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Everything posted by RichardH

  1. Most people seem to reckon the stuff from CPC is better quaility than the Maplin stuff.
  2. OK chaps, this is taking up space, so make me an offer - I'll take £30 + postage, or £35 shipped (and that's a bargain, as you won't get shipping for £5 for this baby). R
  3. Quick bump for this. I'll take £40 inc UK delivery.
  4. Don't really sell much stuff here, but have been around since the early days of Bassworld, if that's any comfort...
  5. If it helps, it looks like you could get it shipped (if billyNB were willing to box it up, of course) for [url="http://www.parcel2go.co.uk"]£8.99 + VAT[/url].
  6. Stuart, have replied to you email. New thread started.
  7. Left over from the splitting of my cab (sniff). [url="http://www.bluearan.co.uk/index.php?id=EMIGAM15A&product=Eminence_Gamma_15&browsemode=category"]Here's the cheapest place for them new[/url] - they come in at £62 delivered. [url="http://www.eminence.com/pdf/cab-gamma-15a-2.pdf"]Here's the spec sheet from Eminence[/url] [url="http://www.eminence.com/proaudio_speaker_detail.asp?web_detail_link=GAMMA15A-2&speaker_size=15&SUB_CAT_ID=2"]Eminence website page[/url] - this may be a slightly different speaker, as it is named the 15A-2, but the specs appear to be identical. As you can see from the links, it is an 8Ohm 300W driver, suitable for going into a ported box between 40-136 litres (1.4-4.8 cu.ft.) - the box I had it in was bang in the middle of that range at 3.2 cu.ft, and it sounded stonking. It has had light use - mainly home/rehearsal, as when I used the box it was in at a gig, it swamped the rest of the band for the rooms we play in - so I decided to sell the cab ratherthan it take up room. I am confident it is in perfect working order - it moves freely when the cone is pushed in with no scraping or catching. The oly thing is that the fibre gasket tore away when it was removed from the current enclosure, but I have some weather sealant strip to put round it to replace the gasket. I've had some interest already, but thought I may as well post a "proper" thread as well. I'd be looking for around £40 + delivery (or collection from near Hertford, East Herts (SG11)).
  8. OK, the bare cabinet is now sold, so there is an Eminecne Gamma 15" available for anyone who's interested.
  9. Quick bumpage, and a note that I still have interest from someone in the bare cab, so either speak now or hold your peace - also if anyone's interested in an Eminecne Gamma 15, let me know! R
  10. I'm in East Herts - near Hertford. Swap it for the ASAT? (joke)
  11. Without wishing to cast aspersions on that particular seller on Amazon, I'd be wary of Amazon marketplace sellers too - I bought a Shure 58 Beta from one, and it was a fake - weight was nowhere near that specified. They were very good about the return, though.
  12. LOL BeLow. I know, but frankly it's taking up house room. It's not that it's interfering with other band members - more the room and audience members The fretless - that was a self assembly job, and also (funnily enough) has a link to Fretless Eric. Someone offered a sunburst P bass body up on BW many moons ago and I got first dibs. Eric chipped in and commented that it would have been perfect for a restoration project he was undergoing - he had a knackered body he wanted to replace. So I offered to step back and let him have it - and in thanks he gave me the dead body - which was an early 80s (IIRC) Fender USA body that he'd had sicne new, and had done things to - had an extra route for J pickup, extra jack holes added, various paint jobs etc. Here's how it arrived with me: Anyway, I picked up a fairly old Fender Japan jazz neck (inc original tuners), and the basslines pickups and banged them all together into that beast. It's rather heavy. [url="http://www.areyoulocal.com/bass_preciazz.asp"]Full build thread here[/url] R P.S. Someone has expressed an interest in the cab without the speaker, so anyone considering the whole shebang should say so
  13. [quote name='steve-soar' post='337557' date='Nov 26 2008, 06:40 PM']That's extremely smart, good luck with the sale.[/quote] Thanks! Oh, by the way, the logo (my surname) will come off with a bit of work - it's an inkjet transfer that has had a couple of layers of varnish over it, so it would need a bit of effort, but it's certainly possible to remove.
