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Salt on your Bass?

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Everything posted by Salt on your Bass?

  1. hmmm, something similar to the GK MB200 perhaps? I like the Ashdown Mag and ABM stuff and the Little bastard, but they've lost me on the whole micro front since the superfly and LG series and I never experienced suitable support from them. Therefore I'm sceptical unfortunately, but it'll be interesting when it comes to fruition and hits the stores though, it always is. This is far too pre-empted, but I dont feel the initial sales video oozes any sort of quality......maybe my preconceptions influencing things too much though! I'll stick with my Orange and Genz thanks, not goign to have my head turned by ashdown on this end of the market in the near future, but hope to be proved wrong of course!
  2. A friendly Bump cause I'm the confused would be buyer that cant use the interweb Good guy to deal with!
  3. I dont know anyone that took the dive with one of these. I believe they're essentially same design as the Ibanez Promethean though, only at a more competitive price point, without the brand.....
  4. I still think the GK and Orange are a great bank for the buck, reliable and more affordable than a lot of the competition out there. Both the orange TB and GK MB500 can be had for £419. They are great heads from reliable manufacturers. Second hand and more comes into play. I dont agree that a minimum of £6-700 is neccessary to go for a decent micro. Definitely play them though before deciding. I thought I'd be going in for a TC, and walked out with a terror bass, after a toss up with the MB500.
  5. Yeah, I kinda gathered that trying to piece together whatever bits of info were out there, but thats really useful thanks . I'll be sticking a load of fuzz/distortion either before or after it, so I reckon I should get away with it. I've just dropped Boss a line to see what their line is on the PS-6 in terms of use with bass and tracking. See what they say I guess, but I can feel myself now just wanting to take the plunge....... [quote name='cheddatom' post='1180743' date='Mar 29 2011, 01:29 PM']Whammies are cool, but it's a very "digital sound". I use mine loads, but it's not for everyone.[/quote]
  6. Thanks for the input so far. I think I'm leaning towards the PS-6 based on what I've read/heard, and I understand the tracking is meant to be improved from the PS-5. Looks like I'll have to get my arse in gear and get to a shop to give 'em a try then, I'm very reluctant to spend new without trying......then again, GAS normally beats me down! I guess there arent any/too may PS-6 users out there at the moment then - other flavours of this seem to get more love, such as the Whammy IV, Eventide, etc. I also think I'll have to get an expression pedal to have more fun with it as well!! Been thinking about a whammy for a while too....... Decisions decisions.....
  7. Im looking for something along the lines of the akai unibass, octave up and 4ths or 5ths harmonies with decent tracking. I wondered if these could do the job? Im after something smallish footprint. Any input or suggestions welcomed. Cheers
  8. [quote name='Davebassics' post='1179646' date='Mar 28 2011, 03:46 PM']What about adding a second cab in parallel. would that give a total z of 4 ohms with 250 watts into each? Don't worry, I think I have wondered out of my depth too![/quote] If you add a second cab in parallel, you're amp needs to be 2 ohm stable. If the amp only runs down to 4ohms, do not do it. Two 4 ohm cabs in parallel gives you a 2 ohm load and this will damage your amp. If you run two four ohm cabs in series, you will have an 8 ohm load and the amp will be fine. Personally, I think I'd be inclined to change the 4 ohm cab for an 8 ohm cab, then get another 8 ohm cab, if you need/want to run 2 cabs. IMO .......
