme and it was hard leaving some good friends behind but it's a new group of musicians with different tastes in music etc. It's been like a breath of fresh air for my playing and I've actually been enjoying gigging again... Just a thought.
  12. We've got some good live recordings from my shiny new hard disk recorder recently and according to everyone we've played them to they are good enough to sell... I've done this in the past with other bands but this band includes a police officer and two civvies employed by the police and they are a bit more concerned about the legal aspects of selling CDs with covers of others material. We'll use the CD for demo purposes but are there any others out there flogging CDs to the drunkards left at the end of a gig ? Cheers Darren
  13. I bought a head an two 2x10 a few years back after deciding I wanted a change from my trusty Trace combo. Big mistake !!! they lasted about 3 months before I sold the lot, they may be a bargin but I think you get what you pay for I'm afraid.
  14. Another +1 for Roqsolid. Got a cover for my Mark Bass Traveller. Very well made and quick turnaround.
  15. I'm 34 playing since I was 17, gigging almost continuously since 18. I'm self taught and play four string, fingerstyle - I've never got on with a pick. I'm not very technical or flash, it's not my style really but I confident in what I do and keep everything nice and tight. I've got a good rep locally as a good solid bass player and have no problem getting into bands. I've got tinnitus now but I'm hoping to carry on with my custom plugs (so far so good !)[b] I just love to play - end of story !.[/b]
  16. My old R&B band supported Screaming Lord Such about 10 years ago (if anyone remembers him ?) A very interesting gig indeed, when he turned up they though he was a tramp and tried to throw him out ! Next month I'm supporting Rhino Edwards band - Woodez
  17. [u]ER 15, 15 dB Filters for Elacin Custom Earplugs[/u] These are clear, 15dB filters as found here for £76.50 + P&P - [url="http://www.audiorelief.co.uk/shop/product_info.php?products_id=70"]http://www.audiorelief.co.uk/shop/product_...?products_id=70[/url] These came with my custom ear plugs but I've never used them opting for the 25dB filters all the time. If you fancy using a different strength filter for practicing vs gigging these might be useful for you? £45 delivered via First Class
  18. Pre Gig - We all went in a borrowed van, arrived in the car park with me in the back. The driver opened the sliding door not knowing I was leaning on it and I ended up in a big puddle in the middle of the car park. Had to play the gig soaking wet Mid Gig - I lent over to talk to the drummer between songs and got him square on the forehead with the end of my Warwick headstock. He seemed to shake it off until during the next song when the blood started running down his face credit to him though he kept on playing and finished the gig. Post Gig - I managed to lock my keys in the car after a gig in a little village in the middle of nowhere. Myself, the drummer along with a very drunken guitarist tried to break in and in the end we had to resort to using a cymbal stand to break a window just as the local police patrol came driving round the corner. Trying to explain to the police while my drunken friend was saying I nicking the car was fun. Anyway, they wouldn't help so we went back to the cymbal stand and finally managed to break a window to get back in. Life would just be too boring without gigging with yer mates !
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