There's someone in the market place selling a Genz Benz Shuttlemax 12.2 and GB 2x12 speaker for something like £650. If was after an instant one stop function band setup I'd jump at that. I've been using the Shuttlemax 12.0 for 15 ish years and it is superb. Small, light, ridiculous amounts of power and flexibility (1200w if you have two 4ohm speakers!) and separate tube and mosfet channels. I run my Stomp into that and when required run a pre-eq DI out to PA. My speaker is a Barefaced which is also superb, but you pay big money for those used - the GB that comes in that rig isnt quite as light as a BF, but will likely be all the speaker you'll ever need for a function band.
Of course, there are all sorts of options, but having done functions for years the key traits I'd be looking for a small, light and simple.