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Everything posted by RichardH

  1. Personally I like the ebony look - are you edge binding it? If so, that could add a bit of interest to the board if you're worried it is too "brown"...
  2. I assume the driver was OK in the old cab?
  3. When I did my fretless I got the nitro from Manchester Guitar Tech
  4. It's certainly been a mammoth build thread...
  5. Will be putting this up on eBay on Thursday.
  6. I think the edge strip looks really smart, actually.
  7. ...From a quick google, both bi and dipole speakers use paired drivers to produce diffuse sound, but the difference is whether the drivers within the cab are in our our of phase with each other. So I guess it would be possible to offer a switch to flip between the two modes.
  8. Yes, dipoles contain twin speakers that spread the sound. Having said that, the 77DS still kick botty - we watched the bluray of Bladerunner 2049, which has some very strong sweeping surround stuff going on, and there was no lack of rear aural pleasure, and very good placement of the audio. Thinking about it, I would imagine that these height endoded speakers are also acting as an effect/surround source - so not for mega pinpoint stuff etc. To illustrate what I mean about how they are mounted, here's a photo of our room looking back from the screen - there are two 77DS mounted at the back over the hanging rug, as well as the ones on the side walls.
  9. ...but it could be worth just using a couple of PA speaker stands and whacking a couple of PA speakers in place (if you have access to a couple of passive ones) just to try it out before spending ££ on a build.
  10. This could be what you need https://www.ebay.co.uk/i/282853202559?rt=nc Mission 77DS surround speakers - seem to go for around £25 a pair secondhand. They were well over £100 new back in the day. You can mount them hard up to the ceiling ("upside down" so they fit where the ceiling/wall meets), and they are very unobtrusive - I have two pairs in our home cinema/music room for 7.1 (set for side and rear - and they are excellent). If you hunt around you can find them in white too. To be honest I am out of touch so the height thing is not something I am aware of, so you may want something more directional if these are intended to be extra front speakers - these speakers have two drivers operating as dipoles for surround-y-ness.
  11. Tiny bump - have had an offer of £20 on eBay for it, so any interest in matching that price before I accept it?
  12. RichardH


    How do you fix the knobs to the pots? Do you just rely on pushing them on to the spline, or have you managed to source some inserts?
  13. Well if you need a load of TurboBlue Tuffcab paint, then fleabag's your man!!
  14. A little bumpage for a cracking little wireless setup
  15. You're welcome to continue stalking me
  16. Splendid stereo Yamaha power amp now surplus to requirements (gone active with the PA). Can be used in stereo or bridged mono for very big noises. Not super lightweight, but easy enough to transport, and the usual excellent Yamaha build and sound quality. 4ohms; Bridge: 2000W 4 Ohms 590W x 2 8ohms 390W x 2 Full specs available here. If there is interest I will dig it out and take photos, but it is in good nick, a few small scrapes here and there. Happy to ship at cost.
  17. He's stalking me, I tell you!
  18. Great solid tuner - the pics don't show quite how easy is is to read as the camera has enhanced the "off" parts of the readout so they look similar to the "on" bits. Happy to post at cost!
  19. Line6 G30 wireless system - you know what they are! Great range, blah blah. Belt clip a little "expanded" but still firm. Battery door remains shut. Velcro on back of receiver, a few battlescars here and there. Comes with original PSU. Happy to ship at cost.
  20. That looks just the ticket!!!! - they do matching corners too (I know you were going to nick them from the old cab, but for 99p for 4 corners, it would be rude not to.....
  21. ...mind you, the Wickes oak 20mm angle moulding would be cheaper, and you could tuffcab it! They also have ally moulding (18x18 though) listed at £11 odd. Would look smart with the silver sprayed grill.... Found black plastic on eBay cheaper than the first link http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/BLACK-PLASTIC-PVC-CORNER-90-DEGREE-ANGLE-TRIM-ALL-SIZES-10-15-20-25-30-40-50mm-/232030527177?_trksid=p2385738.m4383.l4275.c10 ...but a tenner postage. This seller is doing it in 1m lengths and only charging £3.99 postage (plus 10p per additional length)
  22. How about this http://www.buyplasticsonline.co.uk/index.php/pvc-profiles - available in black too I searched for "plastic angle extrusion" and came up with Plastics Direct.... doubt you need 3m of it though! You could contact a local UPVC windows place and ask if they have anything similar - offcuts even!
  23. Coming on nicely, old chap!
  24. As I suspected. I couldn't find a source to state at what frequency efficiency is measured, so thanks to the clarification.
  25. Just to drop in on this one. We had a gig in a very small pub a couple of weeks ago. I realised my Genz Neox 212T was going to take too much space - at the venue as well as in the cae (I was taking PA and drum kit as well). So I just took my TC RH450 and DI'd into the PA (3 x RCF 310A as monitors, 2 X Yamaha DXR10s as mains). It worked fine!
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