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Everything posted by Jerry_B

  1. Oh god, it's not fair! That would be my perfect bass! I just can't afford it
  2. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSNSOhG0AIU"]'Dogs of Lust' - The The[/url]...
  3. Blimey!
  4. 'Vanilla Blue' - Naked Raygun: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGJ7BTsYOTU"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGJ7BTsYOTU[/url]
  5. I'm very low-tech. I just have an ipod-type headphone in one ear going into the bass amp. Over this I wear headphones plugged in to my PCs soundcard, and just pootle along with songs I want to play or learn. This works sitting down or standing up.
  6. [quote name='fatback' post='732692' date='Feb 2 2010, 11:13 AM']That's why I like a lined board, even though it doesn't look so cool.[/quote] After a while I've found a lined fretboard is a distraction, once you get the hang of playing a fretless. If anything I'd say it may be better to start off on an unlined one, to really get to grips with the technique and tricks required. After all, you still have the dots on the top of the neck as a reference point.
  7. I think there's a Dead Kennedys song along similar lines...
  8. I like both but prefer the Jazz simply because I can get more variety out of it. I can also get a P bass like sound out of it with a little tweaking out of the pup and amp controls.
  9. The 'growl' will come across differently depending on whether you play with your fingers or a pick. I think this is one factor people should mention about themselves when describing such sounds from basses. I play with a pick, for example, and the growl seems to be more pronounced with the neck pup slightly rolled back in volume but the bridge pup up at 11
  10. How the hell did they manage to do that sort of specific damage to your bass? The mind boggles.
  11. I have a set of Thumpers in an SX Pbass and they made alot of difference to the sound. They do give the overall sound alot more presence, without being too tinny or sharp.
  12. I'm a bit sceptical about some of the wear and tear on the body. As for pickups being a little rusty, it doesn't tend to affect the sound.
  13. Despite almost selling it on more than one occasion (and swapping it and then swapping it back), I've had my trusty Westone Spectrum DX since 1988. Yes, it can be hard to play and it's a bit beaten up, but I don't care. It sounds bloody marvelous and is built like a tank. Well, except the machine heads, which tend to make it go out of tune a little too quick.
  14. Oh look! A bass...!
  15. But black, not red...
  16. Any of [url="http://www.axesrus.com/axenob.htm"]these[/url] of use...?
  17. The bass playing in the Malone clip seems a bit muted, to me anyway. You should be able to get more attack out of a fretless, which may be what you need for deathcore. Just so those damn guitars don't hog all of the sound you chuck at your audience
  18. From my experience, I also think a Jazz-type bass would give you a wider range of sounds and tones (especially true if playing with a pick). I can get quite alot of different noises out of my unmarked fretless Fender Jazz. All you need is a pick, some compression, some distortion, and you're off.
  19. [quote name='mybass' post='725683' date='Jan 26 2010, 08:29 PM']However, the fretted bass does have a its own values and the "clunk" of the fret against string can be the more aggressive and better sound for certain music, like metal or rock or thumb/slap bass.[/quote] That said, if playing with a pick and with some decent pickups and/or compression you can get a nice 'crack' type of sound out of a fretless.
  20. It also depends on the make of the bass, and perhaps if you're putting it through any effects. For deathcore a fretless could create some interesting possibilities. A marked fretless may be the best first step until you get used to playing one. After that, an unmarked one and jumping about in true deathcore styleee shouldn't be a problem. You can also actually get away with not being too anal about intonation, as long as you get the hang of a few tricks needed to get a good sound out of a fretless. If you play with a pick you will also get another variety of sound out of one compared to playing with your fingers.
  21. Jerry_B

    Jazz Bass.

    How about [url="http://www.wizardpickups.co.uk/shop.asp?category=Bass"]Wizard pickups[/url]?
  22. I always find Jazzes to be quite light.
  23. Damn - wasn't quick enough. Just out of interest, are the black blocks decals or inlays?
  24. [url="http://www.fenderjapan.co.jp/fender/2008fender/jazzbass.htm"]This site[/url] has it listed as a 'J-Craft' type (JB62-WAL). Not cheap either!
  25. It looks similar to one of [url="http://www.fenderjapan.co.jp/fender/2008fender/jazzbass/jb62wal.htm"]these...[/url] And a very nice bass it is!
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