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Everything posted by Maverick

  1. Hi all, Have decided to have a mini clear out of a few of my less-used pedals; [u][b]Akai Headrush:[/b][/u] [attachment=71904:IMG_0369.JPG] [url="http://www.akaipro.com/e2headrush"]http://www.akaipro.com/e2headrush[/url] Barring one rehearsal, this has only seen home use since I got it (about a year ago from another BC'er) and is in good nick. Nice delay, decent features but really I just have little use for it barring the odd jam with the looper. Boxed, with manual and power supply. [u][b]EBS Bass IQ:[/b][/u] [attachment=71905:IMG_0367.JPG] [url="http://www.bass.se/2009/bassiq.htm"]http://www.bass.se/2009/bassiq.htm[/url] (different version) Black Label, non true bypass model. This has seen a bit more use than the Headrush. It used to be a regular on my pedal board and has a few scuffs to show it (oh, and velcro on the bottom), but it turned out that I didn't have that many chances to use it in the set and ended up as a casualty when I slimmed the pedal board down a while back. Easy to use and great sounding pedal though. Boxed with manual. [b]Now on ebay, see below for links[/b]
  2. They actually spotted that they were fraudulent at the bank? That's quite odd actually, as as I've heard this tale told before, the entire point of this trick is that the cheques themselves are actually legit. They're even supposed to clear, so that when they clear you would send the goods out, and refund the difference then. However, the cheque clearing is not the funds actually being transferred, but the bank confirming that the funds are available. The cheque amount is nominally added to your account balance at this point for convenience I guess. However, there is then a gap (which can be fairly significant) between the cheque clearing and the funds actually being transferred. During this time they may be withdrawn, so that when the bank does actually go to transfer the funds they're no longer there and the cheque then bounces. This whole process can take a long while to complete so by the time you find out, you're goosed.
  3. [quote name='Johnston' post='1107674' date='Jan 29 2011, 10:04 PM']What has the primus video got to do with it ??[/quote] Because YOU CAN THUMB SLAP!
  4. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='1103272' date='Jan 26 2011, 10:24 AM']Because Warwick have spent a substantial part of the last decade actively destroying their brand value. The have a complicated and largely incomprehensible range, which keeps changing and is littered with pointless "special editions", and is then more-or-less duplicated by their own Rockbass range of el-cheapo copies of their own basses. (That's horribly unfair, of course, but seems to be the general perception of many.) Buy a Fender and it says "Fender" on the headstock. Buy an el-cheapo copy of their own basses by Fender and it says "Squier" on the headstock. Rockbasses used to have "Rockbass" in childish squiggly handwriting on the headstock (maybe some still do) but these days they seem to have a "W" and that's it, making it ever-harder to spot the difference. With all that going on, who's going to pay top-dollar for a bass and hope that, when it's time to sell, a future buyer is going to recognise that [b][i]this [/i][/b]Warwick is the really valuable, sought-after model?[/quote] You've got a point there, I've never really thought about it that way. To develop slightly further, with Fenders you've got the rather clear strata of MIM, MIJ and MIA which gives you an immediate idea of what price range you're looking at and allows buyers to very easily zero in to what (they think that) they want. Now, I know there's the basic distinction between Warwick body shapes, but each body shape then has its own 'lineage' of model options that seems mostly separate from the others'. Whereas Fender you've got your P and J (and others, but they're obv the main two) but they both have fairly similar model structure - ie you know what a deluxe will roughly be from each, etc.
  5. No offence Jack, I think you're over-exaggerating a bit there. The V is a bit pointy - it's hardly BC Rich standard though. I don't really see 'How Metal Am I?" poses either, I just see 3 fairly standard "I'm Holding A Guitar" poses that you'll see on many a guitar maker's website by many types of musician - I think you're seeing the hair, the tattoos and the band names and making an unfair inference there. As for 'Rotting Christ', well, fair enough. Doesn't bother me, they're not exactly my favourite band (and certainly not Dave Mustaine's) but there are plenty of worse band names out there in my opinion.
  6. [quote name='BassBunny' post='1101766' date='Jan 25 2011, 09:31 AM']Pretty sure they are Rotosound Swing Bass Nickels,[/quote] That can't be right, he said they sound nice... Boom boom.
  7. The guitarists in both of my bands are all great guys but each have their own little idiosyncracies that we seem to end up butting heads over more and more lately. I know that I'm not necessarily the easiest person in the world to work with sometimes either though so c'est la vie. Have had two fairly negative experiences with guitarists in the past though, one was with a fairly short lived metal band (there were 2 guitarists in that one and they were both quite difficult to work with - although their ego clashes were hilarious at times), the other was a band I was just filling in with for one gig. The guitarist had an Ibanez with a floyd rose type trem and refused to lock the nut because apparently it wouldn't stay in tune when he did. But, he still used the trem and wondered why his guitar kept going out of tune. I must have spent half an hour of one of the rehearsals explaining the full workings and setup process for a FR to him and why just putting the stings on, tuning it and locking it doesn't magically work and he still didn't get it.
