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Everything posted by Jerry_B

  1. Aerodynes have a slightly different body shape in terms of contours than a Jazz, although the overall shape is the same I think.
  2. I'm waiting for some nice weather so I can post some beauty shots. My camera is better taking photos when there's some sunshine - altho' looking at the forecast for the next few days excludes that option for the moment. I'll also post a pic or two of the cheap'n'cheerful Wesley bass I did up recently...
  3. Very tasty, KiOgon!
  4. I must say I prefer the looks of this style of PJ bass, especially with the fretboard inlays.
  5. Officially, I no longer have GAS as I now have a Peavey T-40 which is perfect for me in every way. So I guess it'll just be a while before I get GAS for more T-40s...
  6. In chronological order (1988 to present): Some sort of Pbass - made in India, with ashtray, etc. Westone Spectrum DX* Aria Pro II - may have been an AVB-40 Unlined fretless Jazz - may have been a Kay MIJ Fender Jazz unlined fretless* SX BG1K Pbass* Squier Standard Jazz* Peavey T-40* * - still owned - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=78452"]pics here...[/url]
  7. Earlier today I put my T-40 through a halfway decent amp and I am now completely sold on this bass! Onlookers were also surprised how much punch it had and at how it was possible to get more subtle sounds out of it. It also sounds very nice when put through my Boss HM-2 distortion pedal This is definitely the perfect bass for me, both in terms of sound playability. No need for a Jazz or a Pbass! All I need to do now is find a truss rod key so that I can get the action lower.
  8. Can't think of many mainstream songs that use distortion, but there are plenty of examples from various alternative bands. I like combining distortion (I have an old Boss HM-2) with compression.
  9. [url="http://www.guitaraid.co.uk/"]GuitarAid[/url]...
  10. The T-40 is a fantastic bit of kit! Perfect for my needs too. Also has some handy features that I'm surprised aren't more widespread on basses in general. I'm giving it a spin on a big decent amp tomorrow, as I think it'd destroy my little practice amp if given full rein.
  11. I'm just waiting for a black pickguard for the Squier to arrive And I'll not be parting with the Peavey and the fretless
  12. Okay, I think it's safe to say that I have a bit of a 'thing' for black basses - and the more black, the better. So here's my current collection (left to right): SX Pbass with Wizard Thumper pups, Peavey T-40, MIJ Fender Jazz, Squier Standard Jazz. I've also added a pic of my trusty, woody Westone Spectrum DX. The pics aren't of amazing quality (thanks too my cheapo camera), but you get the general idea. The T-40 is my newest acquisition and is so good at multi-tasking that the SX and the Squire are now redundant, so I may put those up for sale if anyone's interested.
  13. I'm surprised they're not more well known, given their capabilities. I've not seen them being used by many bands, although recently I saw some footage of a Big Black gig and Dave Riley was playing one (and it had a rosewood fretboard too). One things that I've been wondering about is the pickguard - many of them seem to have a certain amount of buckling around the screws that keep the guard in place. Is this just part of normal wear and tear, given their age?
  14. I'll now be bringing a Peavey T-40 to the bash, instead of the Westone Spectrum DX.
  15. I just bought a black T-40 from Kingforaday and can now safely say that I am no longer in need of any of my other basses, bar just one (and one I keep for sentimental reasons)! I've not played a T-40 since the late '80s, but once I got my hands on one again I was reminded why I liked them so much back then. Put simply, they do everything I need a bass to do in terms of sound and presence. So now I've no more need to fret and fuss over whether various other basses may possibly have what I'm looking for! The amount of different sounds I can get out of it is just brilliant - even tho' I think some of them would destroy my cheap practice amp! And at a more basic level the mix of maple neck, all-black bodywork and all that metalwork just looks fantastic. Of course, the other thing I've remembered was the reason I didn't buy one back in the '80s - back then I was a scrawny 18 year old and the T-40 felt like it weighed more than I did But nowadays the weight is reassuring, in some odd way. It just makes the whole package feel more solid. It's quite amusing seeing it stood next to my two Jazzes. They look very delicate in comparison...
  16. Bought a Peavey T-40 from Matt. Everything arrived in very good shape (once I'd gotten around Parcelforce playing silly buggers) and was sent to me very quickly once we'd sealed the deal. He also sent a copy of the instructions for the bass and a spare switch for one part of the electronics. Good all round!
  17. Yep, good stuff all round and nice to put faces to some names
  18. I'll just look for anyone staring too intently at what the bassists are playing...
  19. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='750327' date='Feb 18 2010, 10:50 PM']Is that the one with the woman going on tour with them and asking stuff like 'Do you ever have breakfast, Lemmy?' Lemmy holds up Jack and coke 'What d'ya think this is?' Reckon he nailed her.[/quote] Sounds like the same doc', yep!
  20. Anyone see the TV documentary on Lemmy a few years back? It was on BBC2 I think, following him around on tour. Very interesting. In his spare time he reads Jeeves & Wooster novels, believe it or not!
  21. And how are we going to recognise each other? Rush the stage at the end or something?
  22. I'll get there for around 8ish or so - me and two other people. Mind you, we're getting there by car from Forest Hill so I hope the traffic's not going to be bad.
  23. Odd. Under the hood of my Squire Standard Jazz everything is nicely done, and it didn't make any noise when those plastic pup covers were removed. The only similarity to yours is the holes around the holes around the pups (but they're not so huge, judging by your description).
  24. I use Rotos. I've used Ernie Ball flatwounds and I think they're too 'tinny' sounding - but I think that about their strings in general. I've also tried D'Addario half-rounds but didn't like them as they seemed to go dull too quickly. Next time I put on some new strings I may give TIs or Labellas a try (not sure when that will be as I 'recycle' my Rotos in meths every once in a while). That said, different strings of different guages may suit your P better - I have a Jazz fretless. Also, it really revolves around what sort of sound you're after and what suits the kind of music you play.
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