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Everything posted by RichardH

  1. [quote name='Alec' timestamp='1323686986' post='1465682'] Yes, Genz moved from carpet to textured this year. Go on Richard, you know you want it... Drop by and have a quick play through mine, and you'll be hooked! [/quote] Might take you up on that one day Alec
  2. It works fine if you go to the site from a straight link, only get the issue when going via Google and Bing - all fine when from alternate search engine DuckDuckGo. Looks like the search engines have been fooled by a dummy website.
  3. Sorry to be thick. The pics on the Genz Benz website seem to look like these have a textured finish rather than carpet - did they change?
  4. Crez, I'll be down in Bristol in early December so I could collect it for you if you like
  5. Those of you wondering/concerned about the cost of travel to London - if you book train tickets early enough, it can be very cheap. I've bought tickets from London to Birmingham for a fiver before now.
  6. sk8 was talking about maybe selling his, if you're still toying with the idea of a second one. Might be worth getting in touch.
  7. ...Some more: The bass sounds great - "piano like" is a good description, but not super hifi - lots of body to it as well. It has a "vintage filter" added which does a nice job of tweaking the sounds in quite a Markbass VLE sort of way - maybe it should be the VBE - Vintage Bass Emulator Good luck with the sale, sk8!
  8. What a shame you're selling, Mike. I should say that I had my hands on this bass - I live fairly near Mike Walsh (i.e. Mr Iceni), and happened to be going down to Bristol when it was ready, so offered to deliver it to sk8. Before I took it down though I had to take a few pics
  9. On the subject of searching, if you are within a thread and want to search within that thread, then the results page it gives is just the single thread, and all you seem to be able to do is click on the thread and you're back into the start of the whole thread - no lsiting of the posts within the thread that matched your sarch terms.
  10. [url="http://www.soundslive.co.uk/product~name~Zoom-H1~ID~13779.asp"]Zoom H1. [/url] I have an H2, and it's brilliant.
  11. I would look in [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showforum=26"]this forum[/url] - maybe repost in there too.
  12. Yeah, it's tricky - save decent songs for an encore that you might not get, or dig out some old crap you've not practiced for ages and leave a bad impression - either way you're stuffed. I always liked David Gedge of the Wedding Present's way of handling it. At the end of the last song, he'd say "Thankyou very much, we're the Wedding Present, we don't do encores".
  13. Forgive me if I'm being stupid, but isn't that a normal ported cab - i.e. direct radiator rather than a horn, but just with a tapered port? EDIT - doh - it's not a tapered port, just a trick of the photo.
  14. I went to see them at St Albans. They played the whole of the Babbacombe Lee album, which I must admit was superbly played, but frankly isn't my favourite Fairport stuff. They also played a lot of new songs in the second half, but wrapped up with a few faves. Not the most enjoyable gig I've seen of theirs (having done various gigs as well as several Cropredys inc one of the older ones when Robert Plant did a surprise appearance). Best moment of the night - Simon Nichol stopping a song a few bars in 'cos he'd forgotten to put his glasses on... rock 'n' roll, eh? Must admit I never really used to like Ric Sanders, but he's grown on me. Still not a great fan of Maart though, so Chris Leslie is fine by me
  15. There's always the stick on luminous dots as well....
  16. Interesting. Did you put the Eminences in? If so, how did it change the sound compared to the Celestions?
  17. ... I was going to suggest you stick them up on [url="http://www.pinkfishmedia.net/forum/"]Pink Fish[/url], but I see you're not intending to try too hard.
  18. Giblin played on the Joan Armatrading UK tour last year, as I saw him/her/them at St Albans.
  19. I got a spruce topped Kala U-bass - loads of fun! Did have to suggest and order it myself though...
  20. 2 too for me!
  21. Yep - even a cheapo Aldi special!
  22. To be honest if you can screw wood together you can do one. Just get a timber merchant to do the cuts for you, so you'll end up with everything nice and square - then it's just a matter of assembly. You'll need something to cut the hole for the driver though.
  23. I should say that I had my hands on this beast for a short while, and it's lovely. Sustain that goes on and on and on, and really "alive" feeling. With the vintage tone filter backed right off, it almost gives out the sound/vibe of when you pluck one of the low strings inside a piano - really resonant. With the VTF engaged, you can get some more trad sounds from it too. Didn't have time to play with the pickup options or other knobbage, though.
  24. [quote name='Soliloquy' post='1007514' date='Oct 31 2010, 04:20 PM']Just found this on Ebay [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Peavey-IPR1600-open-box-class-D-power-amplifier-amp-/150513374796?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item230b4bd64c#ht_2162wt_761"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Peavey-IPR1600-open-...c#ht_2162wt_761[/url][/quote] 120V AC though. From looking at an image of the rear panel it wouild appear that they don't switch, and so I imagine the UK ones have a different transformer to cope with our mains voltage. I looked into getting one of the (similar specced) Crown Drivecores from the States because they're so much cheaper, but they are the same, and I was advised that using a step down transformer is not recommended for power amps.
  25. Wholeheartedly agree with the comments above. Over the years the for sale section has been littered with "I ordered this custom 5 string but I now find that 5 strings are not for me" ads. Is purple rawk enough? [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=100880&hl=dean"]A known good 'un for £220[/url].
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