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Everything posted by stingraybassman

  1. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1400668409' post='2455889'] For me there's far more to a logo then just the band name set in a particular font (even if you go for a purely typographic solution). For a start all the interesting "fancy" fonts will have been used by numerous other bands by the time you come to design yours. And then what works well when it's being used to set multiple lines of text rarely fits as well when you're focusing on just a handful of letter shapes I always start by sketching out something by hand to get a feel for the shape of the logo and the letter forms that make it up. If I do use a typeface it will only be as a starting point and all the letter shapes will have been tweaked to some degree by the time the "word(s)" have become a "logo". [/quote] +1 We are surrounded by type all day everyday, all of them will have been used before. Many people will dismiss the effect of a typeface as minimal, history and science tells us the opposite.
  2. When I have done one off logos for small business I have found it best to charge a set fee. Offer say 3 options, with refinement of 1 option to be the finished logo. Its a bit different with bands like you say, I'm really sceptical with usage fees and retention of rights. Intellectual property is a minefield and most record labels re-brand and re-market an artist when they "make it" anyway. In earlier years as a designer I fell victim to the "it'll only take you 20 minutes" more than once, people that don't do the job don't understand. Again this isn't helped by printing companies who offer logo "design" to companies with things like business cards.
  3. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1400607461' post='2455436'] as a designer, it is important yes- more how you display yourself and publicity through everything you do. One of my pet hates is bands who set up their gear and then get some back drop or sign and prop it ontop of some amps with their half arsed logo on it and web link.... just looks unprofessional IMO. Pricing wise it depends- you get what you pay for in most cases! BUT Sometimes I wonder what bands are trying to do with their branding - who or what are they trying to appeal too? If they can't explain why they want a brand to me as their designer I doubt the brand with do them much good. I'm helping someone with the design of a music project at the moment, the music is great and part of me thinks: I can work and package it- but him as a musician's time would be better spent giving the music as much attention as I'm about to give the design, rather than worrying too much about it.... sometimes I've seen meticulous and brilliant design and a band who really needed to spend longer on honing their craft. oh another pet hate.... which conflicts slightly with the OP... good but local bands having uber polished corporate logo's and design. Screw it, if Punk taught you anything it should have been the value (aesthetically and otherwise) of DIY! [/quote] I think the digital age we live in now has changed design so much. Sites like da font mean people try to do things themselves. For me the typeface can tell so much of a story before you even read the words it makes up. It's as much of an artform as music. I totally agree about the over polished look Luke. Like you say, the biggest battle is usually deciding what the message is.
  4. Can't find much on this subject, so I thought it might be interesting to get opinions from BCers on the value (both financially and importance) placed on the Logo and Artwork designs for your bands. I'm a full time designer. I think branding is hugely important as a general point whatever the product is; however I see a lot of bands with "DIY" artworks and logos that don't do them justice. I should add; I am being asked more and more to do logo design for unsigned bands I know. I wondered what you guys feel is reasonable to charge a band.
  5. Surely there is room for some miserable sad music? There are loads of bands that do it better than Coldplay granted. Bon Iver records are incredibly melancholic affairs, still some of the most amazing music I have ever heard.
  6. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1400590912' post='2455190'] Yes, it'll be something to do while you wait for your new strings. I've got a two boxes of tissues, a roll of kitchen towel, a real towel, a flannel, some wet wipes and a spare pair of pants. Bring on the pics! [/quote] I'll see you those, and raise you a screen protector.
  7. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1400588830' post='2455149'] In real life it's not as bright and the differences in the blue / green are not as obvious. I liked the photos, but I love it even more in real life. My wife is laughing her arse off at the entire concept of relics. She thinks it's just been in a shed for years. And she's offered me a cup of artificially aged coffee. And would I like a fresh lunch or aged. [/quote] Please post some actual pics!!!! Pretty please..... I'm going to get some tissues ready.
  8. Review is funny! Certainly worth a chuckle....... Have to say I'm enjoying the album after a couple of listens. Its Coldplay, so its always going to get panned by people. I'd be intrigued to know how many people that do pan it have given it a go. Mylo Xyloto did nothing for me at all, this is better IMO.
  9. The words Sandberg and Hardcore in the same sentence make me feel funny inside. That is absolutely filthy!!! How close is the colour in real life to that pic?
  10. [quote name='basshead56' timestamp='1400492246' post='2454264'] My 51 Precision RI project. Originally butterscotch blonde, now trans blonde with stripped neck and added slight contour. Have since added a bridge cover and a proper cloth wire harness (the original wiring job was surprisingly poor for Fender Japan!) [/quote] Loving that!! The neck looks very playable!
  11. [quote name='JamesBass' timestamp='1400530532' post='2454759'] Indeed, it was a 63, my bad! Bloody flailing fingers as I typed! It was a 63 AVRI and it was seminole red, which was damn purddy but alas, it didn't play right for me! I have just been playing both my P and my Ric and I can get what I deem a better "vintage" tone from my Ric with the treble tone rolled all the way off and the bass tone pot to just under half, plus a little mid scoop on my amp and away I was! Still fancy another P mind, I do have a Squier affinity body sat in a case under my bed along with the slightly warped next which I was gonna de-fret. I may now get a neck made up from somewhere, or purchase one and get some custom wirings and have the body re-sprayed? Hmmmm..... [/quote] As dingus said, lots of things can affect how a bass plays. The difference of rounds to flats on mine is crazy. Projects are always fun, decent neck and pickups and you'll be on your way. Some of the bitsa basses on here are brilliant.
