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Everything posted by EmaTheMirror

  1. Yes, there is a difference, but up to a certain extent. EDIT: actually...
  2. This to me says enough. And I've given up trying to talk about that on TalkBass with US members who are throwing in costs of petrol in different economies and so on and seem to me both rather defensive and missing the point. Really nice new colours anyway, IMO.
  3. Sorry to reply with no buying intentions ATM (besides upping the thread) but I'm really curious: as a C50s owner, what are the main tone differences you find between the two, if you had to describe them?
  4. You can get in a similar ballpark, but for THE 51 single coil it can be tough: I have both a 51 and a split P, and to me what really gives the 51 its peculiar tone, attack and fast decay is mainly the single pole piece per string. It can also be problematic at times (try doing a bend on higher frets and the volume massively drops) but is definitely its own mark. I also have a Duncan Quarter Pounder 51 coil which tames that effect thanks to the larger poles, but in the end I kept a Bare Knuckle mounted for "that" tone.
  5. Even though I mainly use Elixir, sometimes I might want to try some very cheap brands found online as some of them can actually sound decent for a while and be a spare set, a set to experiment with, etc... I guess I'm not the only one as well. Anyway, I'd like to warn against one particular "regular" set by "Bray" which seems to be quite popular on Amazon, or at least comes up amongst top results within cheaper sets and I decided to give them a try... The set I received was so "regular" that all strings, even if sealed in plastic pouches, seemed to be cut rather short - almost to a nice length for the first three, but the low E was literally sitting on the nut with the thin, tapered end by a good cm on my body-through 51 P, making them useless. It might have been barely ok for standard bridges, but honestly I didn't even bother and returned them.
  6. Thanks for the info. Are you saying that the headphones out has the cab roll-off but the DI hasn't or am I mistaken? That'd be a bit awkward. I'm quite positive the overdrive has some kind of tweakable roll-off or cab response in the deep digital editing though. Anyway, based on the feedback I'll happily stay on the Vt deluxe if the drive is not this pedal's highlight. IME, the Vt and similar analogue preamps/drives pack more punch and sound more satisfying than any (even great) digital model I've ever used, when in live/band settings and at "real" volumes. I even got one of those Ammoon/Joyo American Sound "Fender-style" pedals for close to nothing (about £20!) out of curiosity and to have a cheap small backup (the Vt stays in the pedalboard) and I have to say it does the job better than I thought. Moreover, I have other options for headphone practicing and in the end I mostly revert to the simple Vox plug: the size, the fact that it goes straight in the bass with no cables and you are set in 2 seconds with no distractions are a great plus.
  7. Upping the thread as I came to know about this pedal just yesterday and only through the web. Not using T.C. stuff as of now and being it not explained around, I have a doubt: Does the Toneprint capability act as in my Vtbass deluxe, therefore triggering relays for instant setting adjustment and leaving the signal analogue or does it process the sound through an actual digital processor? If that's the case, the eq section remains analogue, doesn't it? Looks like a good piece of gear for the price, I was just wondering how it could compare to Vtbass pedals or the similar-ish new Fender bass preamp/multi-effect - as they call it. Cheers.
  8. The "green" Fender set of flats plays fine in my newly acquired CIJ 51 P, they are also long enough to go through body, if your bridge allows it. I think they have a rather standard mellow/all-round flat attitude (as opposed to more peculiar Rotosounds) and are not expensive at all. I slapped them on already one year old, so quite worn in, all strings sound balanced.
  9. [quote name='EmaTheMirror' timestamp='1472941133' post='3125538'] [...] Let's also say that I wouldn't mind "bumping" into a good single coil 51 P reissue, if I saw one. I have good memories about the JAP ones they used to do around 10 years ago. [/quote] The irony is, that very same night I happened to find one for sale in the marketplace section of the forum, contacted the guy and after a visit I came back home with it the next evening XD Great find, obviously you guys are all responsible for me draining my yearly tax refund in less than 12 hours.
  10. [quote name='XeTK' timestamp='1473018365' post='3126153'] SOLD [/quote] That was a great trial and buy. The bass is great, killer with some flats on - I even used it for my band's recordings yesterday, everyone was complimenting in the tone. A keeper.