  9. I didnt think this would make much of a difference, or does it? I'm probably well out of my depth here, but if its based on running say a 500W amp at 4ohms into a single cab, you (roughly) half the power by running at 8ohms (300W). You'd lose around 3db than you'd have running a single cab at 4ohms (assuming your cab is up to it of course). If then you add a second cab, each would recieve half the power of the 8 ohm power output (300w), so 150W per cab. .....this is where I'm skethchy now... ....running two cabs moves more air, and reinforces some of the lows, and adds a speaker more at ear level, but I thought it only amounted to around 3db anyway...??? So the net gain isn't worth running 2 cabs in this senario, as you're better off running a single speaker at full power (again, assuming the cab is up to it....) Is this right, or am I full of .....(Insert your preferred word here). [quote name='EBS_freak' post='1179611' date='Mar 28 2011, 03:23 PM']The last thing the OP wants is an attenuator. If the OP wants to drive more speakers (but at the cost of output), he'll still be louder if he attached another 4 Ohm cab with a special diy series cable (to give 8 Ohm - I'm sure OBBM would make one up for you). I've detailed it in this post - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=45810"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=45810[/url][/quote]
  10. My first couple of suggestions out the box, would be look at: Orange Terror - A shade over the 400 mark. Rock tone (in my mind), valve pre, limited eq, loud! Galien Kreuger MB500 - a shade over £400 again - lighter and smaller than the terror, solid state, flexible tone, also loud! Ibanez Promethean - I've no experience with this unit, but some nice reviews. I think GK have sorted the intial problems with these that were reported on, and I love my Terror Bass, but it was a toss up between the two. My experience with Ashdown, contrary to many round here I think, was not good. I had the superfly for a short time, which had its problems, and the customer support really didnt help, however this was 4 years ago or so. I believe a few people here use the LG, but I havent any expeirence I'm afraid. There's probably a load of others I've missed around the price mark as well.
  11. I'd guess that would be the case in an ideal world. The places I use to rehearse in though never give you the option, and I'm left feeling I'm lucky to even get kit by the owners, even though we pay through the nose for it most of the time! That said, even if you had a clean rig at rehearsal, if you play too loud in a small space, you then cant hear any of the effects anyway! So we're back to the guitarist!
  12. Thats exactly why I have some ER-15s coming! So with a decent set of plugs, which brings everything down a notch, are my ears likely to pick up more of the nuances? I think my question on speakers reaching their limit and the impact on noise is still there though - although I guess based on this the answer is in general they reproduce them fine, assuming you're not playing at a level that you cant hear them...?...
  13. Morning all, Following a rehearsal thursday night, it got me thinking about whether there was any kind of "optimum" level for use of effects with amps and speakers. I couldnt find anything that addressed this so thought I'd post. I was sing my terror bass head, and running into 2 ampeg 15's (not sure of the models - rated at 200w) that are the studios. At lower levels, I could hear my fuzzs great - actual fuzz, wah great - actual wah and delay. When I then pushed he amp (and cabs) as far as I was comfortable doing so the effects seemed lack lustre and underwhelming. However, at louder levels through my own cabs the week bfore and i could hear every detail of the effect. So......is it just perhaps beaten up rehearsal room kit that doesnt perform properly, is it something about speakers reaching their limit and then not representing effects as they should, are the effects I'm running just pony? Is it just me not using other gear other than my correctly? Does anyone else find this is the case?? I'm sure there must be a definitve answer on this, however a number of variables that affect it, so thought I'd throw it out there cause rehearsal room rigs seem to sound like mud most of the time.....
  14. Would the EHX Freeze do what you're after? I may have misunderstood slightly. [url="http://www.ehx.com/products/freeze"]http://www.ehx.com/products/freeze[/url] Holds the last note you played over whatever your doing, with a level control....??
  15. Replied and still available at the mo!
  16. Hello. I think everyone knows the deal with these on here. Unfortunately, and very very reluctantly, I'm in a position where I have to let this go. Not been used a great deal: 2 Rehearsals and 2 gigs only. Its immaculate, its light, it sounds amazing, and is loud....very loud!! The compact has always been my go to cab, I've recently acquired a second compact, as well as some other gear and something has to go now. As I say, perfect condition as I do really really look after my stuff (no marks/scuffs etc), comes with a roqsolid cover (unpadded). Looking for £375, and ideally pickup/meet somewhere london/ west london. I really love this, and it is a massively reluctant sale..... I'll get a pic up in the next day or two, any queries, drop me a line...... Cheers Edit to clarify its the non tweetered version. 2nd Edit to clarify its the steel grill version, not silver cloth.
  17. Bought an Iron Ether Oxide from Tuco - top man, perfectly executed transaction and I'm very happy with the outcome! Recommended, no worries here!!
  18. Is this the black one? Got a pic? Cheers
  19. ...and back at ya!
  20. I'm pretty interested ....... PM coming
  21. I see. I understand why you're doing that celebratory dance now! On with the search! cheers!!
  22. Hi, is this still available?
  23. Sold a strap to this chap. Easy going and prompt payment. Id be happy dealing with him again. Thumbs up!
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