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Everything posted by merello

  1. Brain cancer. Fantastic drummer and all round individualistic good guy. The family pain he suffered was terrible. May he rest in peace. Edit Wasn’t sure about including this but we lost our father in law to a Brain tumour Glioblastoma GBM4 in 2013. 7 months from a tingle in his fingers to passing away at home. My wife needed all the help she could get to help him have his wish of “being at home” and one charity did so much for this to happen was http://www.brainstrust.org.uk Their work is incredible and we still fundraiser for them 7 years on. (If this is inappropriate, mods are free to amend/delete)
  2. Salivary glands ....ON!
  3. Had a very brief conversation (on here?) with him when I realised he’d played Murrayfield with Icehouse as they backed Bowie in the early 80s.
  4. Okay.....thoughts. It came in a basic box with a small Allen key kit for the bridge and truss rod. No instructions but hey....but actually hey....could have done with info. Went online, not easy to find. So.... Today was the first day I got to blast it! Checked it was in tune. Went to the 13th fret and found that the E and A strings were perfectly intoned. D and G were wavering very slightly sharp...easily fixed. I never adjust an action until I’ve blasted the bass and it seems fine. If I get more time I’ll gradually adjust. Then had great fun working out what each control did. All turned down then one by one tried out. Quickly identified the volume for each pickup and the overall tone. But what is this unknown knob for? (No....not Piers Morgan!) Wow! It seems to pump the tone! I wonder what it is called! 🤓 Anyway, gave it a good play, let a trusted musical child (I’m a teacher) give it a go so I could stand back and listen. Thoroughly enjoyed the sound. A great feel and growl from this versatile bass. Now I’m thinking, how good are the Euros? In summary, this was £449. The kid above has just bought a new bass in the same price bracket and he was stroking his chin thinking of what could have been. Great value, versatile, almost set up excellently off the shop wall and it snapped and roared through a Hartke Kick Back (100w) to a greater degree than my Sub MM. Well chuffed and definitely a keeper......until the next gas attack! Thanks to all who offered advice. Now, with the money saved, which amp around the £200 to £30p mark?
  5. Watch Dolly Parton at Glastonbury on iPlayer or YouTube. Bass is a double P. Not sure of the make.
  6. Just before Xmas there was a Euro at £999 in the Glasgow store. Was gone the next week. Stu on here is selling a beaut at £900 I think.
  7. Unique!
  8. Good point - usually get great service. I went home to check and found it was still for sale. Then I should just have 'bought' it but didn't want the hassle of reclaiming my dosh if it had gone. Not to be ….
  9. What a deal! I work in Inverclyde and live in Paisley - if you ever need help delivering up river give me a shout!
  10. Game over Thanks to all!!
  11. Big thank to to the many on here who helped on my other thread. In the end, I bought a Spector Legend after a wee haggle with Kenny's Music in Glasgow. Very impressed with their service after my experience at Guitar Guitar where I went in to buy a bass they said had been sold when it hadn't - wee bit of insider trading? Anyway, went in to look at their Spector NT Walnut and it was a thing of beauty with a great neck. This being said, it had a small electrical issue and so I tried... Spector Legend Custom NT Walnut Spector Legend Classic Tobacco Stain Fender Player PF Precision in Silver Fender Jazz Vintera in Gold To be honest, the last three impressed me immediately. I was surprised at how much I liked the Vintera neck and the Precision sounded like a Precision! I eventually chose the Spector because it was more versatile, had a lovely growl when required and a tone boost. The cheaper price saved me at least £200 too and being stingy this helped. Now, I usually get a No 1 or 2 haircut, but Spector provide some useful accessories including a cheap lead (don't bother Stuart!), some Allen Keys (have I lost them already?) and a haircut guide. According to their chart, I'm not allowed to play their bass in public until July. Hey ho!
  12. One of the few (recorded) live shows and it gets panned. Each to their own. I tend to pop in and out depending on who is playing. Loved Dakota...timeless live song. Don’t like Stormzy....but that’s a taste issue, he doesn’t need validation from me. Funnily, the highlight was Perfect by Mad Eddie.
  13. Paul No apology required. I found your contributions informative and I thank you for them. I hope mine didn’t seem snarky....if it did, I’m sorry. Too many good hearted people on here!
  14. Wow Paul! That’s beautiful. I play small gigs about every 3 months. If I was doing more frequent paying gigs like I did years ago I’d splash out/invest in something special. Unfortunately, I’m in noodle mode playing wise just now but thank you for showing me that.
  15. Like most beauties....beyond me. Did you not have a ReBop?
  16. Glesgae mate....was ready to spend. edit...the walnut is in Kenny’s Music on Jamaica St!
  17. Cheers, Up in Scotland though....! One local music shop has a walnut NT at £800. Guitar Guitar has a Lakland sale...I actually went in to buy one at the weekend and they said it was sold. Went home and it was still in stock but moved to another store. whizzed me off! There’s a lovely gloss walnut Legend around too. GAS confusion!
  18. One of the most beautiful bits of wood ever!
  19. More photos please. I’ve went all Dr Hook looking at that!
  20. Really hankering after a decent “budget” Lakland, I mean Spector. Tried the DJ in Guitar Guitar and the neck was brilliant. Reading a lot about the better Spector Legends. Any thoughts?
  21. Is the tele a Chris Shifflet?
  22. Reginald Canty If Detroit sent me this on FB. Enjoy! The other guy is Ralphe Armstrong....
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