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  1. Two amps - Genz Benz Shuttlemax 12.0 (1200w) and MB Nano Mk2 and two cabs Barefaced Big One and Barefaced Big Baby 2. Gives me three options: 1) Nano + BB2 for small pub gigs. 2) GB + Big One for functions. 3) GB + Big One and BB2 for outside gigs. We use iems and have a decent PA too, but the rest of the band still prefer lots of sound on stage with the PA just filling in.
  2. Just because you're doing it, doesn't mean there is sense to it 😉😂
  3. Well, there's one choice, get a better amp...
  4. This is not very helpful at all as a comment, but I remember seeing someone in here a little while back who had found a bag that fitted the One10 very nicely, so it had straps etc on too. Sorry I can't be more helpful than that, but they looked pretty useful! Edit: this is the thread with the bags! Cajon bags from Amazon by the sounds of it?
  5. Anything other than Class D would also go massively against what Barefaced stand for - Small, light, loud. No sense buying a One10 and paring it up with an amp as big and heavy!
  6. I think I read somewhere that the power amp manufacturer stopped making the amp he was using, so if true that probably helped the decision.
  7. I'm with you - I made some new speakon (by far the better connector) cables recently and it was super easy. Nice to be able to fettle the length yourself and get them exactly how you want them. This guy's video was very helpful...
  8. I know it's got a few dings in the paint, but even so this is a fantastic price for one of these. Seen some asking for £700 recently, but suspect they've settled for a little lower. This won't be around long and if I hadn't of bought a BB2 last month I'd already be on my way down the A3 to you!
  9. To be fair, BF don't have that many models of cabs that someone looking for one probably knows roughly which one they want based on size etc.
  10. Dammit, thought I'd finally found a power amp to challenge my Barefaced cab 😉
  11. I don't want a Stingray, but I have a Bongo 5HH is discontinued Desert Gold without a single mark on it I'd consider parting with for the right price.
  12. I'd just learn to play a 5 string properly...
  13. Funny, I was just thinking everyone seems to be missing the point of the OPs post about having a rig that is good for bass and sax. How does "a combo intended for acoustic guitar" meet that intent? Or have I missed read the OPs question entirely?
  14. I've not experience with sax, but I'd imagine you want something pretty flat to retain the tone of the sax. In terms of a cab something like a Barefaced Big Baby 2 or 3 offers loads of output, is pretty much full range flat response and is very light and compact. I'm sure it with do a fab job of both bass and sax with the right head.
  15. There's someone in the market place selling a Genz Benz Shuttlemax 12.2 and GB 2x12 speaker for something like £650. If was after an instant one stop function band setup I'd jump at that. I've been using the Shuttlemax 12.0 for 15 ish years and it is superb. Small, light, ridiculous amounts of power and flexibility (1200w if you have two 4ohm speakers!) and separate tube and mosfet channels. I run my Stomp into that and when required run a pre-eq DI out to PA. My speaker is a Barefaced which is also superb, but you pay big money for those used - the GB that comes in that rig isnt quite as light as a BF, but will likely be all the speaker you'll ever need for a function band. Of course, there are all sorts of options, but having done functions for years the key traits I'd be looking for a small, light and simple.
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