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Blind Lemon

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Everything posted by Blind Lemon

  1. Just taken del of a longhorn jazz and want to change the bridge, not a big deal i know but am curious as to the spacing of the mounting screws. 3 mounting screws spaced at 35mm centers. this looks much wider than Fender 3 screw mounting as on current deluxe jazz, My question is do the existing holes line up with 5 screw mounting bridge and just drill another 2 holes. Trying not to turn the body into a teabag under the bridge cos I'm just a bit anal about modding this bass as want to keep it as original as possible but the bridge has to go due to the awful string spacing. Thanks. Richard.
  2. Fully agree with john source second hand if you can the benefit of new is a warranty and you can have it now, boyels law states " gear will allways go down when you need it most" ! RCF gear is A1 by the way, we have recently purchased a 6k RCF rig HK is another good name to look out for but you will defo be in the second hand market to stay within your budget.
  3. I would suggest a pair of powered pa cabs, wharfedale evp x12 or similar (http://www.reverb-store.co.uk/product-detail.asp?prod=1106) around £400, a lowend mixer ( [url="http://www.dolphinmusic.co.uk/product/8540-behringer-xenyx-1202fx.html/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=shopping&utm_campaign=base"]http://www.dolphinmusic.co.uk/product/8540...m_campaign=base[/url] ) 12 input with built in effects about £100. sell on your peavey cabs to fund a small power amp to run your existing monitors. this will enable you to upgrade your pa by adding powerd bass bins etc as gigs and venues get bigger, and when funds allow invest in a quality desk. The beheringer mixers have always been ok in my experience.....but think of it as disposable. when choosing pa I learnt that in 12 months time it aint gonna be loud enough!!! Thats the route I would go if that helps. Gear linked to is just as an example. Richard
  4. Thanks for that Pete a CIJ may be a good option.........but just seen a jazz 24 very pretty but mixed reviews. Korean made so maybe not a "real" fender just badged that way however if ts a good instrument that should not matter :wacko:
  5. Thanks all for the welcome. Fancy a MIA jazz because ive never owned a fender and feel its the one to have, i understand the CIJ jap one is the better one as these are produced for the home market and are built to a higher standard than MIJ that are produced for export. Been looking at a CIJ on ebay but unsure about how much import duty is likley to be payable, if anyone can give me a clue it appreatiate it. Mind you even when i get my hands on a jazz chances are it will still be my warwick FNA that hangs round my neck when gigging cos it seems to fit like an old glove. Happy New Year one and all.
  6. Nice looking bit of kit, genuinely interested sent PM.
  7. Ignore me wanting a MIM jazz ment MIA Jazz .....fat fingers an all that LOL
  8. Blind Lemon


    Hello all, not too good with this forum thing maybe a bit old at 38 and 60 months. Been a basser for......... lets say some years! think i was the wrong side of puberty when i started and aint stoped since. Looking to get my hands on a MIM jazz (seems wrong ive never owned a fender) so if anyone knows of one going let me know. Thanks Richard
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