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Everything posted by slystewart

  1. any one intrested
  2. Boss GT10B in perfect condition with box power supply and manual no marks or scuffs used about 5 times before having to move on to the guitar....£250 plus postage should be about £15
  3. I have an AMPEG SVT 2 pro and am not sure if it either needs a service or repair ...when using the amp with the band the red looks like peak light seems to be on and off a lot and now and the a drop on power. All else seems to be ok i have had the amp for about 18 months and got it second hand dont know the history ...does it need to be sent to ampeg or can any one give me an idea were to send it ...THANKS FOR ANY HELP
  4. I have a as new LakLAND 55-02 Cherry sunburst with maple neck this is the one with the Lakland pickups and i have to find there same guitar but in natural wood finish with the same maple neck to join this band dont ask why its just that way ...bit of an odd one but if you have a natural wod one and fancy something brighter let me know ok thanks
  5. I have an SVT2 Pro and at the weekend while on standby the amp went off...was it turned out to be the fuse in the back..no idea why it went ,poped another in and it was ok but the sound was poor like muddy and distorted but i had to live with it and carry on the last set. After about 6 numbers it sorted it self out and was 100% , looks like a valve or some thing going down so any ideas were to send it to...and second question is on the back it has the XLR out put like a D I out put with a push button pre/post next t it.. thats never worked is this the way other owners of this amp would use this connection to connect to the main PA thanks for any input Stewart
  6. I have a Boss GT 10B bass floor effect that can be connected to the PC via USB .....connector all goes well so far but the only drivers I can find for Windows is with XP or Vista nothing for WindoWS 7. have checked the Roland Site nothing seems to be there....any one know any way round this or a site that supporst this opperating system thanks
  7. I have Lakland 55-02 5 string bass .. maple neck in cherry red sun burst maple top type colour..guitar is 4 months old with the new lakland pickups ...great guitar but im not in love witht he colour need a natural one maple neck ..any one intrested in doing a swap
  8. I have a pair of EAW 2 x 15s bass or sub bass speakers..to use on a PA system. rated at 1000 watts each and easy to move with 4 blue type heavy duty castors on each. [url="http://www.eaw.com/products/FR250z.html"]http://www.eaw.com/products/FR250z.html[/url] is the link to the web site for specs and pictures Also the speakers have pole mounting holes for top speakers..For those out there who know about EAW speakers no that these are one of the best speaker company about check there web site. The speakers of not been used and are in perfect condition just small areas on the corner were they need repainting.I have had them for 2 years there in the way and wont be used and need to go . They cost me 2000 for the 2 and am asking 600 and will go some way to deliver ....any one intrested call me 07976432335 leave a message. thanks stewart
  9. I have a pair of EAW 2 x 15s bass or sub bass speakers... rated at 1000 watts each and easy to move with 4 blue type heavy duty castors on each. [url="http://www.eaw.com/products/FR250z.html"]http://www.eaw.com/products/FR250z.html[/url] is the link to the web site for specs and pictures Thee speakers of not been used and are in perfect condition just small areas on the corner were they need repainting.I have had them for 2 years there in the way and wont be used and need to go . They cost me 2000 for the 2 and am asking 600 and will go some way to deliver ....any one intrested call me 07976432335 leave a message. thanks stewart
  10. I have the Roland 2 X 10 D bass combo and the HF unit has gone ...I think its the unit it self I have take the unit out ... any idea were to get one from and can it be repaired thanks Stewart
  11. I have a SVT 2 PRO that has a balanced output on the back to coniect to a mixer ...but after connecting up a XLR lead it seems its not working...tried 2 or 3 diffrent leads all the same.... Can I insert a DI BOX in to the effects loop or the loop for pre and post amp do I have to complete the loop like as in one lead out of send to input on the DI Box then from link to return.....not sure what or which to use for the best ouput signial...any views thanks
  12. I have and use the X2 rack version had it about a year got it from the the good old US...its easy to set up has XLR plus 1/4 jack on the back ...sound wise i have see little or no difference between this unit and being wired up...has great range and is very well contructed. One down side is the radio transmitter that goes on the strap can and does some times drop off they use like a wire frame work thing to go onto the guitar strap...a piece of gaffer tape sorts that out Stewart
