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Everything posted by merello

  1. Kid in my school has one. He is a really good jazz guitarist but is often asked to sight read bass parts for the school orchestra. It sounds immense.
  2. I am an accompanist on bass to nice pop songs. period!
  3. The Stranglers or….
  4. Looks stunning!
  5. I believe it was Prince who once opined..."You Sexy Mother******!"
  6. So sorry to hear this. God bless.
  7. https://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/product/230705407521008--fender-vintera-ii-70s-telecaster-bass-maple-fingerboard-surf-gr
  8. Outrageously low price!
  9. Lovely! Great colour and much better for your chances of not becoming a kidney donor! 😉
  10. 1. Holographic bass body that you can change the colour of using an app of render bass “vintage” or “brand new” on a whim. 😎 2. Non holographic bass body that can be painted or beat up through use. 😜
  11. For info... Yamaha BB history https://bassmusicianmagazine.com/2020/12/history-of-yamaha-bb-basses-workhorses-that-became-thoroughbreds/ Wee link to article on BB history
  12. "The California Streetwoods Roasted Ash & Elm P-Bass and the California Streetwoods Himalayan Cedar P-Bass are each one-of-a-kind creations. They have prices of $9,200 and $11,900, respectively."
  13. The White one is a belter!
  14. Had this in the 80s... https://classicandcoolguitars.co.uk/sold_basses/1981ibanezblazer.htm
  15. Black body, ebony neck, black hardware - brilliant
  16. Great planks of wood.
  17. Respect. Lot of great bass work on his songs.
  18. As Prince would say...."You SexyMFer"
  19. Looks intriguing.
  20. Jings! 59 years old and looking great!
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