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Everything posted by daz

  1. Go for the Ibby is you get a decent price on one.
  2. [quote name='WalMan' timestamp='1349618384' post='1828318'] I think I have every copy tucked away somewhere round the house, but didn't it really morph into BGM, or did I imagine that? [/quote] NAH you must have done, as the two seem as different as can be to me ? They look and read very different.
  3. The debate about the UK's only current bass guitar magazine (and Bass Player from the USA) and its various plus or minus points, has long raged on this forum. In this debate came up the name of [i]Bassist magazine[/i]. An old sadly now defunct UK bass magazine, which I had never heard of. So i took it upon myself to get hold of a few copies and was blown away by the quality and number of interesting things to read and study in that magazine. As i dont have a scanner anymore ~I will have to put the contents page up here for all to see. This is from the September 1998 issue (£2.95) [u]Faces[/u] JahWobble -Interview Girls girls girls - Article on female bass players with profiles Steve Harris from Iron MaIden - Interview [u]Gear[/u] Godin BG IV Mesa Boogie wedge combo J -Retro 01 active - passive preamp Korg AX300B multi fx pedal [u]Features[/u] Elvis Costello - Everyday I write the book (bruce thomas) including notation/tabs Death Metal article begining bass - regular section My bass is.... regular section Classic bass - Vox phantom IV Workshop -How to change a pick-up [u]Techniques[/u] Reading made easy (including The Temptations Papa was a rolling stone, and Get Ready notation/tabs) Soul Man: Fontella Bass - Rescue me take me in your arms notation / tab Harmony and theory: Majors n Minors triads Advanced rock techniques: Colin Hodgkinson, the man who taught Stanley clarke how to slap! [u]Regulars[/u] Editorial News pages Readers Ads Readers letters _____________________________________________________________________________________ I dearly wish this was still going, as the 3 copies that i have will be pawed over for a long time I'm sure. ps: anyone wants to get rid of any I will gladly pay postage (cheeky quip) .
  4. you want a company that's accept a pallet. I moved a small lathe this way once, surely these places till exist ? has long gone, but places like Shipley.com can get quotes for you from those that do, although I have not used them personally
  5. [quote name='NancyJohnson' timestamp='1349214937' post='1823561'] I wouldn't want to be in a band with anyone who uses [i]there [/i]where they should be using [i]their[/i]. P [/quote] Correctamundo. I hate it when people don't now there grammar.
  6. Donald Fagin ? Fagin ? At first I thought it was that guy who broke in the queens bedroom and sat on her bed talking to her for 15 minutes. Thereby exposing to the nation that Liz n Phil didn't share a feather. (Well it is 5AM so I have an excuse. Been up all night ([i]trying to[/i]) get the Jam bass lines up to scratch. You know how it is when something is not quite right. It just annoys you. Sorry totally off the original thread subject now .Where were we ? er Michael Fagin ?)
  7. [quote name='gelfin' timestamp='1349299296' post='1824561'] I played in a band where keys were a pain. So when an acoustic piano was being used I screwed down the top flap and filled the rear of the piano with felt. When she used an electric piano / synth it was through the PA, which is mine and I control it, not much LF getting through. [/quote] now that's what I call good thinking.
  8. That snot and silver thing has been floating around the bottom of my basschat pages for months in the banner ads. I freely admit that I just don't get the point of reliced anythings ? Who wouldn't want a nice shiny new bass ??? Bloody long haired weirdos and punk rockers, that's what I call 'em.
