I have an '83 T-40:
It's one of my favourite basses. I'd not put it through an amp for a while but got the chance to do so last weekend, after not having the chance for a few years. It's a nice rugged piece of engineering, and I don't mind it's weight (tbh, with a decent strap the weight isn't noticeable IMHO). I like all the different tones it can create, and sooner or later I've found myself gravitating to a few settings with the controls/switches that I use as a kind of default. I'm also interested in the 1000w MiniMega head, as my PF350 isn't really powerful enough any more in a band situation but I've not committed to that idea just yet. My only 'gripe' about the T-40 is that, now their price has ballooned, using one for gigs seems like a bit more of a risk...