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Posts posted by ARGH

  1. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='446608' date='Mar 26 2009, 10:28 PM']I run 2 amps, its hassle. Hassle is Doom. Uber mud low end from one and some sort of punch and definition from the other. Plus loads of distortion without dropping the lows, and being able to move from in front of one to the other for low feedback and high feedback. Its dynamic. In practice I use an office chair to scoot between them.[/quote]
    Funeral Doom.....

    You have just gotta love Winter.

  2. [quote name='gingerfish' post='444343' date='Mar 24 2009, 09:12 PM']Is it right handed? Images have confused me a tad.[/quote]
    Yes its a righty...I had not figured how to use my Mac's cam when I took the pics...

    Also to add...Ebony nut,it weighs about 8-9lbs.

  3. Hi..

    Odd one this,I dont need it...in fact I dont need half my instruments,but hey....

    Dark Hollow are a father and son operation in the farmlands of Ohio valley [url="http://www.thedarkhollow.com/"]http://www.thedarkhollow.com/[/url]

    It was fretted,but was converted to fretless when it was bought from a guy in the USA.....

    The bass is walnut/oak body and maple and cherry thruneck with a BIG Purpleheart fingerboard,fully adjustable bridge...Passive Mightymite P/U,vol/tone...its a singlecut.

    This is the weird thing,no trussrod,the neck IS HUGE..think upright in size...This isnt a temperamental bow with the weather WishBass this is a monster...its VERY woody in tone,it would suit Jazzers and world music.Its very very organic,very upright like. Theres an image of the neck beside a Fender P...just to compare the difference between thickness and size.

    Its a little rough and would deserve a few mins with sandpaper,but its tough and well made with quality parts.....theres some examples of DarkHollows work on the attached and the 'Templar' is in the top right hand corner...

    Open to offers...around £250...

  4. [quote name='AM1' post='444043' date='Mar 24 2009, 06:12 PM']We already discussed action though so I wondered if the relief had some specific influence on whether its harder to play or not.[/quote]
    Action meaning the distance between fingerboard and strings to press down upon...relief is the a more maker/luthier term for the bow of the neck...kinda the same thing...in terms of adjustment...this also includes bridge adjustment...height,spacing etc...

    High action in an unnatural...bowing of the neck,adjust the truss rod,and the 'relief' lowers the action...

    we now walk into terms of preferance..Low action accommodates taping styles and fast playing,but isnt to hot if you want to dig in and really give a real dig in,tone....bassier,thicker..phatter..

    Think of the difference between Cliff Williams of AC/DC and say...Brian Bromberg or Michael Manring..

    though this isnt exclusive.....its really a person to person thing...

    If you wander over to the Upright section and check out the bridges on the basses.....tell me what you see,take a pic.

  5. [quote name='josh3184' post='442941' date='Mar 23 2009, 07:21 PM']silly ARGH, sound and price aren't always linked :)

    Used a rockbass streamer for a while, playability wasn't all there for my liking, but the sound was. Might want to wait a bit until the new range of rockbasses come out as this will either lower the price of the older one or you might find you prefer the newer one. Easiest way to tell the difference is to see whether it has a one piece bridge (Mark 1) or two piece (Mark 2)[/quote]
    No :rolleyes: :D but build quality and tone can be.....

    Cheap basses are great in the bedroom,get them cranked and they sound horrid....and they break,bad pots,bad jacks,bad fretwork,bad necks...bad nut,bad bad bad BAD!!

    Things have got better in recent years with far eastern made instruments!

  6. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='442218' date='Mar 23 2009, 09:19 AM']Agreed but when the ego takes over the music then it becomes cringeworthy.[/quote]
    As would laziness.

    What is ego...being capable of doing something someone else cant do?

    I doubt ,but maybe, you listen to Wagner,or Mozart Wayne but those guys were WAYYY worse than any Madonna figure or R'N'B rap artist for demands and social retardation..

    But they could walk it like they talked it....Thats why they stand the test of time,Jamerson was a mentalist,but without him we wouldnt have half of what we have now musically as Bassists.....Sheehan is part of that,pushing our instrument forward.

    I bet Sheehan's a way nicer guy,than a ton of us on here as a person,I really went off him when I found out the 'Scientology' thing was part of his makeup,but thats his choice,and he does not ram it down throats unlike some....And if you actually (AND THIS GOES FOR ALL THE CHILDREN READING) watch AND LISTEN to the vids that Bills talking upon,trying to explain his style of play as best he can,rather than childish 'Oh my god 80s hair' comments...you might ...just might ....actually learn something about theory,technique, or musicality you didnt know of before.

  7. [quote name='Faithless' post='442667' date='Mar 23 2009, 05:02 PM']It feels like a bit of a 'mess' about this Billy Sheehan [i]thing[/i]..

    I mean, when it comes to [i]guitards[/i]....... ok ok, and bassists, who do all that damn [i]shredding-tapping-slapping[/i] typo thing, we call them 'w***ers, who can't make any [i]music [/i]outta it' and such, but, when it comes to Sheehan - oh, look, he's God.. :)

    Or am I'm [i]simply [/i]missing something there?

    No matter what, I'll get my coat whenever you ask :rolleyes:[/quote]
    Because,bar the Vai vs Bill dramatics,which is what the crowd who wanna see that sort of thing pay for,Billy actually puts his style of play into something that fits...
    90% of Mr Big Lps were straight forward,route 1 Rock Bassplaying,His work with Diamond DLR...His work on the G3 tours...Guess what..pretty much straight forward rock Bassplaying...played well,in time,in tune.....kinda what most of do in our bands,and he's getting paid for it too....

    I dont see how people can shout "EGO" when they see a solo by a Bassist...Thats such a backward way of thinking.

  8. Get on the train and go to Electromusic in Donny....failing that...if you drive go to NorthAllerton,the guys in there (Tinman knows the shops name) are diamonds,its a small shop off the main drag...

    Ive a black P from 96,its dinged to f***,and it does not show,it just depends on the undercoats for the finish....

  9. [quote name='funkle' post='441487' date='Mar 22 2009, 06:12 AM']From [url="http://www.playerschool.com/admissions/tuition-and-costs/48"]http://www.playerschool.com/admissions/tuition-and-costs/48[/url] : $3800 for tuition for the 10 week course.

    Now add in flights, food, accommodation, insurance, car rental, petrol, incidentals, etc. It wasn't cheap, but I am one heck of a better musician for it.[/quote]
    Thats the bit Im wondering about...the excess's on top....im writing a budget here :)
    What are we talking about in total,say per week of being there?

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