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Everything posted by stingraybassman

  1. [quote name='Weststarx' timestamp='1406804440' post='2514824'] Yes I would be extremely pissed if I'd spent years studying music to then not get a gig over a 'bedroom player' but in the creative industry it doesnt matter in the slightest what degree you have or where and what you've studied because at the end of the day the art you produce is all that matters. You are only as good as your last performance. [/quote] That might be true for some areas of the "creative" industry; however if you want to go and get a job as a graphic or product designer the reality is, most if not all employers would look at your qualifications. This might differ for Freelancers looking for work.
  2. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1406758846' post='2514575'] So true, which is why we're met with a bottom-line avalanche of crappy design and print everywhere we turn. People don't see the value of good design or print because they don't understand it and worse, they don't want to. It's a shame. [/quote] Amen to that brother.
  3. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1406758602' post='2514572'] This makes me laugh. I did a typesetting apprenticeship during the change from hot metal to computer typesetting, and when the means of production was available to all, everyone thought 'great - I can do that now'. Cue some of the most horrendously-designed and executed typesetting in the history of the world by people with not a single clue about design. It's not the physical effort you're paying for, it's the thought, care, experience, design, execution and production. Anyone can knock up a page in Word or cut and paste a bit of clip art, but it just isn't the same thing by a very long way. [/quote] Told you the typesetters would arrive!
  4. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1406743586' post='2514346'] Fair point, but that could be because building a wall or doing a bit of plumbing involves physical work and materials whereas there's all sorts of stuff people can do at home with a PC for little more than a bit of their time. [/quote] Fully disagree there. I'd say that it's much harder to quantify a designs value, and that's what makes people think they can get stuff for free/cheap. There's many designers, typesetters and the like on here who will argue with you all day about the artistry involved. You usually get what you pay for.
  5. [quote name='brensabre79' timestamp='1406722614' post='2514061'] Depends on what your sketch is, and how easy it is to recreate... Drop me a PM with your sketch and I'll let you know if it can be done for free / cheap But if it ends up being like this sort of thing I promise not to be rude [media]http://youtu.be/VfprIxNfCjk[/media] [/quote] That video pretty much sums up a designers life!
  6. [quote name='Pow_22' timestamp='1403775153' post='2486113'] [color=#000000]Budget wise – Well hoping I get around £350 for my TC RH450 so this plus maybe a £100 top up. Reason im selling the RH450 is to many options and bells & whistles – I like a vintage tone with minimal options (basic gain, bass, middle, treble and volume) and ability to get a bit of valve type grit.[/color] [/quote] I'd partly echo the sentiment of the guys saying the RH450 should do all you need. The head only really blew me away when I paired it with the matching RS Cabs. Could be worth trying your head through the 2x12 to see if it gets you nearer the tone you where after. Just thinking outside the box a bit . I also play a Pbass with flats.
  7. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1403092228' post='2479632'] If you're on a budget or just don't want to spend valve amp money you could try a BDI-21 (£26) which sounds very close indeed to a SansAmp and will give you 'SVT-ish' at a fraction of the price. If you don't like it you can move it on without much loss. But I think you'll like it. I do agree though that there is nothing that provides the grit and pure slam of a valve amp - and it has to have valve pre AND power stages in my humble opinion - a valve pre into a SS power stage just doesn't sound the same. [/quote] Agree with Discreet here, we played with a band a while ago where the bass player used the BDI 21, into a Hartke rig if i remember correctly!. I was sure he was using a VT bass or something "expensive". Not sure how well it would stand up to the scrutiny of recording, I'm sure some people on here could give you advice on that.