  9. This guy makes em sound lush. Will have to try a set before too long .[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2GcQJyHGbeY"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2GcQJyHGbeY[/url]
  10. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1348842459' post='1819025'] [size=5]£200!!!![/size] I can only assume some Sabbath fan has believed the pitch and is being suckered! Not even the US JB collector would pay that much .......... ............. would he??? [/quote] [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Vintage-1970s-Hyperflux-Pickup-by-John-Birch-RARE-Tony-Iommi-Old-Boy?item=221127292319&cmd=ViewItem&_trksid=p5197.m7&_trkparms=algo%3DLVI%26itu%3DUCI%26otn%3D4%26po%3DLVI%26ps%3D63%26clkid%3D2245070649219219381#ht_2630wt_1207"][b]£620 !!!!!![/b][/url]
  11. As soon as I saw that I knew it wouldn't be long before someone on BC was commenting on it Especially because of its Status status. (Although I can get the same sound from my Zoom B2.1u expression pedal on one of its 'Synth' settings)
  12. Apologies if this has been posted before. I originally thought it was just using the commodore C64 as a body, but no she (yes its a girl) has digified the bass totally ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kDhpFaf4EY
  13. I snapped two strings in under an hour once.
  14. [quote name='noirpunk' timestamp='1302899513' post='1201192'] Cheers dude, our drummer is a huge fan of The Damned so I chose the name much to his delight [/quote] Ah, The Damned Always had a soft spot for them. Saw them about a dozen times. First proper punk band I ever saw way back in the spring of 1979 at age 15, in a tiny Chester nightclub. Ears rang for days! Never looked back. My life changed that night. ........ PS: Bloody nice find there, wish I had one[i] under the bed[/i]. All I have is an old Drop D Hohner
  15. plectrums are the new black.
  16. [quote name='lettsguitars' timestamp='1348088743' post='1809261'] I mentioned trying a lighter guage just to see if the slots were too tight etc. On a side note, I wind as little string on to the tuner as possible. Generally I cut the string at the next tuner peg and end up with just under a full turn. [/quote] Hmm I do the exact opposite. I was always taught to put the full length of a string on, and wind it down from the top of the tuning peg to the bottom. Thereby pulling the string down as low as possible and getting the maximum angle from the nut to the tuner. This gives the string its truest sound.
  17. Welcome to the forum, its a friendly place.
  18. Job done and its not at all bad actually. Might knock up a few blanks in copper and bronze so I have some ready. I wonder what an 18 carot gold nut would be like ?
  19. I find that like anything a s a beginner if I ever put too much thought in to it, that killed it. Like Doddy said at the beginning, if I were you I'd just play quarter notes then start to try to put ghost notes every other note. just try doing that for a good while to a metronome.
  20. [quote name='Low End Bee' timestamp='1348499755' post='1814377'] They're in their post Seven Seas of Rye phase then [/quote] On a Seven Sue's of Ryder bass no doubt ? ..........(Don't bother. I'll get me coat)
  21. posted in celebration of me getting some new speakers and bass booster for my computer. (not that one needs a reason to post this) I don't have to keep plugging dam earphones in to hear stuff in high quality. Billy has a seriously deep liquid tone here. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-ZdmlKX06A[/media] ...........................................................Oh and that chap on the bongo sticks aint bad either
  22. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1348426052' post='1813499'] Phosphor Bronze will make your sweat turn green though. [/quote] As long as it doesn't make my blood turn green like a Vulcan, I don't mind a bit of green sweat. It might even start a trend.
  23. [quote name='hollywoodrox' timestamp='1348430817' post='1813597'] yes its pissin down, smmer was a wash out this year and the last two ro three were barely better [/quote] I was there the only two weeks of the year you had (mostly) good weather then. Our holiday photos prove it But then we had a good holiday owing us from last year fortnight, when every single day but 2 rained.
  24. Think yourself lucky!. I will be 50 next year and would love to have your 'problems' with people acting like arseoles towards me because they are jealous of a talented teenager
  25. Thanks for the interest. Well I borrowed a Dremmel of my bro, so Ill let you know how it goes tomorrow. Plenty mention brass nuts. I don't have any brass at the mo' so I will try some copper, as I have plenty of that in I/8 thick slabs. Could be interesting, as copper is softer than Aluminium and brass, but still harder than bone.
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