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Everything posted by Jerry_B

  1. Nitromors also do a varnish remover which may be more up to the task - it's powerful stuff!
  2. But I could say the same about, say, my 'cheapo' Yamaha BB414 or Peavey T-40. I don't think expensive basses have the edge on that sort of thing
  3. Well, 'superior playability' may also be a bit of a trip into the imagination than anything else too. I'm not sure how or why an expensive bass should be somehow more playable. Unless, of course, it's a custom job specfically crafted to suit your hands, stance, body, etc.
  4. There must be a Yamaha (or two) within that price range...? Seriously good basses!
  5. That black 85 Jazz Special in the OP is very tasty.
  6. Even when I've heard basses been played at quieter gigs, I still really can't tell the difference. The only way I can ever tell some differences is if the basses are being played with a plectrum, which IMHO tends to bring out a bit more variation (i.e. a Jazz and Pbass sound different, maybe also a Stingray). I'm still not convinced that more expensive basses make a better sound, for these reasons. One of the better bass sounds I heard at a gig was a few years ago - and that was a 'cheapo' Hohner hollow-bodied (I think) bass being played with a plectrum at a psychobilly gig...
  7. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='1303252' date='Jul 14 2011, 09:55 AM']String on finger and wood, not string on metal.[/quote] Yeah, I think that pretty much nails it for me too.
  8. These two songs from Peter Murphy are pretty good - the first one was something I heard when first trying the fretless. I'm not sure if the bassist is Eddie Branch or Paul Cover...
  9. [quote name='Chris2112' post='1303147' date='Jul 14 2011, 03:29 AM']Put them in a studio though and it will soon become clear that one is an el-crappo P bass and the other is a Wal.[/quote] It'd be interesting to put that to a blind test, and see how many people guess correctly Either way, if they both sound pretty much the same live, then it becomes a moot point.
  10. [quote name='silddx' post='1303043' date='Jul 13 2011, 11:46 PM']I think we have to ask, what makes a player choose a fretless bass over a fretted bass?[/quote] Well, they look nice. Apart from lined fretlesses - they're icky
  11. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='1302895' date='Jul 13 2011, 09:32 PM']Absolutely. It's a gem. For those who don't know, it's one of Zappa's experiments with what he called "xenochronicity": elements of music taken from different places and points in time, and layered together to create a new construction. In this case, the drums and bass were recorded on completely separate occasions, for utterly different purposes. Zappa happened to try playing them together, and it worked. By 'eck, it really worked.[/quote] Aha - this must be a case then of 'one man's poison is another man's meat' as to me it sounds like someone messing about
  12. Buy the T-40 FlatEric has on for sale here. You'd have some change left over too
  13. Aha - cheers for the link. TBH, I don't think there is such a thing as Squier-specific outlet anywhere for bits and bobs. Be great to be proved wrong though!
  14. [quote name='silddx' post='1302812' date='Jul 13 2011, 08:17 PM']It is not, in any way, a piss-take.[/quote] Ahaaa.... I see...
  15. I've not been able to find any outlet for Squier specific pickguards, which must mean there's a bit of gap for a potential market there. One wonders why they don't match the Fender pattern. Which Ebay seller was it, if you don't mind me asking?
  16. Nah, I just thnk what Berlin has said revolves around certain genres. They tend to not be my cup of tea because they're a bit samey, and I've never been a fan of jazz stuff to be honest
  17. Nowadays I tend to feel that a P/J bass is really the sort of thing I'm after. The only exception being my T-40, which has it's own variety of tones.
  18. I went to a gig awhile back where a Stingray, and Precision and Jazz were going through same amp during the course of the gig. They all sounded the same. That said, the amp was a Laney combo of some description, so I dunno if that's a factor Often as not, even at other gigs with a mix of basses, I can't really tell the difference alot of the time. Such things seem to be more defined when recorded - but not always.
  19. [quote name='silddx' post='1302742' date='Jul 13 2011, 07:08 PM']Rubber Shirt is the one you'll all have heard.[/quote] Never heard of it. Although, listening to it an knowing it's a Zappa thing, can I ask if it's not actually piss-take or not...?
  20. I had to look him up on Youtube. Not my cup of tea...
  21. Love the bass on this one... Love this too...
  22. [quote name='Bottle' post='1302530' date='Jul 13 2011, 04:04 PM']Quite like Tony Franklins' fretless playing - especially on his black Precision Deluxe (has a selector switch to go between Jazz pickup, Precision pickup and I presume, a mix of both), unlined rosewood fretboard...mmmm tasty.[/quote] Yep, very nice. But very expensive! I bloody wish Fender would re-release (or 're-imagine', as they seem wont to do) the '70s unlined fretless Precision. Or just a cheaper unlined fretless P/J... It would save me having to build one, for a start
  23. I bought a Behringer Bass Equalizer from Jose. Ordered it Monday, got it today! It arrived nicely packed too. Geat stuff!
  24. David J Glenn Campling
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