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Everything posted by RichardH

  1. Yes - particularly with the rebate and tolex tucking under for them to seat into. I know Mike used to use them when he was building cabs without any problems.
  2. No, they are being done in between Mike's "proper" work, so have to take a back seat. Hopefully quite soon, though!
  3. Spondon's borrowed two for his nipples?
  4. If anyone wants to bid on this, that is only 10 miles up the road from me - happy to collect and arrange courier shipping if it helps!
  5. Tolex time! Tolex cut to size Tools required for cab covering Tolex getting glue applied Cab with glue applied and getting covered Sides of cab number 1 done. Test fitting the handle, it fits perfectly and is flush in the rebate
  6. I can't claim credit for that - it is @Cosmicrain (Mike Walsh) who is making them for me as a HUGE favour using the remaining bits of ply he had left as I said earlier in the thread... ...so it's Mike workshop that's the tidy one - mine is still in bits due to too many other (house related) projects needing doing first...
  7. Some more progress on my cabs.... Two cabs now built and ready to have edges sanded and rolled. The bottom cab is going to only have the 12" driver in - though I will fit a horn with a blanking plate over the mouth, so if at some point in the future I want to turn it into a full range cab it can be done without getting the jigsaw out. Decided to "hand" the front baffles. Edges sanded and square Roll over cutter selected and height set Rolling the edges Edges rolled and ready to be covered in Marshall black levant tolex
  8. Bit more progress on my build.... Ready for the edges to be sanded flush and then rounded over. Rebated handle with backing/damping behind. Ditto for the back connection panel
  9. I find that style really hard to remove - I can never find the little "flap" to grab on to them with.... though I haven't tried that particular brand before. The flap looks longer than on other brands - might give them a go! They seem very good value!
  10. I have tried various of the "mushroom" type plugs - eytmotic ER20 and various clones, as well as the lower profile ones with the little tab you use to remove them (which I find less easy to use that the etymotic type with the stems). All of them seem to do a similar job frequency wise - in that I find that the top end is reduced, despite what they all claim. However, I also had a set of custom moulds done and didn't find them that much better to be honest.
  11. Stevie will fill you in on the flatpack situation, but to chip in on the modular solution - this is what I am (slowly) doing - though Stevie has suggested not only building the "sub" without the tweeter, but also to add a low pass filter so that only the bottom end is being used. So in fact, you may find that the existing v1 cab with a suitable low pass filter on it would fulfil those duties and save buying an extra driver and building a second cab. It may be that the two drivers wouldn't work too well together, but I'm sure Stevie will be able to comment more definitively!
  12. Do it. Great cabs.
  13. Quite - just how many taxis does one person need?
  14. I think the way they approach it is not to limit the number of effects, but to show a CPU usage level - so I assume you can have loads if they contain less power hungry FXs, but fewer if you are using more intensive functions.
  15. It's a sort of similar thing to the Helix Stomp, I guess you could say. Here's their landing page with more general info on it
  16. A Kickstarter happening in February 2020, so a way off yet - sounds very interesting (especially their estimated street price of €299....) https://forum.moddevices.com/t/say-hello-to-the-mod-dwarf/4065
  17. They do a "pro" version now as well - apparently tougher, but with a slightly different finish. All of these finishes are easy to apply with a 4" roller. Blue Aran do a roller that will get a nice finish. If it is to cover an existing finish, I would be sure to give it a light sanding and then clean well to get rid of grease and gunge to make sure that the new finish can adhere well. Have a look through the "Stevie’s 12” FRFR Cab Build Thread" for some pics and advice on using Tuffcab. Page 17 is a good place to start
  18. NEOX 212T. Great cabs. Pop up secondhand on here for around £350-400. Early ones are carpetted, later ones tolex. I think they also moved from Eminence speakers to Faital Pros for the most recent ones.
  19. Cheers - we are going to start touting around for gigs in the New Year
  20. ....and here's what we got up to at Brighton Road - Jake is indeed a lovely guy! We had the recordings mixed and mastered afterwards by a friend of the drummer (who's a pro engineer) - meant our time in the studio was used getting as much recording done as poss.
  21. A little sampler video from our recording session at Brighton Road Studios


    1. Muppet


      I enjoyed that. Your singer's got a great voice!

    2. RichardH


      Yeah, he has hasn't he. The vocals were all first takes, too!

  22. Yes, I am sure I have downloaded them several times too. Sorry to get your hopes up!
  23. I moved to East Sussex back in Feb, and managed to find myself a band. They were looking for bass player and singer, so once I was on board, we spent a little time auditioning singers.... and though I say it myself, I think we found a good 'un! He also plays some great guitar, so we've been able to fill the sound out nicely. We spent a day at Brighton Road Recording Studios back in September, and the drummer arranged for a friend to do the mixing and mastering - who's been very busy, so we've only just got these final masters back. Have to say they've come out pretty well - we recorded as a band with the singer doing a quiet guide vocal, then he recorded the final vocal track afterwards... I think he managed pretty much all the tracks in one take bar a small bit of a drop in on one song. Anyway, here we are.... https://soundcloud.com/righteousthieves/just https://soundcloud.com/righteousthieves/figure-it-out https://soundcloud.com/righteousthieves/like-a-stone https://soundcloud.com/righteousthieves/alive https://soundcloud.com/righteousthieves/everlong
  24. Cheers - might be worth doing before the baffle gets fitted....
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