  8. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1402591598' post='2475138'] Not really much uglier than any other 4 in line headstock. [/quote] You strike me as a straight up 2 + 2 kind of guy red. Im repping 4, 3+1 and 2+2 to make sure I don't discriminate
  9. [quote name='JamesBass' timestamp='1402575449' post='2474920'] I'm loving the almost Pino alike on there! I'm likely to pull the trigger in the next few months on one of his instruments, thinking I'll go for a Lake Placid Blue with Tort guard and RW based on a 62 P... [/quote] If a sonic blue jazz appears its going to be a problem. Have you played one? Sorry for the Hijack buy the way
  10. [quote name='JamesBass' timestamp='1402566410' post='2474787'] As everyone has said, you'll get exceptional Squires which blow all the Fenders in the shop out the water! You'll also find that Fender, Mex or American that feels utterly spot on! But then once you've narrowed your search down it comes to budget and what it is you want. Take a look at the Limelight guitars thread as they make custom relic'd P's for a less than a brand new American Fender and countless people on here have got either one on order or have got theirs and love them! Here's the direct website [url="http://www.classicandcoolguitars.co.uk"]http://www.classicandcoolguitars.co.uk[/url] [/quote] I really need to stop looking at the burgundy mist jazz on there.....
  11. Good grief thats glorious!! Where are you based?
  12. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1402485443' post='2473969'] I'm also tempted by P basses at the moment... I'm thinking 63AVRI in faded sonic blue.. yum. Or maybe an old Tokai Hardpuncher. Someone put a thread up of the squire CV yesterday, it looked lovely. [/quote] You not pulled the trigger on that yet Rob? Get it bought! You won't regret it..... +1 on trying the Squier CV's
  13. That tortoiseshell, dayum! Congrats
  14. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1402384147' post='2472741'] I'm a magpie gear whore [/quote] Love that quote, headstone worthy... To the people asking for tone comparisons/soundlips etc. These basses are brilliant, a friend of mine had a stunning trans orange one in the mid 2000s. As P as it gets if you need it to be, with all the versatility of the jazz pickup thrown in. He dropped loads of cash on some EMGs for it, ended up going back to the original pickups after a week. Karls a seasoned veteran on here, this will be a steal for someone without any doubt. [quote name='david1711' timestamp='1402349171' post='2472594'] I agree re sound. I am curious about your bass so I went on YT. I could only find two demos. One guy had amazing tone. The other rubbish. I am actually looking to replicate the mid range of an old early 70s Musicmaster I bought when I was a kid but with more punch and obviously with a longer scale neck. I have a number of different basses which I may sell soon but nothing I have at least has that vintage sound. [/quote] I'd wager this with flats would get pretty close.
  15. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1402320799' post='2472064'] Cheers people who actually helped, I shall lock myself in the bass room tonight and give it a crack. Anyone see them on Jools? [/quote] Haha, everyone loves a review! Sounds like a bouncy synth with a bit of grit on it to me. Bit of octave down as well possibly? Was surprised to see him using a Jaguar on Jools.
  16. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1402241267' post='2471245'] If you sell you bass rather than find a trade, you may want to have a chat. One or both of the following MAY be coming up in the next week or so (not stealth, I'm fully paid up until next April!). The Sea Foam Pearl P/J is passive, with jazz nut width and noiseless J pup. Regardless, good luck. [url="http://s1354.photobucket.com/user/Karl_Altdorfer/media/DSCF0545_zps480301cc.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1354.photobucket.com/user/Karl_Altdorfer/media/DSCF0469_zpsd8bab225.jpg.html"][/url] [/quote] How did I know Karl would be sniffing around this! Great basses with the s1 switches, have a bump
  17. Sunday bump, this is a great board. Less than £50!! £130 New....... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/T-REX-TONETRUNK-55-PEDALBOARD-FOR-GUITAR-EFFECT-PEDALS-BRAND-NEW-/320797186106
  18. [quote name='Jonnyboy Rotten' timestamp='1401792203' post='2466823'] Lovely bass.. out of interest what are the bits on the bridge that look like pup poles? Does this bass have another pickup in the bridge? [/quote] They are little adjustment nuts for the foam mutes.
  19. PM's replied. Serial is[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] 37631[/font][/color]
  20. Bump, come on folks this needs a home.
  21. Hahah! Thanks. You wouldn't regret it, stunning basses.
  22. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1401365330' post='2462820'] It's beautful isn't it.... [/quote] Nearly as nice as my white one!! [IMG]http://i1375.photobucket.com/albums/ag458/ollyskelton/20131021_131402_zps30790c50.jpg[/IMG]
  23. Thats a bargain!
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