  8. [quote name='MikanHannille' post='1099167' date='Jan 22 2011, 10:58 PM']Arghh. Can't even think on how would you able to forget something that big on the train. ~.~ Well, I wish the best for you.[/quote] Actually, I did it once at Charing Cross station last year. Had a lot on my mind at the time but just as I was about to go down to the tube, realised I felt a lot lighter than I should have been, turned around and sprinted back to the platform and fortunately the train was still there and bass was right where I left it. Cue me dashing on, grabbing the bass and dashing back off again with a rather full carriage of bemused passengers looking on! A rather less fortunate occasion was a few years ago when I was on the way home and totally loaded up with luggage, managed to leave a rather nice leather jacket that I loved on a (then) GNER train that never turned up again. Yes, I have a mind like a sieve at times. Hope OP's bass turns up though. I know if mine hadn't I'd have been gutted, know what he means about it being THAT bass.
  9. Thanks for the responses guys; [quote name='geoffbyrne' post='1098241' date='Jan 21 2011, 11:47 PM']The suggestion of the nut being too high sounds good to me. If you hold any string down between the 2nd & third frets, it should only *just* be clear of the 1st fret - literally the proverbial cigarette paper thickness. If this distance is noticably greater on your bass, then that's probably at least contributing to the problem. G.[/quote] It does look like that there's a bit of excess clearance there so this may indeed be part of the problem. Guitard has some files he says should be suitable for the job so going to try and get a borrow of them and see if I can sort/improve the situation. Cheers all!
  10. [quote name='silddx' post='1097215' date='Jan 21 2011, 10:44 AM']I reckon some people go through life thinking they can have a RELATIONSHIP with their bass, and if they find the ONE bass they can have a relationship with, then that will improve the relationship they have with music. They imagine the ONE bass will make them practice, and play more often and better, they imagine they will not be able to put this bass down. They will make magic on this bass. The bass will have a perfectly compatible PERSONALITY with the person playing it. They will cherish the ONE bass and they will be rewarded with musical excitement. The bass and it's player will be a unique combination. They will be SPECIAL together. For some people it's an old Fender, for others it is a custom built instrument. They will spend many delicious months hunting in the unknown forests and fields of pawn shops, auctions and forums to find that mojoed old Jazz bass with the unknown history that they can have a true relationship with. Or likewise for the custom built ONE bass. Poring over technicalities, specifications, colours, hardware, woods, electronics .. they can FEEL this bass in their hands. They KNOW what it's going to be like opening the case for the first time, the smell, the weight, the patient but desperate excitement waiting for the SVT to warm up - the anticipation that the first note they play on it will summon forth God! They know this will happen because to convince their wife, they first had to convince themselves. This bass will be so well matched to the player that those tricky 16th note arpeggios will now be easier, and finally they will be able to fully express themselves. The first note did not summon God. It reminded him a bit of the Squier Jazz, the one with the dodgy tuning peg. Maybe the mids were better defined and it certainly feels better to play, really, it does. Look at my 16th note arpeggios now! Well, a bit more practice perhaps, but I'll want to do that with this bass because it's made for me. And look at that wood pattern, lovely isn't it! The luthier said that's his best bit of burl ives that he's been keeping for a build like this. Really pretty isn't it! I'm sure that's Jesus's face just by the mid sweep pot! Shame the neck profile doesn't quite feel like my Squier Jazz, maybe I could get him to shave it down slightly, but that would mean a refinish on the neck. Don't worry, I'll get used to it, thicker necks are more ergonomic aren't they, better for the hands, and I really should play properly and stop putting my thumb over the top. The pickup screws seem to get in the way of my thumb too, that feels a bit weird, but I always said, didn't I, that I should learn to play like Geddy, the floating thumb is a much more efficient way of damping, Andrew McKinney said that once I think. Pity about the slight neck dive, but if I shorten my strap abit my forearm will keep it in place. No, it will be great for me, this bass, just what I need! Shame I sold that Squier though, maybe I could see if JustOneMoreTry1963 willl sell it back to me? Just so I have my first bass back, don't know why I sold it really, I love the neck on it, even though it's a Squier. Three weeks later .. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=119512"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=119512[/url][/quote] KUDOS on your commitment to the point there
  11. Hi all. I'm a bit of a technical/DIY novice. I've been trying to give my bass a decent home setup job, but one problem I was unable to solve that I've had for a while is that it's quite sharp at the first fret on the lowest two strings (I'm tuned down to C sharp currently, but the problem was also present when it was in standard tuning). The intonation is pretty much spot on everywhere else, including the 2 higher strings at the same fret. To be honest, it's never really been a big problem as I very, very, very rarely use these two notes (so yes, I've been a bit lazy as to getting it sorted), but I do have to record a song soon in which I pretty much have to use one of them, and it just seems sensible to try and sort it. Does anyone have an idea what could cause this? One suggestion I have read elsewhere is that the nut is cut too high, is this likely it? Would there be any way to verify it without just taking the plunge and filing/cutting it down, and how would one go about doing so properly if that is the fix? Or am I just best off not messing with it and getting it seen to by a pro? This may be a problem, as I'm rather short on cash at the mo Cheers all!
