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Everything posted by RichardH

  1. We have a couple of orders in the pipeline - it's taken a while to get get going with this for various reasons, but we should be starting to get them going very shortly - we have one kit cut and Mike and I are getting together tomorrow all being well to go over it and make sure it's good enough to send out.
  2. Kind of hard to say, as it depends on what tools you have, skill/experience levels, desired finish etc. If you took it steady you should get one done in a couple of weekends from 8x4 sheet to completed cab - they're similar to a BFM Omni in complexity, but without the need to cut non 90 degree angles.
  3. [url="http://greenboy.us/fEARful/faq.htm#What_is_the_minimum.2Fmaximum_wattage_required.3F"]This is about the only one I have come across[/url] - obviously this is a generated chart rather than a measured response, and is more intended to illustrate the differing maximum power output levels from the range.
  4. Are these the pickups you had in the test bass at the Finnbass Ffumble, Alan? If so, then anyone a bass with getting them in will be verrrry happy.
  5. The 3015 is quoted as handling 450W continuous, 900W peak, so a 500W head (is that at 8 or 4 ohms by the way?) should be fine. As for the kit prices, they're all on the website (see my sig). I can certainly assist with all the other aspects of building the cab, yes. Have you read up on these beasts? Remember that the 12Sub and 15Sub are not designed as stand alone bass cabs - they are an add on to another fEARful cab to add extra bottom end. The crossover specified for them is designed to roll off above (IIRC) around 6-800Hz, so that it can then let the mid driver in the other cab take over. I can't comment on what would happen if you altered or omitted the crossover to attempt to get a more full range cab out of it - and the 3015LF is an expensive driver to trash!
  6. By a 1x15 do you mean the 15/6, the 15/6 tube or the 15Sub? As a matter of fact, the plans for the 12/6 have been updated recently to have a single top mounted recessed handle. It might be a bit more awkward with the 15s, but it could be looked at. The concern is that the balance point could really only be determined once the cab was loaded, which makes it harder to then cut. Also the mid chamber position means that any handle on the top will need to be pretty much centred - not much chance to have it forward of there, where more of the weight sits. So it might tip forward a bit - though that does give your drivers protection from the rain when carrying outside The other issue is that the 15/6 cab is 30" tall, which means it might be tricky to get much ground clearnace if carrying it from the top - a side handle might be more sensible. Price wise, we are aiming to offer fully built cabs at very similar prices to our Authorised Builder counterparts in the US - although with a slight uplift as drivers and crossovers are more expensive over here, and we are finishing in high grade Tolex as standard rather than Duratex or any other painted finish. So a 15/6 or 15/6 tube would be in the region of £740 in 12mm baltic birch, £770 in 15mm lightweight ply. A 15Sub would be around £500 in 12mm BB.
  7. It's a matter of supply. Mike could well order some sheets of 12mm, but the way he buys ply in means it has to be in large quantity, so it will only be when he next needs stock of the usual 15 and 18mm. We can investigate other possible sources I guess, but the costs will be greater again.
  8. ....And it's now official. We are now an authorised fEARful builder. Here's the website - more to come on there over the next few months! http://www.speakerbuilder.co.uk
  9. My 4 string Fender Japan fretless neck is less than 20mm deep including fingerboard up at the headstock end - seems solid enough to me!! EDIT - in fact the depth is only around 23mm at the octave point, too.
  10. [quote name='tonyf' timestamp='1348738764' post='1817486'] Thanks for the compliment I've only tried flats a couple of times and didn't get on with them. Of course that could be because of the strings I tried, Chromes they were. Found them way too much tension for me and struggled with the tone. However, I guess I could shop around to try another set but TBH, I really like the sound of roundwounds and the wear on the fingerboard isn't that great a concern at the moment. I'll see how it goes. T [/quote] A really good low tension flatwound string is the TI Jazz Flats. However, they're not cheap, so may be a bit of a pricey experiment if you're not sure of the tone - I love them though!
  11. Very well - it will be made official shortly, but at this point I think I can safely say we'll shortly be the UK's first fEARful authorised builder, and will also be offering flatpack CNC cut kits for those who can't cut straight or source decent ply but like building things I am just putting some crossover kit prices together and then we'll be ready to roll, I think!
  12. I'll have to ask Mike - also, it might be tricky as it will depend what software you're using.
  13. Sounds like fun, Mr Cat! Well my cab has been snaffled by a friend, so I'll be building another one soon!!
  14. More inspiration for a clear grain - my P body that went from to this [url=http://www.areyoulocal.com/bass_preciazz.asp]Build here[/url], in case it offers any useful info.
  15. Can't help, but that would look really cool!!
  16. Lovely work!
  17. Well, there are things afoot on the building front. I'll not say any more for the moment, but watch this space!
  18. Well, decide for yourselves - a short excerpt from the weekend's high jinks with various gear. [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCpw04EtQXc]Here's the fEARful in action with an Ovation Magnum[/url] - camera mic overlaoded at various points.
  19. Indeed. More testing to be done I think, just to satisfy myself that all is well
  20. I think I have just sussed what the difference is. From what Dave's just told me, The EAD mid has a 99.8dB sensitivity, whereas the one in the fEARful is 95dB. So if I wanted my cab to have that mid content I would just need to look at changing the driver for the 18 Sound one and amending the crossover.
  21. Tell you what - they look a heck of a lot better in real life than they do in photos, and are very well built.
  22. Just been checking and the high pass for the tweeter is designed for a 6k pass, so that would explain why not much was getting through. So it looks like the differences we were hearing between the two cabs was more about the mid voicing than the tweeter - although Dave's tweeter high pass may be crossing over a lot lower, hence the reason twiddling his tweeter knob affected the sound from his cab. So it may be that we need to check all is well with the mid section rather than anything else.
  23. A couple of years ago I managed to buy a load of purpleheart decking It's silvered down now, but it was quite stunning when first put down - I'll try and find some pics!
  24. Ahhh - very good point, but that's not it - we A/Bd it against one of Dave Perry's excellent EAD cabs (with the same amp), and that had way more top end to it - and not in a bad way. It may well be that the voicing is different, but we're going to give it a good check over to ensure we've not done something silly
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