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Cygnus x-1

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Everything posted by Cygnus x-1

  1. hi have you seen this; [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=90423&st=0&p=858481&#entry858481"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...mp;#entry858481[/url] could also sell you a chunky chrome wilkinson bridge with brass saddles or a Gotoh 201 in chrome to go with it if you want (I have a spare of both bridges) both are straight screw on replacements.
  2. I have one of these, mine has Bart. Mk.11's, I think they are awesome value for the money and this one looks a bargain for someone, good luck.
  3. would consider splitting, fully loaded sunbust vintage modified jazz body and rosewood CV jazz fretted neck and selling seperately, pm if interested in either.
  4. [quote name='DreadAlert' post='861623' date='Jun 8 2010, 11:04 PM']Cool. I'm pretty sure I'm going to go for an Ibanez SR300 as it was voted best value bass and stuff is Bassguitar Magazine. Love the looks, love the sound. NOW DONT LET ME CHANGE MY MIND! [/quote] Real good choice man, i've had a SR500 (similar bass just a tad dearer) for the last 4 years and of all the basses that have come in and gone, the Ibanez is still here. It just feels so right playing it, like a comfortable pair of shoes and always sounds bl**dy awesome too, just my 2p worth.
  5. somebody told me because this shop was big on yamaha keyboards, piano's and organs, thay they could have been early yamaha copy's, possible?
  6. As the tittle says, back in the early eightie's there was a north of England basesd music shop chain called E.D. Brown Organs. Anyway they sold no name Fender copies of strats, teles and precisions which I think were made in Japan (Japanese gear wasn't as well regarded back then as it is now) All the guitars and basses were only available in two colours, either suburst with white scratchplates on the guitars and tort scratchplates on the bass or an off white colour with white plates on all three, all had maple necks. I had a white precision one and supurb it was too, had 2 years then traded it in, later in the late eightie's I bought another white one but that one wasn't quite as good as my first, didn't know much about set ups then so second one probably just needed a set up. sold the second one. wish i'd kept one now just for sentiment. Anyway, anybody on here had/have one or know anything about them, or know someone who had one or maybe still got one? My mate still has a white strat version. Just curious, thanks...Nick.
  7. FEELER.....I am about to buy a Squier CV jazz and a Vintage modified Fretless and get the necks swapped, reason is I need a white fretless. So if anybody want's to buy a sunburst Squier VMJ with a brand new unplayed fretted CV jazz neck fitted this is for you. Obviously I havn't got a picture, but the guy in the shop who is doing it for me is a semi pro player and excellent at bass set ups. Just to be clear the VMJ is second hand, it is one of those that get bought but never used, it is absolutely mint. It has the nicest body i've seen yet, no knots, beautifull, because i've seen some not so good body's on these in the past but this one is a real looker. There are no marks or dings on the VMJ. The CV neck plays superbly and is brand new as I said, with have new strings on. Price would be a resonable £190 inc insured shipping to UK addresses. pm me if interested, thanks for looking.
  8. I'm very suprised no takers on this one. I've played one and thought it was amazing for the money, good luck with the sale.
  9. Doe's anybody do a lined replacement fretless neck?
  10. [quote name='Delberthot' post='844296' date='May 21 2010, 04:00 PM']I'm very happy with my/your/Moos3h's Squier VM Jazz. It sounds almost exactly how I want a fretless to play and sound. I like it so much in fact that I'm going the whole hog on a proper setup with Tusq nut and Badass II to get the action perfect. I have thought about changing pickups and electronics but seriously, on a bass that cost me less than some of the pickup/electronics upgrades out there, is it really worth it?[/quote] I liked it, so i'm glad you like it even though it came to you via another BC'er. The only things that made me want to change it were I really don't like sunburst jazzes and I fancied a Mexican 'real' Fender. Now though, I don't know if i'd be wasting my money with the Mexican over the VMJ ie. would it be any better? Ideally I would like a CV jazz with a VMJ neck fitted, my local shop would do this but then I would have to sell a sunburst VMJ with a CV jazz fretted neck, quite an outlay and would I recoup my (VMJ) money? a fair bit of uncertainty for a simple change of body colour.
  11. I've had a Squier VMJ fretless, liked it but sold it to raise some funds, I notice that most people selling Squiers or Vintage Icon's say they like fretless so much they fancy something a bit better. So my question is this, what is better? say up to max £500. I don't want more than four strings, Ibanez only do a five string to my knowledge, I can't find much else except Mexican Fender jazzes but are they any better and worth the price jump than the VMJ I had? By the way regarding the VMJ & Icon's, i'm not overly keen on sunburst. Confussed, yes. Any advice apreciated. Nick. (p.s. perhaps a white CV jazz wth a fretless neck would do me, hint, hint Squier?)
  12. yes it's the same bass, ad. now edited to sold, sorry for any confussion.
  13. Tom, when you say 'no lightweight' what sort of weight are you talking?
  14. hi all, expressed an interest in reading this book on march 16th this year, can anybody post an up to date list to see how far away I am please, cheers, Nick
  15. bump, pics didn't work earlier
  16. Squier Vintage Modified Fretless Jazz Bass for sale. The bass is original apart from the addition of a Torty scratch plate and old type Fender plastic control knobs. These basses speak for themselves as far as value for money goes, you really can’t buy better without spending (lots) more money. Condition wise, the bass has been played with roundwounds on, so there is some unavoidable slight marking to the Ebanol fretboard but nothing that affects the bass and can't be seen from more than 12 inches away. There are no dings or scratches anywhere on the bass. The fitting of the scratch plate (not by me) is a neat professional job, improves the look IHMO and makes it look like a vintage Fender rather than a 'Jaco' clone. Comes with a nearly new padded gig bag. The strings have seen better days and could do with setting up with a new set of the buyers prefered brand of strings. (will throw a new set of roundwounds in) Bass will be well packed for posting in the gig bag, bubble wrap and a sturdy cardboard box. Price £170 Inc insured postage. [attachment=48308:vmjbassbedrm_001.jpg] [attachment=48309:vmjbassbedrm_009.jpg] [attachment=48310:vmjbassbedrm_003.jpg] [attachment=48311:vmjbassbedrm_004.jpg] [attachment=48312:vmjbassbedrm_002.jpg] [attachment=48313:vmjbassbedrm_006.jpg]
  17. I owned one of these, real quality, absolute superb bass for the money, loved it, only sold it as it was very similar sounding to another bass I have. I sold it to Musicman69 (see post above) and he is obviously very happy with it. This example Tom is selling looks mint and is a good price, any negative comments are unjust and not helpfull to Tom's advert.
  18. hi and welcome, I don't have experience of all on your list but the Ibanez sr300 is a brilliant bass for the money, also Squier jazz's are excellent too, but you need with Squier to get the highest spec bass you can afford e.g. Classic Vibe jazz or Vintage Modified jazz even if you have to buy second hand. Also a cracking bass for the money is the Yamaha BB414, i've recently seen mint second hand VM jazz and a BB414 for under £200. But the best advice any bassist will give you is try as many as you can. cheers...Nick
  19. can't see photo's!!
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