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Salt on your Bass?

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Everything posted by Salt on your Bass?

  1. Fair point.... If you have a compatible Strymon pedal, it offers specific extended functionality subject to the pedal.... Compatible pedals include volante, iridium, night sky, Riverside, sunset....others as well apparently... Bumpf here because it's not the easiest thing to describe. I used it to access more volante presets https://www.strymon.net/product/multiswitchplus/#section-14
  2. Could well be. I've had it since about 2014, bought from a chap in London. Great great pedal, but a small design flaw in the mechanical parts sourced which resulted in reencosing it.
  3. Yeah I might give one of their cab SIM dis a go - seems you can load your own IRs. Like you say, worth the gamble at some of those prices
  4. Just stumbled across these units randomly...China based and some 'familiar' engineering it seems. Anyone gambled on them? Are they the new Behringer? Some tech21 looking stuff in amongst the mix...amongst others https://www.sonicake.com/ PS happy new year ✌️
  5. Hi @sifi2112 - yeah exactly that....only I need the jack head to be smaller - as small as this in order to fit in the switcher: http://www.evidenceaudio.com/product/sis EBS/ Rockboard etc are all too large, and ideally for board space I'd like L shaped.
  6. Hello! I have a new pedal switcher incoming, and am looking to mess around with stereo as part of my set up in certain instances. I wondered if there were any recommendations for customer patch cable people.... I think OBBM ceased trading? I'm after a set of "Dual TS to TRS Y-cables" - catch is I need the jack ideally to be as low profile as the Evidence audio SIS cables in order to fit them in. I'm no good with a soldering iron so was interested as to whether anyone was using/ has used a patch cable custom shop of late? Thanks
  7. Edited above now.... thanks
  8. Ah bugger....may have messed it up on export.... I'll try and fix it in the morning. Woops!!
  9. Thanks al....it's a bit of a rambling demo with little direction or focus 😂 Appreciate the comment on the Spector. Love this bass ☺️
  10. EDIT: Updated! thanks for the edit notes all 😖 I chucked this together today.... not the most glamorous, and first time I've had a crack at any sort of demo, but hopefully kinda illustrates a few sounds in there (probably on the fuzzier/ dirtier side in the main)
  11. Damn!! That fuzz looks beautiful!! ✌️
  12. Musicman20 referenced these guys on another thread: Stone Deaf FX: https://www.stonedeaffx.com/ Rochdale based
  13. In my ever continuing effects journey, I often try and seek out UK based pedal builders - 'boutique' type or however else you want to classify it - but small businesses turning out great products - innovative, or standard. Whenever I've been looking at pedals recently, I end up in the U.S. with the likes of Damnation Audio, Black Arts Toneworks etc. with associated import costs, it just gets excessively expensive to buy. I haven't found a consolidated list anywhere of established/ good builders in the UK and wondered if it would be something that was useful to combine the 'hive mind' as companies come in and out of play. Other than Cog and DHA, both now non operational at present, I'd really struggle to name any but would like to browse the 'UK pedal market' in a bit of an easier manner than wading through search engines. Just a thought - not sure if anyone else would find it useful or even if there are that many out there?
  14. Wow - very nice! Particulalry envious over the Cali, and i really want to try the russian as well as had a hankering for one for a while.
  15. I don't know what it is about Barefaced either, but the brand does attract feedback from many where other threads don't (latest darkglass offer, skarbass one etc). I guess it's good that the brand has so much engagement as a result. Just to be clear though, just because you have an opinion, it doesn't make it a valid opinion. It remains merely opinion. Anyway, See my first post on this thread....I'm absolutely for product feedback, customer feedback for development etc and my initial reception to the pedal wasn't necessarily the warmest. Some of these thoughts remain, but I am excited about the product and venture, my opinion of the pedal is that the box point is moot, it's a well built piece of kit and has some good (quite possibly amazing) sounds in it. As a v1, first release I'm really looking forward to understanding it in more detail with my rig, and hopefully sharing some experiences about the sound. That's not what I said.
  16. I just think this point is completely moot, unless you're absolutely not buying this pedal as a result of it coming in a wooden box. It comes with a clear warning about small tacks, so isn't an issue. The upside is it saves cost, protects the pedal, reduces waste and as an owner, I like the touch. I've also had other pedals packaged similarly in a wooden box....so this isn't a first. I guess if you will absolutely buy it if they change the box and the symbols the feedback is warranted. If you're not, then it's not opinion the builder should worry about listening to imo as even if they change to your will there's not a sale there. I'd prefer it if this thread started to refocus on the pedal capability tbh......might start a setting thread shortly.✌️
  17. Small tacks that sit a few mm into the ply box on mine, so it was a pretty easy pull open.
  18. I've played the tarkin, the R1 and the mini 66. They were with another amp though before I'd settled into this and it was a couple of years ago, so I'm probably not well placed to comment I'm afraid. @simon88wilson I'm sure will though ✌️
  19. Just to clarify, I've successfully navigated opening the box without injury.....didn't feel particularly high risk tbh.... 🙄
  20. Landed today! Nice box and well presented. I've only had 15 mins with it at lowish volumes with a clean amp (streamliner). Obviously need to test this in a band context at volume with my main amp, because dirt never the same at home, but my first impression is really solid. A really nice spread of tonal flavour on both the distortion and fuzz sides and engaging both delivers a fatter slab of them both. I'll tinker with it more over time of course, but wondered if anyone elses had landed, and thought I'd throw a couple of pics up (sorry for the mess...rebuilding my board)✌️
  21. seeHi, still clearing down some pedals as redoing my board. So selling: Strymon multiswitch plus - supports pedals like the volante with preset switching and other functions. Spanking condition. Rubber sticky feet on the bottom, comes with trs cable and box. £95 posted. Sold - Boss LS2 - probably on of the all time utility pedals. In used condition. Works perfectly. Velcro on bottom. £45 posted. Any questions drop me a line. Thanks
  22. Yeah really looking forward to this arriving and unlocking some tones!!
  23. I've completely u-turned from 'not for me' to deciding I should try one! I think the routing options sound quite appealing, and from the description theres tones I'll find useful. Think it's about 2 weeks away ☺️
  24. Have you got an application in mind or just trying to work out if there's any value in one for you? I've never used one with a hybrid or as head. .I've learnt more towards overdrives in that set up, but something like the TC can get you to a nice 'transparent' drive from the gain on the pedal, so not really functioning as a boost. I tried my guitarists treble booster a couple of months ago and that was wonderful - again on a valve amp, but brought out the highs and crushed the front end.
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