  14. I built this a while ago to go with my 1x12" of the same family, but every time I've used it in the weeny little gigs I've played, it has to be disconnected because it's just too much for the rest of the band - so after umming and ahhing I've decided to put it up for sale. The design is from the Electrovoice TL606, and uses an Eminence Gamma 15 - which has appropriate parameters for the cabinet dimensions. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=380&st=0"]Big thread on these cabs (and other DIY cabs) here[/url] The cab is 17" deep, 19.25" wide and 23 3/4" high. It weighs in at around 25kg (fishing scales) - I can try and get a more accurate measure if anyone wants, but it's no lightweight to be sure. It's slightly bulky, but I can carry it with one hand - though it's more of a "lug" than a carry. It's made of 18mm birch ply, and all panels were professionally cut on a CNC machine, and all joints are biscuited - it is one solid mofo, and (though I say it myself) beautifully finished. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=380&view=findpost&p=6494"]More on ithe build here[/url] I appear to have mislaid the port cover, but can easily make another. Front grill is in Fender style cloth mounted on a CNCd MDF frame, with an interference fit to the cab. Dual speakons for the connectors on the back. Here's some pics: As you can see, it has a single strap handle, which has been absolutely fine for carrying it. I'm just after the cost of the materials really, so would entertain something around the £150 mark (delivered to the UK). Anyone interested?
  15. Looks like a BABP LE but with binding - very tasty!
  16. I'm thinking of building a partner to my 1x12 Electrovoice cab, but rather than the slightly OTT 18mm birch ply used for the first one, I want to try and make it a lighter package. So 12mm ply is the order of the day I think, along with some stiffening on the panels. I'm in East Herts (near Hertford/Harlow/Stevenage), and have had problems getting hold of spruce ply before - apart from stuff that was stored badly and so bent like a banana - as well as being full of voids etc. Any suggestions for suppliers - or what to search/ask around for?
  17. I may know someone who is interested - I'm looking for a Les Paul style guitar on her behalf for her son. Are all the knobs now the right size, or are we talking about needing a replacement knob as well as pot (what spec pot is it that is required?) Any chance of a couple of pics in daylight so they're not all blurred?
  18. There's a Washburn acoustic in the For Sale section, IIRC.
  19. Hmmmm.... interesting. Now if I can sell my LM250 I may well be interested....
  20. A quick bump/comment - these are fantastic little devices. We use one to record band rehearsals all the time.
  21. Recommendations?
  22. I'm going to build a 1x8" soon too, based round the Eminence Acoustinator NH2008. In a 0.8ft3 vented box it will go near enough flat down to 50Hz, but has a max useable power of 50W or so because of the x-max. Should be a nice practice cab though!
  23. [url="http://www.bluearan.co.uk/index.php?id=EMIGAM15A&product=Eminence_Gamma_15_300W_15!dquote!_Driver_8_ohm&browsemode=category"]Blue Aran have the Gamma 15 for £55[/url]. They're also a great source for the other hardware needed. Ply will be between £25 and £40 for birch - larger B&Qs sell 18mm birch ply if you're lucky. Add another £25-ish for cab hardware, and £15 for carpet and glue (or do like me and varnish it).
  24. No, the Eminence range have suitable drivers. I used a Gamma 15 in mine - based on Eminence's recommended volume in a vented cab it suited OK, and it certainly sounds deadly. I used a Kappa 12 for the 12" unit. You may still be able to get these drivers if you hunt around, but they've all gone Neo now. If you read Eric's comments (see link below) you'll see that the original Deltalites didn't cut it for bass use, but I think the Deltalite IIs may be better suited. Whole thread about them (and other DIY cab building efforts) [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=380"]here[/url]
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