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Everything posted by Jerry_B

  1. Wasn't someone nicked for it in the UK awhile back?
  2. There are notes...?
  3. Does anyone apart from me think it'd be a good thing if all us folks here at BC took it upon ourselves to inform the Bay of this and any future dodgyness? I think we have enough people here who can spot the crap being flogged there, and I think it'd being doing the world of bass playing a favour...
  4. [quote name='Mr H' post='1162492' date='Mar 14 2011, 10:06 PM']Gaffa tape? Well if it's good enough for Rob Wright...[/quote] And that's red one is one of his tidier Precisions...
  5. [quote name='MuckedUpFunkies' post='1162452' date='Mar 14 2011, 09:50 PM']You've never dropped an expensive instrument or been smacked in the face then =)[/quote] I've never had a bass slip it's moorings, so to speak Not with the one I used for 20 years nor the ones I use now.
  6. I think the only ones that fit are on the Classic Vibe Precision. Not sure about the CV Jazz though, but I know that other Squier basses usually have their own template which doesn't match Fender's.
  7. I've never seen the need for strap locks, to be honest...
  8. Fender Japan used to - maybe they still do (my unlined fretless is a MIJ Jazz). Mighty Mite and Warmoth also make them.
  9. Have you seen the [url="http://www.probass.co.uk/Home.html"]Retrovibe[/url] Rics, Wayne? Not too much over 200 quid. Seems to be well thought of here.
  10. The only Ric' I ever had a try on way back when was one of these, as far as I can remember. Really good bass!
  11. Maybe steel flatwounds would temper that a bit, I wonder....
  12. Well, if it did it would probably just make the P sound a bit boomier, but in full P/J mode that wouldn't hurt all that much I guess.
  13. Are ebanol boards not much good then? They look a bit glassy. I wonder whether they can be softened up a bit with fine grit sandpaper or something similar?
  14. The J pickup helps to thin out the thudiness of the P pickup also, even when you roll off the former. That said, the J pup can sound a bit thin when soloed and played with a plectrum. Luckily the P pickup can be rolled in slightly to fatten it up.
  15. I think one was for sale on here awhile back...
  16. I wouldn't worry about not being 'the best bass player'. It's not at all complicated or something that requires amazing amounts of skill - practice is what gets the job done
  17. Actually, it sounds like my kind of bass. Thanks for the info! I tend to like the ones you have to fight with a bit After having a quick looksee on-line it seems they still retail around the 370 quid mark, which surprises me as I thought they'd cost alot more. All in all, very nice!
  18. Jerry_B

    Yamaha BBs

    I've got a BB414, which I like alot. Very high build quality, fast neck and a distinctive sound. The only thing it lack is the ability to blend the P and J pup as you can with a standard P/J-type bass. You only have the option to switch between each solo pickup or have both.
  19. Needs a nice white or black pickguard too perhaps...
  20. Tasty - although you may want to take down the photo with your wallet in it...
  21. Try here for electronics stuff: [url="http://www.axesrus.com/axeWiringBass.htm"]http://www.axesrus.com/axeWiringBass.htm[/url]
  22. Is there a reason that the action is high on this type of bass (assuming you've maybe tried to tweak it so it's lower)? And how is it a bit of an ol' dog to play?
  23. Yowza! Are they very expensive?
  24. [url="http://www.gumtree.com/london/52/75431452.html"]Westone Spectrum ST[/url] [url="http://www.gumtree.com/london/32/75202132.html"]Tokai Fender Jazz[/url]
  25. Other good practice is to play along with tunes that don't feature a fretless, just to get used to treating it in your mind like a normal bass. Playing with a plectrum is also an option, of course.
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