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Everything posted by merello

  1. [quote name='phsycoandy' post='832435' date='May 9 2010, 06:49 PM']Provisionally Sold overseas. Pending money transfer.[/quote] Well done - absolutely beautiful and my ideal bass.
  2. All this biampuality is exotically exciting.....
  3. [quote name='ferguswads' post='829750' date='May 6 2010, 04:09 PM']Sold to Merello.[/quote] Will I be able to play like Jimmy Page?
  4. Utterly gorgeous looking plank!
  5. [quote name='ferguswads' post='827362' date='May 4 2010, 12:58 PM']Will sell at £300. If noone buys within the next few days it's going on ebay. A Gibson Les Paul for £300...bargain if you ask me![/quote] PM'd
  6. Expect ugliness! $599
  7. Random bump for a fellow buddy!
  8. merello


    [quote name='clauster' post='811642' date='Apr 19 2010, 06:32 PM']For rehearsing tracks at home I use a mini-jack to my mini mixer from Garageband or iTunes. Works fine. Also works well enough the other way for demos for bad consumption only.[/quote] What's a mini-mixer?
  9. merello


    I currently have a jack to mini-jack computer link that is OK. Should I look at a better connection for rehearsing?
  10. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='810392' date='Apr 18 2010, 04:07 PM']yeah I give you that, he can play and sing, but so can Elton John, doesn't mean I have to think highly of them [/quote] Bass players slagging Elton John? Have you heard him playing and singing some of his sh*t? Outstanding.
  11. Bass players slagging Sting? Have you heard him playing and singing some of his sh*t? Outstanding.
  12. [url="http://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/aclk?sa=l&ai=BMI5MgrvIS9iBBuG4jQfCrdkQ_tj4Zb70-ooOwI23AZDHLBABGAEgo_T6CigCOABQwP6HoQJgu46wg9AKoAGSksn7A7IBDmJhc3NjaGF0LmNvLnVrugEJNDY4eDYwX2FzyAEB2gEvaHR0cDovL2Jhc3NjaGF0LmNvLnVrL2luZGV4LnBocD9zaG93dG9waWM9Nzk2MzCAAgGpArKKjTJI5bk-qAMByAMH6APYAfUDAAEAwA&num=1&sig=AGiWqtyK7WFlKf-XF5UKla8q1OWoUqV4lA&client=ca-pub-8425539706044945&adurl=http://www.thefiresideshop.co.uk/category-6272/Promotions.html&nm=2"]Fenders to clear![/url] Mistake or accident - made me laugh!
  13. [quote name='walbassist' post='805776' date='Apr 14 2010, 10:00 AM']Was this in a shop? Those Guilds are terrific basses. Medium scale IIRC?[/quote] [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='805780' date='Apr 14 2010, 10:03 AM']Looks like the one advertised at GuitarGuitar.[/quote] Indeed it is! Glasgow shop.
  14. 1970s brown Precision and a Hohner Steinberg copy.
  15. Built like the Tour Eiffel with frets like railway lines! Superb. 20 year old Guild!
  16. Free bump for a thing of absolute beauty I can't afford!
  17. Jaco was the coolest cat on the planet....from the waist up! Those white trews!
  18. Ah-that explains the invitation to come in for coffee and cup cakes!
  19. I have bought from this guy and I'll have to warn you all.... .....it's a struggle to get him out of bed in the morning! Good seller and I've seen the bass up close and it looks absolutely stunning.
  20. merello


    How do you accidentally buy a bass? Can see my wife's face, 'Er, it wisnae me but...'
  21. Got a Boss GT8 with power unit. On sale elsewhere as well. Power unit and downloaded and printed instructions.
  22. Sounds like you'd be better promoting your local shop and getting endorsed by them to get a discount on all the gear YOU want!
  23. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='801210' date='Apr 9 2010, 08:20 PM']He's in NZ at the moment with James Taylor. I was going to meet up with him in Christchurch yesterday but I couldn't get time away when he was available. Really professional guy and very sincere although he's a very straight talker too. I understand why he's a first call session bassist, he takes nothing for granted and really does give the job everything he's got. But by the same token, its a hard life if you have to play despite the effects of jetlag! Tonight he's in Auckland and then they fly out to Japan. He had 2 weeks to learn all of the songs for the James Taylor tour and it was doing his head in but he stuck with it. I'm not sure the band had much by way of rehearsals either so talk about being thrown into the deep end. He seems happy enough so far.[/quote] JAF J = jealous A = As F = .....
  24. Seen this guy live and he's phenomenal. Nice bass.
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