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Salt on your Bass?

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Everything posted by Salt on your Bass?

  1. Ive only ever tried the 15 inch 300w combo. I dont recall the model. It ws a bit beaten up and a studio amp, but i just couldnt get a sound out of it close to what i wanted. Too much stuff for me to get my head round particularly quickly. Ive always felt line 6 should have a straight forward amp that just does clean that suits their effects boards and pedals. Probably more from a sales perspective. I understand its useful having a lot of stuff on board, but i guess i have a fear that theres too much likely can go wrong. Of course im sure this only happens as much as any other amp out there, I'm not knocking line 6 as my experience isnt huge.
  2. Ah, ok, I think that helps. So if the limiting factor in your rig is the speaker and you reach xlim with a straight forward SS, reaching the xlim with a valve amp will sound louder due to the compression, even though the speaker is still effectively working as hard as it can in both cases? Sorry if I've hashed this theory up!
  3. I've always owned hybrids of various varieties as I've always felt the tube in the front end was sufficient to my tastes. However, I'm at a point where I really feel like I need to own a valve amp in my lifetime, so am looking at trying a few this weekend. I'm not sure if this has been covered in this thread, but I expect some people can help yet another basic question/principal I'm struggling to get my head round! Please correct anything that i state that is wrong, but some of this is probably very generalised! I pretty basically understand that watts arent db. I also understand that tube amps for their power rating seem louder than SS at the same rating. My understanding of this is that the tubes provide a richer harmonic content as they are pushed. My query is in repsect to cabs. If you have a SS head that pushes the cabs to their absolute limit, even if there is more juice in the head thats all you're gonna get. If you then do the same with a valve amp, and there is still juice left, is it still perceived as louder, or the same as the SS? Someone tell me if I'm talking b*ll*cks, or if this is one of the most ridiculous posts ever made! Really looking forward to trying so all valve stuff. Orange is on the list, marshall, but theres part of me that cant stop thinking about a Matamp!!
  4. Thanks, thats really useful. Im considering another compact at the moment, ive realised ive been craving a 2x15 set up all along although my current set up still slams. I think i recall reading one of your previous posts about chabging tubes, which is good to know as well so cheers for that. I think i am leaning towards the 500 as 900watts at 8 ohms really doesnt sound sensible to me as i lack that after a beer! So does anyone own the 1000? Reckon ill be in the orange club in the next couple of weeks.... just need that chat with my good lady!
  5. Give Panic Music a shout - authorised ampeg service centre: [url="http://www.panicmusic.co.uk/index.html"]http://www.panicmusic.co.uk/index.html[/url]
  6. ....also, what are the preamp tubes on each? I've seen 12AX7's referneced a lot, but on soundlive on the 1000 references ECC83's?? Cheers!!
  7. Hey guys, thought I'd bump this thread as I'm looking at a second amp at the moment, and the orange TB is under serious consideration. I think its a lot of amp for the money, and I've been thinking about getting some orange in my gear for a while! I know this was discussed earlier a bit, with regard to the 500 or 1000W version, but for an extra hundred quid or so, is the 1000 watter worth it? Yup, the volume knob works both ways and I'm sure the 500 would be more than adequate for pretty much any situation I encounter, however, I just cant stop thinking that its good investment to just go for the higher rated model One question i had though, if there are any users out there, was does the power stage make any difference in the tone - i.e. getting to, say 2 oclock you get any more warmth/compression going on that enriches the harmonic content further, or anything like that? I also assume the 1000 isnt switchable, and is either 1000w at 4 ohms, or 500w(ish) at 8. I dropped orange a line about that the other day and am waiting to hear. I've seen a debate on the 900/1000w and necessity over on the streamliner thread, but wanted specifically orange TB users thoughts on this one! Thanks Andy
  8. Thanks guys ill give that whirl and see what happens! Does that tube simply break up more/earl ier or does it change the pre tone altogether?
  9. I find my 9 has plenty of thump down low, without the lf engaged. Its warm and organic. If had had one criticism of the shuttle is that i dont get any drive out of it, or crunch . I run a very hot active 5, and i like my distortion crunch and overdrive. It wont give you this, although the new streamliner serie from genz might. However i stick a vt bass deluxe infront and it is thunderous , grindy and full. Which makes the fact its clean great. I have no experience with ebs im afraid. Although i do think for the types of amps these are, that is pretty high end,the cab choice will make a massive difference - someone correct me if im wrong here!! My personal decision came down to portability and tone, and the shutte gives me everything i need and want. If i didnt like or want pedals though that would probably be a lot different!