  11. [quote name='EmaTheMirror' timestamp='1472942479' post='3125544'] I'd second this and what's written in Mcnach's post. I'd rather wait just as little as it take to invest £100/150 more and get something which will get you fully satisfied when you have it. It's not nice when you get a compromise you regret just a few days after buying it - or live with the constant "what if..." If I'm not wrong, both Mcnach and I own a classic 50, so we know what great value for a slightly higher (but very good) price tag means. It looks like the "selected" Squire series are good and well built instruments, I wouldn't be surprised if their QC is more consistent than some 70s USA batches, build-wise. Remember that if you realise Ps are not for you, you will retain some value anyway when selling them. If you buy second hand, I wouldn't see any reason why you couldn't re-sell for the same price, provided it's in the same condition. But it looks like you're in for that kind of instrument and IMO you won't be disappointed: I wouldn't go back to the hi-fi things I fancied before now. I'd also advise against P-like instruments for a simple reason: if you like it, you might regret not having "the thing". But that might just be psychological and YMMV. [/quote] Sorry, re-posted by mistake with my mobile, please remove this post :/
  12. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1472076303' post='3118405'] Cheap is ok... but don't go too cheap, on Precisions. [/quote] I'd second this and what's written in Mcnach's post. I'd rather wait just as little as it take to invest £100/150 more and get something which will get you fully satisfied when you have it. It's not nice when you get a compromise you regret just a few days after buying it - or living with the constant "what if..." If I'm not wrong, both Mcnach and I own a classic 50, so we know what great value for a slightly higher (but very good) price tag means. It looks like the "selected" Squire series are good and well built instruments, I wouldn't be surprised if their QC is more consistent than some 70s USA batches, build-wise. Remember that if you realise Ps are not for you, you will retain some value anyway when selling them. But it looks like you're in for that kind of instrument and IMO you won't be disappointed: now, I wouldn't go back to the hi-fi things I fancied before. I'd also advise against P-like instruments for a simple reason: if you like it, you might regret not having "the thing". But that might just be psychological and YMMV.
  13. ATM probably either a USA/JAP Fender Jaguar (the ones with switches) or a nice Jazz - I was quite curious about the new Flea, never tried one though. I did a thread about that last month. Let's also say that I wouldn't mind "bumping" into a good single coil 51 P reissue, if I saw one. I have good memories about the JAP ones they used to do around 10 years ago.
  14. Happy owner of a classic 50 here, with a well performing spb1 loaded. A keeper. IMO, the wide (but not massively deep at all) neck is way nicer in the hand than many think. But I might be biased as I also studied double bass and no electric bass feels unbearably chunky to me. Give it a go in person, they are often around in stores, that's the only way you can tell. On a side note, it's probably the most stable neck I've owned so far.
  15. [quote name='machinehead' timestamp='1471035993' post='3110205'] You know you want one. [/quote] You're not helping here XD
  16. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1470903050' post='3109197'] If I had room, and was playing more often, I would opt for a AS Jaguar bass. I have two Jag guitars and I love the body shape and switching. [/quote] Me too. Not to mention that on the bass you also have an active circuit. As much as I've fallen out of love with active circuitry inside basses over the years, it's not bad to have something that you flick and as far as I've heard in demos gives you a tone sort of in the MusicMan (-ish) ballpark.
  17. [quote name='machinehead' timestamp='1470605671' post='3107107'] The downsides? You can hit the PU selector switches accidently and end up in bass silence. Not a good arrangement. [/quote] I've seen photos of Sergio Vega (Deftones, Quicksand...) putting some tapes on the lower plate to keep them in place and prevent that while playing. A built-in switch lock device would be great... But wait... That means yet another switch/button on that bass! Lol Olympic White/tortoise is my favourite match too, though of course tone has priority when picking the right one. Have you by chance tried a bunch before picking yours? Are they rather consistent in terms of quality?
  18. [quote name='Lightlyseared' timestamp='1470582643' post='3106873'] the one classic Fender tone it won't nail (IMO) is the J-bass with both pickups on "sweet spot". [/quote] Thanks for the reply. I was actually interested in the sound both pickups give when blended in parallel. Obviously I expect more punch and belly with the P and ceramic J compared to two standard Alnico Js, but P+J configurations are often praised for their ability to provide both the P's "good frequencies" to sit in the mix and the J articulation + the nice smooth cancellation effect you get when blending two pickups in parallel. What is your impression about that when playing your Jaguar? Is the ceramic J miles apart from a classic J pickup or is it a nice feature which copes better when blended with the P? The P itself is a good CS split coil and that in turn would translate into having another P flavour (compared to my Classic 50 with the Seymour spb1) and a totally different neck feel-wise, not to mention the string-through-body option... Do you think the P tone overpowers the J given the on/off design without separate volumes? Thanks a lot to everyone for the replies so far!