  13. I used the GR20 on guitar first and could get by using in the band I was in then 2 guitars ,bass and drums most keyboard sounds like organs some brass and one or two effect type sounds...piano and sharper sounds were no good due to the feel the GR20 seemed to laging behind. In a live situation on the whole it worked well...so when I moved to bass I got the bass Type midi pickup and tried it ...to be honest it was not to good the lag seemed worst on the bass..just my view Stewart
  14. On a gig the other night using a 4 x10 plus 1 x 15 and a ampeg svt 2 pro a;; connected with the locking type connecters ..speakon i belive...any way 4 songs into the set and my back line sound cut off ...nothing managed to finish the first set just going through the PA ..not easy. I checked the front connections ..effects so on all ok only to find one of the speakon conections faulty..so to get by mixed speakon and standard 1/4 jacks. would there be any problems doing this thanks
  15. I had for a long time the Boss GT6B and it had the the bypass foot switch on the right hand side so the effect unit could be turned on and off to a normal sound ...have noticed on the new 10b model its not there .. so for those using the new 10b in a stage use can you still by pass this unit if needed with your foot thanks Stewart
  16. I have a bass guitar strap in leather..and wanted to fit strap locks to it so I ordered a set the ones with the 2 locking nuts to them only to find once the strp lock is pushed through I cant get the 2 lock nuts on due to the thickness of the leather any ideas or locks that might do the trick ....thanks
  17. I use an Ampeg SVT 2 Pro with a PR SVT 4 X 10 Cab belived to be 4 ohms was looking at adding a 1 x 15" speaker that i have seen this seems to be 8 ohms...would i be right when using the 2 cabs to set the amp to 2 ohms...also for users out there of the 2 cabs is it best to put the 1 x 15 cab made by Orange on the floor with the 4 10s on the top most seem to use it this way.
  18. no there is no number on the bass the neck plate is blank i did post pictures a week or so ago ... I got the bass with this blank neck plate on it...and for a bass that is some 31years old it is in very good condition...there are dates on the neck and on the body of march 1977 thats all the info i have. A friend of mine has the same bass from round the same period for about the same time when getting together with a band i used his bass and liked it so much i got this one..the one i have is in far better condition than my mates.. I have moved to a 5 string now and its in the front room not being used
  19. just checked the bridge of the guitar and all it says is music man pat pending thats it looked all over for any other info Stewart
  20. I have just put new strings on the guitar and in removing the neck the only info was the date I take it that it was made March 1977 not sure if the serial number is any were else on the guitar
  21. I have a pre EB 1977 4 sting bass maple neck and natural body ....no damage or chips or battle scars ...for a 30 plus year old bass in very good condition ..just a few varnish cracks due to age on the back. It has the 2 way EQ volume bass and treble everthing origional just the neck plate has been changed for a different 3 hole type ...was like that when i got it £1400
  22. I have a 4 string 1977 pre EB Stingray bass with case its maple neck and natural wood body.black scratch plate in very good condition volume bass treble controls.I will if any one is intrested try to get pictures on here soon...im after selling for a Lakland 5 string. £1400 I have tried to get detailed pictures in poor light there are no chips or major marks other than some varnish cracking on the back due to the age of the guitar.Also as can be seen the neck plate has been updated and replaced no idea why it was like this when I got the guitar For its age i would say its in very good condition any other info e .mail me or call me on 07976432335 Stewart
  23. Im after a flight case either the wood type or abs to fit a SVT 2 PRO ...6 U high got 2 other 1 u units... one that will fit the amp well any ideas
  24. The covers band I play in seem to be playing at small Pubs..5 peice band most times due to space I find myself right up..back against the cab...use a Ampeg 4 X 10 SVT PRO plus and SVT 2 Pro amp ,I put the speaker on a flight case so I can hear it have tried on the floor but seems to be not as good.. Some times its so hard to hear whats going on,top end of the guitar comes through better but bottom just seems to be a mush some times. On othe strange things is being that close on some numbers sounds like im playing out of tune when im not Only done about 10 gigs from a beginner any help Stewart
  25. I have a Ampeg SVT Pro 2 amp and was thinking of trying a gaitor 6u shallow type flightcase dose any one use this and any problems thanks Stewart
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