  12. Coming very late to this thread and missing most of the discussion, to me it seems like a fairly decent idea, I can at least see how some (if not all) of the switching options would be useful. But could they not have come up with a better name? For a start, I absolutely hate that turn of phrase anyway, and secondly it's just pure hyperbole that's probably setting the product for a massive fall when it doesn't live up to its name. Just give it a sensible name and let it sell itself, if it's good enough people will go for it.
  13. I don't mind being asked to keep things simple, but I'm currently being asked to simplify what I think is an already fairly simple part, because they guitard and drummer think that their parts are really simple and I'm overplaying. In reality, their parts are a lot busier than they seem to think, but as it's a quieter part, quieter is somehow being directly equated with simpler. It's possible that they're entirely right, just for the completely wrong reason though. Ah well.
  14. I have an IGB 50 (passive PJ), it's a great bass. My Dad, knowing nothing about basses, picked it up for £100 from a friend and I wasn't expecting much, but it ended up being my main gigging bass for quite a while.
  15. It's an OLP as well, £650 new!? An idiot trying to pull a very bad fast one? EDIT: Oh, and also, is it (very nearly) ironic that it's located in Stirling?
  16. [quote name='Bassassin' post='1074107' date='Jan 1 2011, 01:31 AM']How can you say that??? [i]Jesus[/i] played a 72 Jazz. Probably. J.[/quote] Are you sure he wasn't nailed to one instead?
  17. Maverick

    Free DAWs

    Ardour's good but only available for Linux and Mac OSX, I assume that's no use?
  18. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='1059779' date='Dec 15 2010, 05:43 PM']but you shouldn't click the confirm button unless you are serious. Good on him I say.[/quote] I agree with this, but... [quote]I know but at the end of the day when you bid on something on ebay you enter into a legally binding contract -[/quote] Entirely debatable I'm afraid. The courts have taken the view that for ordinary internet shopping, the listing of an item is an invitation to treat only, therefore the buyer in fact makes the offer when he clicks buy, and it is only upon the seller actually accepting the order that the contract is actually made. I think some people have tried to convolute that argument even further with regards ebay by saying that the final bid is actually only an invitation to treat to the buyer to make an offer. It's not really clear and as far as I'm aware there's currently no real authority on what an ebay listing and bids actually constitute.
  19. For some reason, it's reminding me of General Grievous from the Star Wars prequels.
  20. "Some" damage? Bloody hell.
  21. [quote name='AndyTravis' post='1034617' date='Nov 24 2010, 12:08 AM']'overhaul' - Thats the same 700/705 they've done for a few years. Nice Instrument in many ways. The guitars have just been redisigned with James Tyler, now being the James Tyler Variax. Funily enough, JT has started producing basses again in his own line...So maybe it's on the cards?[/quote] Ooooooh I see.
  22. [quote name='Doctor J' post='1033877' date='Nov 23 2010, 01:50 PM']The Variax concept is quite the revolution, I reckon. They've overhauled the guitar to largely positive press, should they do the same to the bass it could be quite interesting.[/quote] Erm, they did. [url="http://line6.com/variaxbass/"]http://line6.com/variaxbass/[/url]
  23. Can't believe no one's said Muse yet (I think) - Hysteria & Time Is Running Out Massive Attack - Angel is very well known. At the very least, people will recognise it from some advert or another. A couple, perhaps not for the average man on the street, but your average metal punter at least: Megadeth - Peace Sells Metallica - For Whom The Bell Tolls (although I always wonder how many think that's a guitar part) Iron Maiden - Wrathchild [quote name='Johnston' post='1031239' date='Nov 21 2010, 11:13 AM']I'm going to say Phantom of the opera by the mighty Steve Harris.[/quote] Hmm, I think the best know parts of that one are where the bass and guitar play the same things, so if people recognise the bass part it's probably because they know the guitar part. I said Wrathchild as the intro is pure Harris.
  24. People who have a Marcus Miller without a Sadowsky pre? I don't think you can just say it's a case of hearing it straight off record and sayin, 'oh, listen to that lovely preamp', but the only major complaint I regularly read about the bass is that the stock preamp is rubbish and that people have got comparably more 'Miller' tones with a better preamp, be it the East one or a Sadowsky one. It's therefore become pretty much conventional wisdom that the MM needs a preamp upgrade to live up to it's potential. It may be that people just think it sounds better and automatically assume that it must be a more Miller-esque sound perhaps, I don't know.
  25. I bet they're interestingly overpriced.
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