  19. Right, I know the title sounds stupid as they are miles apart, but I'm currently quite interested in both instruments, the Jaguar leading the GAS ATM. Fender-wise I currently have a Classic 50 P with an Spb1 which sounds really great and I love it to bits (that's also to say the USA/MEX factor is not that important per sé) so I was thinking to compliment it with another Fender. The Jaguar seems to be a versatile beast, which can also deliver classic Fender tones at the flick of a switch. I also love the shape and style, my only doubt about it being the fear it will turn out to be more like an enhanced P rather than an axe capable of delivering J-like tones. Sadly, it looks like it's now quite hard to find the older model with two single coils - the one Sergio Vega from Deftones used extensively, and the lesser non-US models are in fact stripped down versions without the wiring benefits of the Jaguar. The Flea looks alright (I'd do without a decal-like relic, but that's the deal anyway) and I guess feels nice. I already have a passive 5 strings with a heavy Ash body and two single coils but it sounds far darker and bassier than the "typical fender J" due to pickups and wood/construction, so that wouldn't be "yet another J in my rig". I'm also curious about the stacked pots and the interesting blends you can come up with, though control-wise the Jaguar is pretty much a beast. Has anyone tried any? perhaps even both and A/Bed them? Or what is your say on this anyway, having in mind that I'd also get one to compliment my Classic P? I love both Js and Ps, though the latter fits in slightly better for what I usually do.
  20. Right, update from my side as well: I returned the strings and got a full refund, or better say that the PayPal transaction was cancelled. Funny that the PayPal message stated that I could have kept the item. Anyway, the item's back to the seller and the ad is still active on Ebay, so I guess that set could probably end up in someone else's hands Looking up the seller's user on the internet shows that he has profiles as a bass player, so it's unlikely he's unaware of what he sells, especially after my return. I'm quite fed up by that and my first step is to post the sale link here: [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Elixir-Bass-Strings-45-105-Nanoweb-Coating-/322108433363?hash=item4aff28a3d3:g:V6wAAOSwSgJXNx5b"]http://www.ebay.co.u...6wAAOSwSgJXNx5b[/url] Feel free to look up the seller's infos, they can easily be found by his username. Then I'll pass the details to Elixir.
  21. Thanks for sharing your experience. I am about to return "the item" now, hopefully the "Postage On Account GB" won't be debited to mine for this lemon Looks like there are loads of "strange" Elixir sets around eshops which fall in the price range of "sounds like a bargain but not cheap enough to be a rip off". Good to have them exposed On the other hand, I paid even less for two genuine sets of Rotosound roundwound and Fender flats from respectable sellers - actual shops who also sell on ebay/amazon.
  22. Update: the seller authorised a return and refund
  23. Hello everyone, I wanted to inform about a suspicious set of strings I got through Ebay. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I recently bought an item described as a set of Elixir Nanoweb. I received the parcel today and I noticed the following things:[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]- the strings were packaged in an unusual way and not looped at regular factory-like sizes:[/font][/color] [url="https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_RkEQMhpUBLcjE0WVRBS045eGs/view?usp=sharing"]https://drive.google...iew?usp=sharing[/url] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]- there are several spelling and spacing mistakes on the back of the packaging received. The print looks blurry and below standards:[/font][/color] [url="https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_RkEQMhpUBLSjFBSzlDVEd0blk/view?usp=sharing"]https://drive.google...iew?usp=sharing[/url] [url="https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_RkEQMhpUBLVlJiZ0FSc3N4MzA/view?usp=sharing"]https://drive.google...iew?usp=sharing[/url] [url="https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_RkEQMhpUBLa3RmRUhQN2hOZjA/view?usp=sharing"]https://drive.google...iew?usp=sharing[/url] [url="https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_RkEQMhpUBLWjJZb3BNaWY5Ykk/view?usp=sharing"]https://drive.google...iew?usp=sharing[/url] [url="https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_RkEQMhpUBLc1hyVDVDT0c1QkU/view?usp=sharing"]https://drive.google...iew?usp=sharing[/url] All these links are photos of the item, so you get an idea. I bought "the item" for £24.95, postage included. I have already requested a return/refund, no reply yet. I'll keep you updated.
  24. have a look at the EH bass big muff as well... I have it and for what you've written it might come helpful p.s. it has a separate dry output as well for bi-amping, going to the desk and so on, but it can also send both dry and wet signals blended in a single output in case you have just one amp to feed...
  25. by now I like the 1mm nylon Dunlop. It's flexible in a comfty way and gives a "pick-like" sound whenever I need it. For a thicker and quite close to fingerstyle sound, yet with some more attack and a pick feel and technique, I think that the large gray 3mm stubby picks are the best choice oh yeah, I forgot: IMV aluminium picks are terrible, useless, ruin the strings and end up wearing out faster
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