  12. [quote name='JamesBass' timestamp='1400526446' post='2454694'] Very true on shopping round and trying as many as you can find, something I've done a bit of after finding that magical 66 P I tried, sadly my hopes were high for the AVRI64 and it failed to get ANYWHERE near them, it was either extremely boomy or just clanked and sounded horrible in the treble register and I felt the lacquer on the back of the neck was FAR too thick, my thumb was getting stuck in place! Certainly wouldn't have purchased that bass! Perhaps I should just keep looking and see what comes my way! [/quote] 64? pretty sure there was only a 62 that has been replaced by the 63. What colour was it? I have a 63ri strung with flats, best PBass I have owned.
  13. I have a new AVRI 63 precision. Absolutely nails the vintage sound and feel. The tone knob does exactly what you described above.
  14. [quote name='MB1' timestamp='1400246249' post='2452239'] MB1. I have... "None of the above" (For Trade that is!) Type BUMP! [/quote] I'll take a straight sale for sure type bump!!
  15. pm'd
  16. Bump, lots of trade offers. Only really interested in what is listed above.
  17. Crikey these don't stick around do they
  18. I think we need to have an intervention Karl. Your GAS is getting out of hand and hurting those around you. The first step is admitting you have a problem. These guitars have feelings you know!
  19. [quote name='jsk' timestamp='1399922634' post='2449046'] Would you send in France ? [/quote] As long as postage/insurance is covered by you then I'm happy to ship anywhere. Thanks
  20. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1399971186' post='2449378'] There seems to be quite a bit of resentment coming out in a few of the posts on this topic. I'm closer to the end of my playing career than where I began. That fact alone makes me quite sad, but I have quite a few years ahead of me to enjoy yet. I have a few basses, only a couple of which could be arguably considered high end. I don't consider them to be, but others might. None are custom to my spec, so I don't look at them that way. I have worked and played bloody hard over the years to earn the money to pay for what I have. I am considering ordering a Wal, which I guess some would consider "high end". I will pay for it outright with my own money, which I earned. It might have gold hardware. It might not. It might have a quilted maple top. It might have an ebony fingerboard. I don't know. I haven't decided yet. I know I'll have fun putting the finer details together if it happens and I know I'll enjoy playing it even more. I also know that I won't give a flying f*** what anyone thinks of me when I turn up down my local with it for a Saturday night pub gig. I'm not a postman and I don't have a swimming pool. [/quote] I think the generalisations above have maybe caused a bit of offence, I agreed with the point of most high end bass owners being of a slightly more "mature" persuasion. That was merely due to the fact they are expensive. I said it earlier more power to anyone who has earned the money to spend on things they like. Even more power to someone spending it on something hand made in the UK.
  21. Im in Chorley later as well Karl!! Lucky for you its not in my car, good luck with the unmentionable. Is it easy to sell your other half these days?
  22. I could sort out said s**t for the next 20 years and have no chance of spending that much on a "high end" bass. I don't think I'd be able to do it justice anyway. And for my part I was only jesting, if someone wants to buy a fodera or a soft top sports car when they are 40 good on them.
  23. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1399822790' post='2448008'] If you only ever see middle-aged men with one, it's a 'high-end' bass. [/quote] Absolutely nailed it.
  24. With an impending wedding and a spare room filling up with guitars I need to move on this beautiful example of a Musicman Sterling. Its a very early one by my calculations, 5 bolt neck plate and serial number on bridge. Still has the mutes on the bridge. Just re-strung with some Rotosound Swingbass 66s (45-105). Its in really good condition, some slight buckle rash on the back of the body (photographed) the neck has aged to a beautiful orange tint. Some lovely patches of birdseye as well. It plays really fast, low action and that killer musician tone. Its a painful one to move on as I've not had it too long, but I can't justify having it right now. Truss rod works perfectly, electronics are quiet as a mouse as you would expect. Its really been worn in to perfection, someone will be very happy with this bass. As my username would suggest I am a Stingray guy; but this stands up to it in every way imaginable. It has a non original hard case that is built like a tank, still has the keys. Will happily post at the buyers expense, any inspection and tryouts are welcome. Based near Stoke, rehearse in Derby and work in South Manchester. Will happily meet up within a reasonable distance. Straight sale preferred at £700 but would consider the below in px; TC RS cabs - Preferrably the RS212, but certainly interested in the 210 and the 112. VT bass pedal (Mk1, 2 or even the deluxe one) DHA overdrive
  25. I'm not sure anyone will be able to create anything as timeless as Leo? A lot of the names mentioned have created things that have to me, become dated. In terms of innovation, I agree all these guys have pushed things forward. It wouldn't surprise me if we were talking about Dingwalls in 30 years as an iconic design.
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