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Everything posted by mazdah

  1. [quote name='MatthewKeys' post='974579' date='Oct 1 2010, 09:28 PM']Ah have I bought the wrong cabinet then? I know nothing about valves, this my first valve amp. All I know is that it is three years old, USA made and the valves have never been replaced. And that is exactly how it sounds, muddy and lofi, couldn't have said it better myself. I bought the svt3, as my second choice as there were no svt7s secondhand, but I don't think it sounds as good.[/quote] I think you've bought a great cab. And a very good amp. Check the tubes - I don't like Sovteks 12ax7WA , and I loved JJ ecc83s and GT 12ax7C - full, ballsy, fat and crystal clear. Also fiddle the EQ and crank the tube gain (you can safely use it "fully open")
  2. Try boosting the 2nd or 4th mid frequency and set the tube voltage to 2 o'clock. Should work 410HLF is boomy, pillowy cab, so you have to compensate by adding high-mids and highs. Also you should check tubes in your amp - If you have Sovteks 12AX7WA inside that may cause the problem - they are muddy and "lo fi" sounding.
  3. My current rig: And my old rig:
  4. Go for Boss GT-6B. Far better than 10.
  5. Bernardo and Innovator. They are AWESOME
  6. Try some Goove Tubes - very fat and round sounding. Or JJ ECC83S - clean and well ballanced. And don't bother with Sovtek 12AX7WA, I had them on my 3pro and they were no good.
  7. I am using 810E now and its too damn big and loud - I can't even use 10% of its potential ...I don't need that much power. I don't have money for PJB gear. And I like Ampeg gear. And I HATE cabs with less than eigh '10 speakers - havent found a good sounding one yet, tried a lot. And i'm def. not Bob Babbit or Duck Dunn.
  8. Hi I'm looking for a new cab, considering these two Ampegs as a stand-alone cab for funky motown/stax style sound. Anyone tried them? What can you say about them?
  9. [quote name='faceman' post='928463' date='Aug 18 2010, 12:17 PM']Had to put this on eBay guys as I need to shift it. If you are interested, please do let me know as I'm much rather sell to someone cool here![/quote] I'm interested! Do you still want to sell it?
  10. If you want a grindy, tubey tone - get the 3pro. But if you want clean, light and powerfull (for me 1000W is to much) amp with ampeg favour - buy 7pro You CAN'T BEAT the all tube preamp with tube driven mosfet poweramp with only one tube at front and solid state class D PA.
  11. Well I decided to record quickly some clips of my amps: SVT and Backline (from 112 combo so its even simpler than normal Backline head!). It took me few minutes, so don't expect any skill showoff there - just simple noodling without any timing or sense. Two first clips recorded straight from line outs to my laptop with P-bass strung with a year old LaBella DeepTalkin 760FL, the third clip was recorded on some old (very old) DR Hibeams rounds. 1) [url="http://mazdah.wrzuta.pl/audio/2RcDiuYhjT5/ampegvsgk"]http://mazdah.wrzuta.pl/audio/2RcDiuYhjT5/ampegvsgk[/url] - Ampeg from the beginning till the 2:20, 2:20 till the end is GK Backline 112 2) [url="http://mazdah.wrzuta.pl/audio/4rc0ALcxLqX/gkvsampeg"]http://mazdah.wrzuta.pl/audio/4rc0ALcxLqX/gkvsampeg[/url] - GK from the beginning till 1:08, Ampeg from 1:09 till the end [url="http://mazdah.wrzuta.pl/audio/4padaqNKd2b/ampeggkrounds"]http://mazdah.wrzuta.pl/audio/4padaqNKd2b/ampeggkrounds[/url] - Ampeg from the beginning till 1:44 (Schizm;).From 1:44 till the end - GK Well... I think that the G-K sounds great! Please, share your thoughts!
  12. After a year of using great SVT-410HLF I went with the Ampeg SVT810E. This is THE sound I always wanted but I couldn't achieve. I don't have a roadies, I don't play a lot of gigs, I don't play loud. I just love the sound of classic 810 cabinet without ports, hi-fi drivers and crossovers. The cab is not that heavy, but too heavy to lift by myself, so my back is saved! Because most of the times I had to lift 410HLF by myself and now I just roll & slide this monster. At home and smaller jams I use wonderful G-K Backline 112 combo, but I'd also love to have a '15 cab for 'medium' gigs.
