I picked up a second-hand one of these recently and am a bit confused with what ESP/LTD are trying to do with such a bass. At it's heart it's a P/J-style Pbass, with a Gotoh-like bridge. Mine's black with a maple neck.
The thing is, these basses have been reliced, but I dunno why. It seems to not really work as an overall effect unless you're more than 10 feet away. Up close, you can see the joins, as it were. The 'dirt' on the back of the neck isn't really anything of the sort, and the yellowed effect on the neck and head isn't caused by an sort of old-school glossy finish. It's a yellow-tinted modern satin finish. So it's a bit like those kippers that aren't really kippers. Also, the frets seem to have a reliced tarnish, but the other hardware is new.
That said, it is a very nice bass and put together pretty well. The pickups are the best bit of the lot - hot and growly. Even the bridge pup isn't too thin sounding. I just wonder why they just didn't sell the bass in an as new state, rather than relicing it.
I guess I'll just never get the relicing thing Mind you, I got for half the price a new one would cost me so I can't grumble! I wonder if Fender, etc. have done the same odd things with their reliced stuff...