  10. +1 thats my understanding. Rather than boosting any frequencies, it extends them downwards. Wasnt sure of exactly how far though. [quote name='Soliloquy' post='1106434' date='Jan 28 2011, 04:59 PM']I'm told that by switching in the 'low' button, then you actually lower the bass roll off thing to 31Hz, which is a low B.[/quote]
  11. [quote name='DanOwens' post='1103897' date='Jan 26 2011, 03:54 PM']This is what every purchaser of this amp expects. I'm sorry to say, it may not actually happen.[/quote] hmm, it does look like the Bugera, however I cant see the "Primary Power" knob on the bugera......I expect the clip is also roughly the same as the Bugeras life expectancy!! 3,600W!!!!
  12. Ps. Any output from the amp can be used for 8 or 4 ohm speakers. They dont relate to any particular impedence
  13. The outputs are in parallel. Connect one cab with an 8ohm load to the amp and the amp will run at 8 ohms at 275w. Connect another 8 ohm cab to the amp and the amp sees a 4ohm load and will give you the full 450w split evenly between the two cabs. Alternatively, connect one 4 ohm speaker ti the cab and it will provide full power to the one cab. Do not go any lower than 4ohms on this amp. It will fry it. I.e. 2 4 ohm cabs, or a 4 ohm and 8 ohm. Read u on the impedence sticky, but i hope this is useful.
  14. [quote name='DanOwens' post='1101978' date='Jan 25 2011, 12:25 PM']Its such a shame. This product is aimed at people who are unaware of the Behringer brand's shortcomings but who are impressed by watt numbers. For this money, you could do so much better. Dan[/quote] But it's 3,600 Watts!!! ......and according to Bugera: "probably the most powerful bass amp in the world". That said, I dont really like Carlsberg, but their adverts make me laugh!
  15. [quote name='Ghost_Bass' post='1102267' date='Jan 25 2011, 03:47 PM']Sorry if this sounds silly, do you mean that the the fuse is inside the lead or did i misunderstood the english?[/quote] Fuse inside the plug (as I understood it ). I think normally they are T5A, or 13A does the trick. Best to check the manual though, just to protect the fuses in the amp. Saying that, I used a 13A fuse on the kettle to my old ampeg for years even though a 5 was specified. EDIT: of course I just realised you're from portugal.... not sure if you're residing there at poresent, which may well change everything!!
  16. What price are you looking for? Apologies if I missed it! Cheers Edit: just spotted it! Sorry, I misread it as the weight! Ha ha! I'll pm shortly.
  17. What price are you looking for? Apologies if I missed it! Cheers
  18. I think there were a few reliability issues on their release, hence the mark 2 release. Theyve been getting some love on talkbass. Im looking at picking up the mb500 as a back up/ slve for my shuttle. Great bang for the buck new IMO and ove always enjoyed gk. Not sure why the lack of popularity though. Bit weird! I guess other brands market a bit better perhaps, pus they have market share at the moment.
  19. [quote name='Stylon Pilson' post='1086818' date='Jan 12 2011, 03:49 PM']Heh, I misread this initially as having meaning synonymous to "no amp is powerful enough to blow woofers or mid-bass drivers". Which is clearly nonsense, but that second comma does introduce a certain ambiguity. S.P.[/quote] +1, I had a double take on that! Nice piece though. Probably the most informative manufacturer website out there. I feel like I actually learn something every time I read it! Hope the ankle recovers soon Alex.
  20. [quote name='deej' post='1073951' date='Dec 31 2010, 07:22 PM']For the looper and delay take a look at the EHX Memory Man w/Hazarai, does pretty much everything you're asking. The Akai Headrush is a good shout too. If you wanna go crazy and have the money, check out a Line 6 M9 or M13. Its a multi fx unit and the looper on it is excellent.[/quote] +1 to this. The main differences are the memory man is a delay with lopper added, the headrush a looper with delay added. I went through simiar as you a while back and setted on the ehx as i preferred the delay options. You could also of course get a seperate looper and delay which would open up a lot of options as well. I think a multieffect could be worth it though. Sounds like youve started down the dark side and you wont stop after just a looper and delay! If you are thinking about others though i wouldnt dissmiss them. The m9 is a hell of a pedal and comes up round here at a fair price every so often. Good bang for your buck. Best advice is try em and see what you think and what suits. Good luck and enjoy the journey!
  21. New lighter version, or is that the really new with improved bracing? Also, pics would be useful ........ at this stage, I have nothing to trade but could be interested if the sale route ever crossed your mind. Cheers
  22. Hi, what version compact is this as well? When you bought it would be a good indicator if youre unsure. Cheers
  23. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='1078612' date='Jan 5 2011, 02:34 PM']Different shape, basically, optimised for solid state amps (as this was how people used it) rather than valve ones. I'd guess basically, deeper narrower box.[/quote] Ah, ok. thanks ......does that differ from 2 compacts then? I understood the vintage ended up being voiced the same as two compacts, which led to its halt in production (together with sales demand).
  24. Any word or hints on how the SuperFifteen differs from the vintage? I was gutted when the vintage was taken out of production, so pretty interested in its reincarnation (if thats what infact it is!!!)
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