  13. [quote name='tredders' post='847723' date='May 25 2010, 06:32 PM']That's not the case in my experience. The US 62 RI I had wasn't great... the neck and intonation were terrible when I received it, and my luthier said that it wasn't any better put together than regular Fenders. Conversely, the 2 CIJ models I've had have been great. Maybe I just had a bad one, or maybe it was down to expectation (I expected a £1500 bass to be quite special, whereas I've only ever been pleasantly surprised by the CIJ models).[/quote] Well, unfortunatelly it's a common thing in american products like Fenders, Ampegs, Mustangs and Harleys. They sometimes DO have flaws that are just impossible to find in japanese or european products. Some cheap plastics, not great setup, parts don't fit. And it's a normal thing, and nobody cares if the Harley is slow, loud or not keen on fast turns. It is still a great bike (or car, or amp or bass), there are better out there, but nobody makes better Harleys than Harley :] And you just can't compare anything to japanese craftmanship. They were and they are simply amazing. [quote name='tredders']The only real difference between the US and CIJ '62's I've owned were the finish - the US had a nitrous finish. and was a nicer lump of wood.[/quote] Well, there were two versions of reissues made/crafted in japan. In my country majority of them have different body wood (basswood) and pickups (I think all of J RI have different pickups than US ones) My friend has a '57 J RI, with basswood body it was a great bass but it was missing the "feel and the vibe". Some people don't care about this, I do. So, mij/cij are made better, but US Vintage are made from better parts. I prefer US Made. And I just HATE Japan Reissues for vol/vol/tone knobs in '62 Reissue Jazz Bass! There should be stacked knobs arghh!
  14. "Japs" are great, but you can't compare them to US Vintage series. The difference between japan '62 and us vintage '62 is like difference between fender mexican standard and american standard, as I said - cheaper are great, but US are superior. REMEMBER - You always get what you pay for!
  15. Well, there is nothing wrong with cheaper gear! It took me few years to realise that I often use GK Backline 112 as well as my SVT - 810 stack and I love them both. The most important is to find your tone. The price of gear is not relevant.
  16. I love GK stuff. Especially their 400 and 800RB, RBX cabs and Backline series. I use Backline 112 combo for home practice and small jams and I love the sound as much as I love the sound of my main gig rig (SVT-3 and 810"fridge") Light, loud, punchy, powerfull. With great, dirty growl. Amazing amps
  17. I loved black russian muff sound, but I had the one without true bypass. So I hated it when it was off I think I'd prefer black russian but with true bypass (I heard that newer ones have true-bypass)
  18. Looks OK. Great basses, had one, played as good as my '62 US Vintage.
  19. I think the great match for 410HLF is SVT-3 pro. I use this combo and I like it much. Looks great, sound seven better. I recommend you try some used Ampeg heads (3pro, 4pro, v4bh, svt-cl maybe?)
  20. mazdah


    Many people say, that OC-2 is still the best or one of the best octave pedals for bass and guitar. I think you should stick to your boss.
  21. Yes, the'll fit and the sound will be amazing. But you can't put them through body - most surely they will break.
  22. I'd go for Ampeg over the Hartke A100. Ashdown is also cool, but I prefer MAG line over the EB. Get the used, american made Ampeg, you shouldn't regret it. And the resale value won't drop.
  23. WoW! Two days ago we made a photo of friend's Rebop with P-bass "ashtrays" pickup cover. We thought our idea of Spender / Fector was first and we could make a fortune... we were wrong Goodbye fortune ;( I'll post the pic soon
  24. I tried icon series Jazz Bass fretless and P-bass. The P-bass was pretty decent, but jazz bass was no good - there was nothing near the "Jaco tone" there. So be carefull buing their instrument. Some are decend, some are not.
  25. Hi there! I'm new here, so I think this is the time to introduce myself. I'm from Kalisz, Poland and I'm a huge fan of Stax, Motown and Pink Floyd music. I started in 2001 in a garage punk-rock band. Currently I play some southern/prog/blues rock tunes, but I used to play more punky/rock covers in the past. I hope I will be able to post some recordings soon. My top 5 bassists are Donald "Duck" Dunn, Guy Pratt, Roger Waters and James Jamerson. Heres a photo of my rig (including the coat and pipe;) And some great tune by my favourite band: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLJn5JrHJug"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLJn5JrHJug[/url] Keep on rockin'
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