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Everything posted by Maverick

  1. [quote name='silddx' post='1262214' date='Jun 9 2011, 02:35 AM']Myung does talk a lot of bollocks though, when he can summon up the courage to open his mouth to speak.[/quote] Myung talks bollocks? Have you ever heard the rest of them? Myung seems like the only down to earth one to me. [quote name='toneknob' post='1262482' date='Jun 9 2011, 11:42 AM']They lost the plot a bit songwriting-wise after Awake, it's all technique and flash.[/quote] If you'd said after Six Degrees I could agree, but IMO their best stuff comes from A Change of Seasons to Six Degrees, although I'm not a huge fan of Falling Into Infinity, I'd probably take Awake over that. To me, although Jordan Rudess is an amazing keyboardist I don't think he's a great composer, and as he's become more established in the band the material has become weaker. I think Portnoy's writing started going seriously downhill as well. And his vocals were always awful.
  2. Quantity: 3?
  3. I find it a bit of an odd approach. If a band decides that 20 tracks are worth releasing for an album, why would I want to pay for only half? And although I realise that it's 20 songs, I'm not keen on paying £15 for a full album either. The cynic in me would guess that there's probably going to be a bit of filler in there as well.
  4. One of my favourite exponents of the distorted bass, Caleb Scofield of Cave In:
  5. [quote name='neepheid' post='1244106' date='May 25 2011, 12:01 PM']The point is it's a barefaced lie.[/quote] I don't think it's meant as a lie, just a mis-use of the word, and if he'd meant to deceive then the photos swiftly put paid to that anyway. Maybe a little dumb but not devious IMO.
  6. Josh Freese - Drums Brent Hinds - Guitar & Vocals Steve Brodsky - Guitar & Vocals Trent Reznor - Synths & whatever else he feels like really Me - Bass & Vocals
  7. A mysterious and wealthy crusader trying to fight the tyranny of extremely overpriced bass effects by buying them up and selling them on at a loss to those poor but deserving musicians out there perhaps? ...Ok, a scammer then. And £665!? Some people need their heads examining.
  8. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='1244031' date='May 25 2011, 11:07 AM']I wouldn't phone Rob Green, He'd only drop it.....[/quote]
  9. I think I'd be straight onto the phone with Martin Peterson and Rob Green. Probably not at the same time. Although with £20k to spend, who knows?
  10. [quote name='chrisd24' post='1237692' date='May 20 2011, 08:00 AM']I would love a 1980 ray but I don't know enough about them to male sure I wasn't buying a copy or a lemon![/quote] As it just so happens, I have a beautiful example of a 1980 Stingray for sale right here... [attachment=80475:lemon.jpg] ... trust me, it's an absolute beaut!
  11. [quote name='Heathy' post='1238362' date='May 20 2011, 04:30 PM']I must admit that I don't really understand this argument. Like many, I would love a vintage Fender. However, I would then be happy to make some non-intrusive mods so it plays and sounds as good as it can be - and then go out and enjoy playing it! I think that collectors can get a bit anal about the value of instruments as an investment - I mean, even a pre-cbs would not give you enough to retire on would it?[/quote] I see your point, but if you're buying a vintage Fender as a working bass, why spend that much money if you're not already completely happy with the sound? And if you're buying as an investment, why not do as much as you can to retain/enhance its value?
  12. "One owner..." "I bought this from a guy ... a few years ago ..." Riiiiiiiiight. So two owners then.
  13. [quote name='BassKS' post='1234488' date='May 17 2011, 04:09 PM']Sorry guys, busy at work. We were expecting a male engineer from Sweden. a 6ft blonde lady came over and shes handy with her tools. I digress!!!! Pictures tonight.[/quote] I'm sure we'd all appreciate that. And the pictures of the bass?
  14. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='1231254' date='May 14 2011, 07:11 PM']The IP thing applies worldwide, but the law that makes it doesn't, wherever something is, it breaches the IP of RIC on US soil, meaning it can't go across the border, so possibly if you are offering worldwide shipping, they have something, and you need to put a 'will not ship to (which is an option).[/quote] [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='1233392' date='May 16 2011, 06:33 PM']This bit isn't true, laws are specific to countries, and they are what make things illegal. The is no law against selling something that looks a bit like something else here, if you aren't passing it off, or selling it as a means to make copies. I am legally qualified, and IP was my strongest subject, although I'm not a lawyer. We faker fans should have a whip round to get a letter from a proper IP Lawyer, it won't cost loads, anyone know one/is one?[/quote] Could it be down to the fact that eBay is a US company and by facilitating sales of Rickenfakers anywhere in the world could open themselves up to a lawsuit in the US by Rick? Therefore it's easiest just to adopt a blanket policy against it.
  15. [quote name='51m0n' post='1234098' date='May 17 2011, 11:17 AM']ANother +1 to ER-20s, they do get a little uncomfortable after half an hour or so,[/quote] I find it's the opposite way around, a little uncomfortable for the first 10-15 min then I forget I even have them in. Once walked out of rehearsal and thought the traffic was oddly quiet before realising!
  16. [quote name='TheGreek' post='1233716' date='May 16 2011, 09:59 PM']That's the one - clean example that's been sitting since he got married - his priorities have changed...[/quote] Unfortunately I just don't have the cash at the moment, I'm more trying to track their prices at the moment to see if I can get the cash together for one at some point. I have to say I'm also surprised it's had no bids yet, but the problem may be that there's only one picture provided and it has very poor lighting, you can barely even make out much of the body of the bass. I know he says that more pictures are available, but it is eBay and people are lazy. Still, there's a bit left yet and I'd expect it to make £400 at the very least, it's probably just people holding on and trying to get a last min bargain.
  17. Indeed, he said so - hence the "(probably)"
  18. [quote name='TheGreek' post='1233341' date='May 16 2011, 05:44 PM']A friend of mine is selling a German Corvette standard on eBay - hasn't had a sniff at £250!! Rediculous!![/quote] Is that a blue one? I think I may be watching it.
  19. It's (probably) a genuine 62 RI, it's (definitely) not a genuine original 62. Note the ambiguous wording in which it is not expressly stated that it is an original 62, but there's plenty of room for the unwary to infer that it is, as it certainly doesn't say it's an RI either.
  20. Eurgh, that headstock makes me feel rather queasy.
  21. Yes that's a good idea, thanks. Maybe I'm a bit over cautious but I've never traded phone numbers before until all the details were agreed.
  22. [quote name='algmusic' post='1228203' date='May 11 2011, 10:56 PM']If you made all your contact via ebay.. you're definitely gonna be fine, otherwise.. You've still got a strong case.. keep us posted[/quote] Sorry to take the thread OT somewhat, but on this point I've just had an auction end and the buyer immediately message me his phone number and ask me to call him. Do you think it's unreasonable for me to refuse and ask to keep contact to the ebay message system?
  23. Shameless 'one hour left on ebay' type bump.
  24. Whoever bought it, unless they put that bid in right at the start, can't really have any complaints, but I bet after all the info that was posted on that listing there's still a few chancers willing to have a go and then complain when it's not what they hoped it was but knew it probably wasn't.
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