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Everything posted by Jerry_B

  1. [quote name='razze06' post='1151752' date='Mar 6 2011, 06:54 PM']Have you considered a peavey T40? With all the controls and coil switching and all the other knobs it can do a dazzling array of sounds. Neck is a lot bigger than typical jazz, and the styling is certainly not very modern...[/quote] +1 People seem to forget/don't know how much variety the T-40 can get in terms of tone There have a been a couple for sale on here recently too...
  2. Yeah, I'm not keen on line markers. Also, some unlined fretless basses have the fret dots on top of the neck in different places - some on the fret, some in the middle (I prefer the latter).
  3. In general I'd say give it a go! But... it's quite common to think when you first start that you can't get anything but a horrible noise out of a fretless. It's just a case of sticking with it and getting a feel for how to play and to get your ears used to things. After a while things will fall into place
  4. Make sure you get a second opinion to mine tho'!
  5. Looks a bit battered up for something that's barely 3 years old. Makes you wonder he's been doing with it...
  6. AFAIK, the pocket is the same.
  7. Maybe it'd be useful to put all posts about these endeavours into a sticky thread? I say that as it seems to come up as a subject quite often. I'm also planning on building a P - in my case, an unlined fretless one from a SX bass, MM neck and whatever else I can get my hands on...
  8. You only really need to get rid of the wiring if it's definitely useless and dead to the world. If in fact it's just a case of a bad solder somewhere, you'd be better off just fixing that. Just because it's an old Squier, it doesn't necessarily mean that the pickups are junk.
  9. +1 I'm not sure it makes much difference with fretted basses. As for unfretted ones, well maybe. I'm still not convinced that there's much of an effect on tone. I think it may be more about looks and wear and tear. It makes sense to have a more resilient wood on an unfretted bass, after all.
  10. Damn, it's [i]lined[/i] fretless...
  11. I have a similar looking bridge on my almost-new LTD Vintage 204.
  12. Drool... The price excludes, I'm guessing, delivery...?
  13. Can't Ebay be informed that this is a con...?
  14. I'd say it's all in the wrist, and having a relaxed elbow*. Subtlety is the key. * Mind you, I say that about alot of things...
  15. I bought a Boss CEB-3 pedal from CreetzeCarter recently. The pedal was posted the same day he received the money from me, and arrived nicely packaged up the next day. The pedal is in very good nick and has the manual, etc. with it too. Great stuff!
  16. At the end of the day it boils down to what inspires you and what interests you. It's a matter of taste. To be honest, Jaco's work does nothing whatsoever for me. And before you ask, yes, I have listened to what he's created. Being a fretless player, I've done my research But at the end of the day I just don't find any of it inspiring to me personally. Thankfully, playing the bass covers a wide area of tones, playing styles, etc.. People can like or dislike what they want, depending on what gets their juices flowing
  17. [quote name='dmccombe7' post='1139890' date='Feb 24 2011, 01:02 PM']Have you looked at the BH500 range which is a lot cheaper with more toys than the Classic. Cabs also a good bit cheaper than the TC range although power rating is lower at 250W for 2x10" cab. If anyone has tried these I'd be interested to know how they compare.[/quote] That's what I'm wondering too, as I'm tempted to get a BH500...
  18. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='1138973' date='Feb 23 2011, 06:26 PM']Nope I'm not saying that. I am categorically saying (not implying) that he isn't very good. I'm not saying that what he comes up with sometimes isn't bad though - I have even gone as far as paying him for his bother on occasions. He plays as good as he needs to. I've never seen any him evolve beyond that which he needs for his style of playing. Most of us have had to struggle to get better and better so we can deliver our best effort when we get our big break. Hooky achieved fame and fortune (???) early into his foray into music and stuck - perhaps by design, perhaps by reaching the zenith of his talent. Please take 10 seconds to understand what I'm saying rather than opposing it because you think I'm flaming the man.[/quote] I don't think you're flaming him. Perhaps it's just a case that he's stuck to a style he likes to play? He's not the only bass player out there to do that. His playing has evolved over time, but his overall style is in a certain niche. You can, after all, usually recognise his sound and style. Whether that makes him good or not is, as I've said, probably down to one man's poison being another man's meat.
  19. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='1138803' date='Feb 23 2011, 04:47 PM']It would be reasonable to assume that anyone who picked up a bass after listening to Hooky and stuck with it beyond his level (basic) actually had a talent for it and would have found other more profoundly influential influences on their voyage to finding themselves.[/quote] I wouldn't say that's reasonable at all. And what do you mean by 'basic'? Are you implying that the only good bass lines are fiddly ones? If so, then Hooky and quite a few other influential bass players (i.e. J J Burnel) have no value?
  20. [quote name='Doddy' post='1137955' date='Feb 22 2011, 11:56 PM']I'm not denying that people might like his playing (mainly because they like the band) but to me,he is pretty inconsequential as a bass player.[/quote] Well, one man's poison is another man's meat - personally I don't see the fascination with Jaco's or Geedy's playing, but at the end of the day what you decide is valid is whatever is an influence. Like it or not, Hooky has inspired alot of people to take up the bass and get into it as an instrument, which is no bad thing at the end of the day.
  21. [quote name='Doddy' post='1137889' date='Feb 22 2011, 11:00 PM']Has anyone read the interview with Hook in the book 'In Cold Sweat'? He doesn't come over particularly well in it,I think.[/quote] I think it's pretty well established that he can be a bit of a git (I got that impression when I saw New Order play in the late '80s). That doesn't make him unique in the music world. Whether that has any bearing on his playing, etc - well, I doubt it.
  22. Yep - I was wondering whether it's a problem of aesthetics more than anything else. An expensive bass should have better build quality and therefore one assumes it has better QC looking over it before it leaves the factory. But other than that I dunno if it actually messes up the sound of the bass too much, if at all, unless it's really out of whack...
  23. But then again, does the bass sound suffer from the bridge being slightly misaligned? Is there a point where if starts messing things up? I ask as I imagine the magnetic field of the pickups is spread around to a certain extent. My Squier P/J has a misaligned bridge, but otherwise sounds fine.
  24. Hmm - does this mean it's now fair game to have threads where people deride bass players they don't like? I mean, for example, what if someone was to wander into the forum , post a link to a YouTube Jaco clip and ask 'Huh? Is this supposed to be a good? His tone sounds like a duck trying to fart it's way to freedom from a plastic bucket' etc etc. Would that thread get binned...?
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