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About mazdah

  • Birthday 12/08/1986

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    Ostrow Wlkp. -Poland

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  1. Today Michael Leagues CASA head officially (and quietly) joined Markbass 58R line. https://www.markbass.it/product/little-mark-casa-58r Without much fuss (one post on socials, webpage) or any promotion it joined 58R line, which was introduced over a year ago. Many of us saw the amp on earlier promo shots of 58R Line, but it was never mentioned by Markbass or Michael League (who still uses old CASA live and currently recording and album with Snarky Puppy) Finally for those who wanted it -CASA in small package. I wonder will the new CASA be able to compete with Little Mark Vintage 58R and Andrew Gouche signature signature. All of them have quite similar target and old school vibe. Changes? Two basic EQ shelving bands are now changed from 50Hz to 100Hz for Bass and 5kHZ to 10kHz for Treble, which I find less appealing. This is how the EQ is set now: BASS: frequency 100Hz (shelving); level ±16 dB TREBLE: frequency 10 KHz (shelving); level ±16 dB ULTRALOW: center frequency 65 Hz; level ±16 dB LOW: center frequency 180 Hz; level ±16 dB MID: center frequency 500 Hz; level ±16 dB MID HIGH: center frequency 1.4 KHz; level ±16 dB HIGH: center frequency 3.8 KHz; level ±16 dB Weight: 4.4 lbs /2 Kg
  2. You got a newer manual, for B or C revision - with a mistake. Recording Out (XLR cable) is a post-EQ only, as stated in correct manual. You can use "Tuner out" jack connected to any stage dibox to have Pre-EQ DI.
  3. Also what's even more important for me - I get MUCH better results with tube guitar amp and guitar cabinet for bridge pickup than using a bass amp and cab with dirt pedal.
  4. Using Ric-o-Sound with another clean bass amp is a worthless idea. However using it with dirty guitar amp (AND CAB) for bridge and bass amp for neck pickup gave me THE BEST dirt sound I've ever heard. And I have 17 dirt boxes on shelf
  5. I have Gator one. With two basses it is heavy and not very comfortable. I wouldn't take a bus route with two basses. With G&L and P-bass I've managed to tear off the handle. With one or two basses with angled headstocks it's troublesome to fit them safely enough (for me)
  6. Use the blend pot - very powerful tool.
  7. I was recording so... it's a little over the top.
  8. I'm also a big fan of Michael, but knowing the amp developing history (the REAL one) I'm kinda disappointed and I'm considering this amp as typical "cash jump" for both Markbass and Michael. It is lightweight, very loud, good looking, nice (but not overwhelmingly good) sounding hoax.
  9. Right now, four: - main: Ampeg SVT III with Ampeg Svt410He - second main: Eden WT 800 with Eden D410T - small: SWR PB-200 with SWR Goliath Jr. - living room one: Markbass CASA with Markbass Classic CASA 104 and racks with two Ampegs SVP-PRO, a Fender TBP-1, SWR GP, Sansamp RBI… that’s too much 😛
  10. CS-2 or CS-3 copy? They are quite different. I have Sustain at 2 o'lock, Attack on max, level to unity gain - Juan Alderete settings
  11. For me it would be a Boss CS-2 Compression Sustainer. For 20 years of bassplaying I hated compressors, never used them, never needed, never liked how they affect the sound and the feel of the instrument. Until CS-2. WOW. My number two would be Xotic Bass BB Preamp. My favorite OD combined with my number three - analog Boss CEB-3.
  12. It's an older version (first half of the nineties most likely) of current 500W SVT-410HE. It has four speakers of an old 400W SVT-810E, just like the modern one has four speakers of modernSVT-810E I wouldn't dare to gig with a 7-PRO thru this cab, but I do with SVT III Non Pro and the cab works fantastic and sounds great. It is a perfect match for SVT-III and should be as good with 3-PRO. EDIT: It is quite heavy since like all Ampeg cabs from the first half of the nineties it is not made of plywood. But the sound IS there and I dare to say - it sounds little bit nicer than the newer version.
  13. Whoa I'm in deep shock. I had EBMM SR 5, EBMM SUB5 and I currently have EBMM Sterling Classic 4. And all of them gave me the same big problem - they do have THE PUNCH. They are LOUD. They are FAT. I had to fight them all the time - no matter how light I touch the strings I hear and feel EVERY note up in front, like a kick in the face. Whey I play my P-bass I'm sitting great in the mix, giving the solid foundation to the band. With the Music Man bass... me and the drummer are the band, the guitars are lost.
  14. I use SVT III non pro with older 200W version of SVT-410HE. I really like this setup, plenty loud, sits great in the band mix. I also liked 3PRO, but III is more focused and not as dirty. Here is the manual. https://ampeg.com/support/files/Discontinued User Manuals/SVT-III/SVT-III Manual.pdf
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