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Everything posted by RichardH

  1. Did this for the tinkerage value rather than anything else, and now I have a RH450 I don't need it anyway. Slightly dinged CS3 with the [url="http://www.monteallums.com/pedal_mods.html#cs3opto"]Monte Allums Opto mod[/url] all fitted and working. CS3s fetch around £32-£40 s/h on eBay, the mod kit is $21, so shall we say £40 + postage?
  2. Mike does [url="http://www.purple-chili.com/shop/bass-parts/bridges"]have a few Badasses in stock[/url] at the moment actually - don't think any are III's though - if you give him a ring I'm sure he would be obliging though - he most certainly does do repairs.
  3. No disrespect to your luthier, and I'm sure they'd do a fantastic job, but if the budget is low and this is a first foray into fretless I really would think that a cheap secondhand fretless is the way to go - then if it's not for you you can sell on for little or no loss - however if you get a bass preofessionally defretted then you're going to be out of pocket - although of course I don't know how much you'll be charged for the defret. Maybe once you have had a fretless for a while then get something done specifically for you.
  4. The one that does get mentioned as being louder than most is the [url="http://www.tacomaguitars.com/products/search.php?partno=0381200721"]Tacoma Thunderchief[/url]. There was a cheaper version called an Olympia OB3CE - but that seems to not be available any more.
  5. I used [url="http://www.areyoulocal.com/bass_preciazz2.asp"]epoxy to seal my refin of a P body[/url] - worked really well and makes the grain really "pop" - however, you need to be very careful that every square mm is covered, or the top coat that goes on will get "sucked" into the grain, and you end up with what they "fish eyes" (IIRC), whihc will never take the top coat.
  6. All in the first post [quote name='Hamster' post='854384' date='Jun 2 2010, 01:15 AM']I bought this from Mr_Russ around a year ago and I've enjoyed every second of it. It was made to compliment a Markbass 2x10 cab and is approx [b]23W x 21H x 19D[/b]. It weighs [b]approx 37lbs [/b]and is clear, loud and pretty bright for a 1x15 cab.[/quote]
  7. Might be interested but can't picture it - can you post a pic?
  8. I do think Merton should have first refusal on this, since he attempted to buy it last time until Parcelforce got in the way
  9. [quote name='twowheeledwriter' post='841164' date='May 18 2010, 05:27 PM']I always forget to play in the verses - this gives me more hands free to play the cowbell...[/quote] I do the cowbell on that song too (but our vocalist is male....)
  10. [quote name='dood' post='844098' date='May 21 2010, 01:18 PM']PLEASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSE Tell me this 'song' was recorded AFTER The Damned's 'Jet Boy Jet Girl' and not vice versa. I might shoot myself if Captain and the boys covered Plastic RubberBand or whatever his name is.[/quote] [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jet_Boy,_Jet_Girl"]They both were covers of the same song by Elton Motello[/url] - so that's kind of OK.
  11. Am just PMing you re the power amp. R
  12. French speaking, you say? He's Belgian, but it's sung in French
  13. I'd forgotten I had this - I used to use (one side of it) as my bass power amp, but it's a bit bulky and all, so it fell by the wayside. Anyway, 2 channels, each 150W, 4 ohm minimum, volume pots a bit scratchy but both channels work fine, and even with my bass plugged directly into the line input it manages to go quite loud, thank you very much. Seen better days, but has been stored in a dry place for the last few years, so any rust etc is from years ago. Before you ask about bridging etc, I suspect that the only bridging you can do with it is to throw it off one. MORE than loud enough to power your monitors, if not the main PA speakers for small gigs. Weight is 14kg. [url="http://www.dustyend.com/photos/eBay/cloud-1.jpg"][/url] [url="http://www.dustyend.com/photos/eBay/cloud-2.jpg"][/url] [url="http://www.dustyend.com/photos/eBay/cloud-3.jpg"][/url] [url="http://www.dustyend.com/photos/eBay/cloud-4.jpg"][/url] How does £60 plus shipping sound? R
  14. [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Blues-Bass-Essential-Styles-Techniques/dp/0634089358/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1273753972&sr=8-1-spell"]This is well worth a read[/url] - introduces some standards, as well as some of the phrases you'll get chucked at you - e.g. - "it's a quick IV with a turnaround"
  15. I've been eyeing up those Peaveys for a little while. If only they had a variable sweep on the crossover I'm jump on 'em. Even so, might wait for the more powerful brethren to come out and see what the prices are like.
  16. Been watching this over on BABP - good on you, Nig!
  17. [quote name='BassPimp66' post='820867' date='Apr 27 2010, 05:16 PM']I own a EA Micro and I absolutely love it. It's by far the smallest head I have ever seen, and it only weights 1 KG.[/quote] I'd be worried about it blowing away at an outdoor gig. Fortunately there's a solution (though this is for the Miniamp rather than the Micro, but I think it will fit the Micro as well)
  18. Nice G&L L1000, though.
  19. I would use the search function first and take a look at the threads already on here. A few to get you going [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=63611&hl=insurance"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...mp;hl=insurance[/url] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=83463&hl=insurance"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...mp;hl=insurance[/url] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=73015&hl=insurance"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...mp;hl=insurance[/url]
  20. [quote name='whynot' post='817409' date='Apr 24 2010, 06:36 PM']Mike Walsh at Zoot made the the bodies for Fenders Mark King Jazz models I believe. Would be a reasonable price I think plus pick your wood and facing if required.[/quote] I was going to suggest him too - well worth a call.
  21. [quote name='JPS' post='817083' date='Apr 24 2010, 11:20 AM']Great show. I'd forgotten how brilliant Wilko was to watch live.[/quote] He still is. You should catch the Wilko Johnson band when they tour (Norman on bass, too!)
  22. [quote name='tombboy' post='810180' date='Apr 18 2010, 11:33 AM']Good point Richard.... I'll have a think about that if the auction doesn't get any sniffs. TBH, I had them on here separately at good prices and no-one bit.[/quote] Yeah, but eBay has a slightly bigger reach than even Basschat I considered having that amp, but the weight (49lb according to Googling) has put me right off (curse my middle aged back). Also toyed with the idea of the subs, but can't find any info about them (or certainly for the ones that look like the pic you posted, anyway).
  23. You really ought to have put those up separately rather than as a bundle on eBay - I'm sure you'd get more interest that way.
  24. How about the [url="http://www.purple-chili.com/bass-cabs/pcb410t.htm"]Purple Chili PCB410T[/url] - 23.5kg. Proportion a bit different from the "usual" 4x10, so may not suit.
  25. Fancy a bit of DIY? That a look at [url="http://www.41hz.com/shop/"]41Hz[/url] kits. The hole mounted ones (rather than the surface mounted ones, which are a bit of a bugger to solder) might do the trick.
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