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Everything posted by merello

  1. Oh....”Don’t Give Up” was written with Dolly Parton in mind but her people said “No...”
  2. Just watched Classic Albums, “So” by Peter Gabriel. Larry Klein did Mercy Street (“So I put in 10th’s”) But Tony Levin spoke about Sledgehammer and how he used a fretless, octaver and a pick (rare for him). Biggest revelation was on “Don’t Give Up” where, and I paraphrase, “I started looking for foam to dampen the strings, then I remembered, I had lots of diapers in my bass case because of my 2 month old daughter. I had assumed England wouldn’t have any. So I packed one under the strings and ever since then , Peter and Dan (Lanois) have called that the Big Deep Nappy Bass sound.” Now you know unless you knew before! Any other trivia ?
  3. Oh Lord...
  4. Castors or trolley....😎
  5. plopped myself!🤪
  6. Bought a Spector recently but got a free hit at a few basses while considering. The one that jumped out and really made me sit up and take notice was a gold Vintera Jazz. Made me wonder if I should just buy it and pay it up. I’m not keen on the 7.25 neck radius ( I think this has one) but the neck felt excellent.
  7. Sub is a no brainier. I sold my black and maple neck one for £160 and it was brilliant.
  8. Bought a cab 9 days ago (thursday) on eBay. The blurb said “Delivery Saturday 14th) The Company arranged a courier...Hermes. Once in the System, they said Wednesday delivery. It still does. Didn’t come Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. I enquired if the buyer...still waiting. I paid by CC, will raise @ dispute and, by the end of the month, should either have the cab or the money back. If I’d arranged the courier I probably wouldn’t get the money back as once it left the store, it’d be my issue. Btw...F#ck Hermes.
  9. One of the great mysteries in life is why Gibson haven’t went full on in attacking the bass market. I think a full scale SG would be a great seller with a cheaper bolt on version. Imagine a full size Explorer bass?
  10. So, I’m driving along flicking thru Rush....when this pops up! https://youtu.be/Yh5RSv52g6U cracking bass ...
  11. Saw the item. Messaged him to ask about postage north of the wall. Replied straight away. ”Mine!” I said. ”Thine!” He replied. Dosh paypalled, recorded and tracked delivery enacted. Three days start to finish and the postie says “Sign here!” A ronseal seller....does exactly what he says on the 🥫 Thank you!
  12. Right troops! Managed to bag this beast on eBay: Peavey Headliner 115; 8 Ohms, 500 W, Inputs: two 1/4 input jacks and one speaker twist NL4 four pin, 18mm MDF cabinet with bracing and steel corners, black carpet covering, dimensions: 27,25" x 27,75" x 23", Weight: 63 lb. Bit hefty (had an eye on a 1x12 or 1x10 Eden) but I put in a stopped bid and nabbed it for £100 (+£15 p and p) Thanks for all the help!
  13. Ohm’s Law! Tbh....thank you all for the advice. So...don’t buy a 4ohm cab less than 500w. Good idea to buy a 8 ohm cab of 250-300w initially? Don’t think I need the full 500 w anyway. Was thinking along the lines of... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ex-Display-Ashdown-RM-115-EVO-II-Sea-Foam-Green-Super-Lightweight-Bass-Cabinet/293499284917?hash=item4455ebadb5:g:OCsAAOSwVqpeXlRA Or... https://www.dv247.com/en_GB/GBP/Peavey-Headliner-210-Cabinet/art-BAS0008475-000
  14. Peavey MiniMAX 500 w just purchased from a most excellent colleague on here. The manual says, ”The minimum load impedance on the amplifier is 4Ω, which means that either a single 4Ω cabinet, or two 8Ω cabinets may be used.” In effect, can I buy and use... - a single 4 ohm cab of any power rating? (Would it “blow” if it was less than 500w?) - a single 8 ohm speaker or does it need to be two of them? Excuse my ignorance! First time head and cab buyer!
  15. Loved them. Loved Collins solo. Loved his energy. This is too far.
  16. Needs a plastic wrap of the Queensferry Crossing!
  17. Additional info! Dusty Hill wraps his basses and necks!
  18. That was a magical wee ten mins on the basses! Anyone watching should refer back to the plastic wrap thread (Joker) . Dusty wraps his necks too for effect! (6 mins in!)
  19. Briiiiiiilllliant!
  20. First bass in history where the strings cost more than the bass?
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