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Everything posted by Jerry_B

  1. Yep, the band being sh*te on TOTP - alot of those for other bands , and not just on TOTP. But then again I don't think anyone was suggesting New Order are perfect
  2. Argh. So tempted to sell my black '83 model to buy this one...
  3. [quote name='crez5150' post='1137585' date='Feb 22 2011, 07:54 PM']what I meant was in reference to my earlier post about the bass line of Love will Tear us Apart..... in as much that it could be any instrument playing that melody.....[/quote] But it'd sound bloody awful. A couple of people have tried to play it either with a guitar or with keyboards (i.e. Stanton Miranda) and it just sounds wrong. It doesn't sit in the song at all well, especially compared to the original. Put bluntly, it works on the bass better than anything else.
  4. [quote name='crez5150' post='1137396' date='Feb 22 2011, 05:52 PM']Not really..... hooky plays up the neck.... it's not a bass line is it.... I mean would 'Good Times' by Chic sound the same if the bass line was played on guitar... I think not.[/quote] That's a bit narrow in thinking isn't it? So playing up the neck isn't a bass line? Since when?
  5. [quote name='crez5150' post='1136788' date='Feb 22 2011, 10:02 AM']that wasn't really a bass line though was it..... it was a melody line played on a bass. That could have been any instrument[/quote] You could say the same thing about alot of stuff played by other bass players - most of it could be played by a guitar. Take the more fiddly stuff played by some bassists - the same thing could be done on a guitar.
  6. [quote name='icastle' post='1134846' date='Feb 20 2011, 09:30 PM']The only other place I can think of is [url="http://www.auroraproject.co.uk"]Aurora[/url]. They don't stock a Mustang scratchplate but they can make one from a template or the original and they don't charge extra for doing it![/quote] IME Aurora make pretty shoddy copies and when you ask for refunds they tend to go quiet and stop replying to e-mails...
  7. So Hooky noodling about on a bass is going to be an excuse to slag off his whole career then? Tut tut I know he's not one of the sacred cows of bass playing (apparently), but I'd imagine people wouldn't stand for the same sort of comments being made about those aforementioned cows...
  8. I'd say he has quite a bit a bit of stuff in his back-catalogue that's better than this
  9. Just to show you don't need a Pbass to get that punk tone... Klaus Flouride has always used a Jazz (and a quite nice blue metallic one at that)...
  10. Aha - Victims Family - another great band...
  11. I think it helps with the 'dirty punk tone' theme...
  12. Also...
  13. The reliced effect on the ESP version is also much of the same thing. I don't understand why they bothered relicing them - they're good for what they are without faffing about with the finish. The 204 is growing on me tho', as it's a solid no-frills bit of kit. There aren't many Fender-like P/J basses out there, and I prefer it to the Squier Pbass Special I have.
  14. Yep, the whole relic thing does seem a little odd. I mean, I've always had somewhat knackered basses and the real 'been round the houses a bit' look doesn't resemble the reliced version at all really. The former beats the latter easily. As I'm a bit kack-handed sometimes I guess the fake battering will help hide any real knocks But, like I said, underneath all the silliness is a very nice bass. I've tried it with D'Addario Chromes and D'Addario half-rounds and it really belts out tone.
  15. Yep, mids are what help chop through everyone else's sound so yours doesn't get lost.
  16. There's a pic of one [url="http://www.guitar-village.co.uk/product-detail.asp?id=10061"]here...[/url] - I can take some photos of mine if you want to see. As for those kippers - apparently there's real kippers and then there's fish fillets that've been dyed to look like kippers... ;0
  17. I picked up a second-hand one of these recently and am a bit confused with what ESP/LTD are trying to do with such a bass. At it's heart it's a P/J-style Pbass, with a Gotoh-like bridge. Mine's black with a maple neck. The thing is, these basses have been reliced, but I dunno why. It seems to not really work as an overall effect unless you're more than 10 feet away. Up close, you can see the joins, as it were. The 'dirt' on the back of the neck isn't really anything of the sort, and the yellowed effect on the neck and head isn't caused by an sort of old-school glossy finish. It's a yellow-tinted modern satin finish. So it's a bit like those kippers that aren't really kippers. Also, the frets seem to have a reliced tarnish, but the other hardware is new. That said, it is a very nice bass and put together pretty well. The pickups are the best bit of the lot - hot and growly. Even the bridge pup isn't too thin sounding. I just wonder why they just didn't sell the bass in an as new state, rather than relicing it. I guess I'll just never get the relicing thing Mind you, I got for half the price a new one would cost me so I can't grumble! I wonder if Fender, etc. have done the same odd things with their reliced stuff...
  18. Having been in several punk bands, I'd say the amp doesn't really matter. Whack up the gain/drive and the mids and leave it at that. Compression may help it along a bit too. Playing with a plectrum isn't always necessary - not all punk bass players use them. The trick is not to fiddle about with things - no-one in your audience will care about nuance
  19. A Yamaha BB414 is also good, if you can find one.
  20. [quote name='Roland Rock' post='1124707' date='Feb 12 2011, 10:10 AM']How would a light bass make you stoop?[/quote] Dunno, but that's just what happens. Heavier basses make me stand up straighter.
  21. I think my T-40 weighs about 11lb or so. I don't actually like basses that are too light as they make me stoop!
  22. Very nice - bit pricey though...
  23. Wow - what a nice looking bass!
  24. Wizard do two types of P/J set - as I also have one those Squiers I was thinking of trying the 'Big' version.
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