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Everything posted by 6feet7

  1. I know that if I got the Epi I’d still be hankering after the Gibson so I think that it’s a Gibson or not at all (and because the Gibson I’m looking at is the studio version in black it’s easy enough to sand in a contour and refinish that area). I still can’t decide. It’ll be on the NBD if I do get it
  2. The Gibson one appears 'smoother'. The Epi ones seem to have a sharper edge.
  3. I've seen that but don't want active, which the Epiphone is. I'm allergic to putting batteries in my basses (though I could remove the wiring, put new pickups in and still be £400 in pocket). The Epi also doesn't have a forearm contour, which is a big no no as far as I'm concerned
  4. There's one in Spain and one in Germany, so trying is out of the question. The problem is that we have a month before import taxes will be added, so it's now or never.
  5. Just over a grand
  6. But what's it like? as I only play 5 stringers it's this or nothing. I'm more into how it looks and feels and am not bothered about how it's made.
  7. GAS has hit again. This time in the shape of a 2006 Gibson Thunderbird V (V as in 5 string version). In my opinion they look absolutely as cool as a cucumber (but then I think that about Rickenbackers, and I've had 3 of them and hated every one). I did get a Jackson David Ellefson bass a while back to scratch the pointy headed itch, but the lack of a forearm contour and that imperceptible 'just not gelling with it' meant it went pretty quickly. The reason for this post is really what do the great and the good of basschat actually think of a proper (i.e. not the Epiphone version) Gibson Thunderbird V? (Before I part with money I don't really have for something I might be selling on here for a loss a week after I've bought it)
  8. If it had 5 strings I'd buy it back from you as I do miss it
  9. Totally agree, but I've had GAS so it was last in so first out
  10. Overdrive and compressor didn't do it for me at all. I now don't use a compressor and use an MXR Bass preamp and a Darkglass Vintage Microtubes overdrive and Boss TU3 tuner.
  11. I had a flyrig (for a very short time) as I wanted ease of use and small size. I now use separates. That's my opinion.
  12. Cheesy but we always finish with the Beatles Let it Be which segues (which is when the thank you for coming/introduce the band etc is done) into the chorus of Hey Jude. Always goes down an absolute storm.
  13. GAS has occurred so I have to thin the herd It's in very good condition except for a chip near the switches. I can post in a well wrapped up standard shipping guitar cardboard box, but obviously meeting up would be preferable (if possible).
  14. I've got one I might be selling. Let me know if still interested.
  15. How much do these weigh? Unfortunately that is always my first thought when eyeing up any new bass.
  16. I do love a StarBass - I've had both a Korean and a German one - both 5 strings - but now have a couple of Ibanez Artcore AGB205's, but I've seen a Korean StarBass 5 going for sale and can't make my mind up whether I should sell both Artcores and get the StarBass, or let GAS settle and stick with the Ibanez' (unfortunately I can't have both the Ibanez' and the Warwick). Someone help me decide.
  17. I must say, looking at this thread, I am tempted. I've got two Ibanez AGB205's (the semi hollow F holed, short scaled ones) and play them more than my 2 Maruszczyk 34 inch scale Jake 5's. They are just more comfortable to play, and with different strings on each I can go from P thump to J growl. I could get two Talmans, sell the Maru's and have two great basses and have about £1500 in my bank account
  18. Being 50% Austrian as well I totally agree. It's also not only German musicians who appear to be called 'krauts' by those who still hark back to the war (even when they are too young to have even been born then). Anyone with a 'middle European' accent appears to be grouped by this derogatory term (so the Austrians, Swiss and anyone else 'forin'). I do wish certain people in this country could be a bit more 'inclusive' and understanding of others from other backgrounds.
  19. Welcome from Buxted in East Sussex. Root note player here with basses and amp far better than my ability
  20. I've got two 5 string Jakes. One is extremely punchy, the other one is good but misses the punch. I've changed string types etc etc and it doesn't change. I think it's luck of the draw or something.
  21. https://reverb.com/item/33311320-fender-hmt-bass-black?bk=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJqdGkiOiI4ZDQ4MmFlYi04MjFlLTQ0MGMtOTBlYy0xYTU2YmNhY2IzMjEiLCJpYXQiOjE1OTc1ODcwMDUsInVzZXJfaWQiOiIxNDM0NTcwIiwic2Vzc2lvbl9pZCI6IiIsImNvb2tpZV9pZCI6ImQxMWM3NjNhLWVmODItNGVjMC04NThlLTFjNGZhNzY4MDdhNyIsInByb2R1Y3RfaWQiOiIzMzMxMTMyMCIsInNvdXJjZSI6Ik5PTkUifQ.wEeawxm2QRD0uAp48MsGBozsgpXLyb40QF5zsnLpdeE
  22. I have two 5 string Maruszczyk Jakes (a PJ and P/MM). One weighs 7.2lbs, the other 7.3lbs. So to get a 4 string version should be even lighter.
  23. How much does it weigh?
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