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Everything posted by daz

  1. [quote name='topo morto' timestamp='1369161977' post='2085697'] Apparently only a 30 hour cycle ride from me.... might be able to get there and back over the long weekend! [/quote] 30 hours on a push iron ?! Surely [i]You [/i]deserve it
  2. Put me down on "the list" cheers!
  3. Its only the body that is 3d printed, which is a bit of a swizz! We need a fully 3d printed bass to test. I bravely volunteer to test it to destruction. (not by smashing it, just by my awful twanging)
  4. [center][size=7][font=georgia,serif]BUMP[/font][/size][/center]
  5. [quote name='cocco' timestamp='1364840281' post='2031568'] Can't stop torturing myself with this thread, shame I have no spare money [/quote] Me too! Beatifull piece of wood. It wouldn't be out of place hanging in TheTate, with a tape of it being played looping alongside. Good luck with the sale.
  6. [center]New price.[/center] [center]Was £299. Now £298[/center]
  7. Tom Jones (boyo)
  8. [center][b]Wump[/b][/center]
  9. [quote name='krispn' timestamp='1363879346' post='2018824'] Why does £299 look so much more appealing than £300! bump [/quote] Down to £295 and thats as low as I go. I dont think i actually want it to sell really. Been playing it every day over the last month. I may have to put it up to £400
  10. [center][size=5]Reduced from £300 to £299[/size] [/center]
  11. [center][size=5]Now with Free Hat![/size][/center] [center][size=2](NOT free Hat McKenzie)[/size][/center]
  12. [center][size=2]bump[/size][/center]
  13. It must be something to do with it actually looking different from what you are used to. I have the same problem with 5 stringers.
  14. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1362877142' post='2005833'] Just out of interest, check out how ridiculously tight Dave Ellefson's playing is! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rN5N84lUFY&feature=player_embedded[/media] [/quote] Wow that Ellefson isolated bass playing is pretty damn fine.
  15. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1362863913' post='2005636'] My pleasure, 3below. Incidentally, the photo below may raise a smile in those of you who, like me, are addicted to attending music shows. I've been so for nearly 20 years and I've got the evidence! [/quote] Yeah you need to keep the tickets and flyers, to jog the memory in your old age. I have a flyer from a 1980 weekender 'Futurama' festival in Leeds with 35 bands on it and i can only recal watching one of them, even though Im sure I must have saw [i]at least [/i]20.
  16. [center]and stick[/center]
  17. [center][b]Bumpage[/b][/center] [center][size=4]Now includes [i]free [/i]carrot.[/size][/center]
  18. [center]Bumplewick[/center]
  19. [center]BUUUUUMP........[/center]
  20. I went to buy a Zoom pedal once off a forum member. He kindly gave me a play of his 5 string and for some unkown reason the extra string just befuddled me. It was so emabaressing, as I sat there plink plonking away. I have no idea why it did that to me, but it just reinforced a prejudice that I already vaguely felt against 5 strings at some basic level [size=3][i](ie: A bass has 4 strings, any more than that and its not a bass. Sort of thinking) [/i][/size] [size=4][i]So my 'transistion' was non exsistant, and always will be [/i][/size] [size=4][i][size=3][i] [/i][/size][/i][/size]
  21. [center][size=5]Bumplestiltskin[/size][/center]
  22. [quote name='RockfordStone' timestamp='1361181249' post='1982177'] sorry mate but that comment is bollocks. musicians write and record for themselves, cos they wan't to. money isn't the driver behind it. how many of us here spend time and money in the studio with the intention of making money from it? i spend hours writing and recording, and have spent a lot of money in studio's and tours with no expectation of making money, if people have thought my music good enough to pay me for then fair play. but i as many muso's do it cos i love music and not money. if you are going into a studio to make music for the soul intention of making money... then you are in the wrong game [/quote] Well said mate. Couldn't have put it clearer myself.
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