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Everything posted by merello

  1. Yes please…. https://www.kieselguitars.com/series/bass/aaron-patrick-signature
  2. Talk about blowing your own trumpet….
  3. Sorry to hear about your painful condition. That bass is a stunner.
  4. " just a shade over £500" Outstanding price
  5. Fender GeddyLee Jazz CIJ
  6. Read the headline. Thought it was 54p cost….😎
  7. Someone on here once described it as a simple pentatonic.
  8. Tony Levin I believe…only found that out last week!
  9. I once made a mistake in registering a child in class. HT gave me a dressing down. Later, I replied by email “You were quite right to point out the serious nature of not registering properly. To improve, I have analysed my performance since August and found I have only been 99.98 % accurate. I will seek to improve this.” He’s a silly billy. Treat him as such.
  10. A lot of cognitive science now recognises a phenomenon related to the Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve. You try something, nearly get it...but not quite. You try it another time....nearly get it.....rest. Then you try it....and it sits right there. Cog Scientists call it spaced practise - it is better to practise something ion separate chunks at different times rather than doing a 6 hour block. https://www.mindtools.com/a9wjrjw/ebbinghauss-forgetting-curve
  11. Hans Gruber of the Nakatomi Plaza Orchestra
  12. That looks like 'Les noix du chien'
  13. Take the strings off the HB?
  14. Wow!
  15. Without pics...I don't believe you! 😀
  16. Loved his sound at that time...
  17. All the best for your health issues.
  18. Like the old quote, “Delusions of adequacy!” 😀
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