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Posts posted by ARGH

  1. Sorry,have it all.....have the lot,then have it taken from you...Luck does not exist,we know a 1000 guys that can blow us out of the water,but dont get the light.....its about being happy on the ladder,Scott is right about so much,pretty much all at that moment in time,its only in the last few years..say..4-5 that we really started shrugging the 'Failed guitarist' tag off...Bassists being common leaders rather than the few and far betweens..yes there are a few each decade from Sting,to Macca..or whoever...even Lemmy. Playing with the idea of what the instrument is capable of (ERBs..)...rather than what people,musicians or otherwise expect.

    He's just one of those people that is a hell of a lot smarter than you,and everyone else...and thats the problem. He's f***ing good,and everyone knows it,and he is confident or at the time was!...There is nothing wrong with being good,some people have problems with that..the 'being good'. Im good,I know it,but I also know theres a few that can send me packing on here Bilbo,OuttoplayJazz,maybe you...but for what I do..Im very good.

    "It isnt arrogance if you can back it up..."

    As one late Bipolar drug user once stated.....another bassist that couldnt get a gig. Difference is??


    The points on education..the simple pay and be praised ethic in music colleges,in the UK..has come true,wander around a 'modern' music school area..its saturated with bullshit and clones and bad taste musicians,thats not opinion,its fact. Thats why I still think a working band would take the guy with 3 years of grafted club/pub playing and ratty gear over the guy fresh out of school with the 5 string and hi-fi setup.

    A dose of reality after all the ego massage helps ..no? hense "Get a REAL job"

    The Zappa band he was with,were talented,but ultimately jealous musicians.....Who's ever given the bassist,and bassist only carte-blanche..Zappa,the guy annoyed the guitards,by doing whay pretty much all guitards hate...by f***ing with structure.Some ,as he clearly states...dont see this as doing his job,as a traditional role...they 'thought' like most.."This is what a Bassplayer should do!!".

    But Frank didnt want him to do that....and Frank was in charge.

    Wictors a sycophantic writer at best,his pieces for Bassplayer in the 90s were fun,but always 'pedestalic',looking for the shock horror rather than music sometimes, and that interview was a looooong time ago.
    Music is a sh*t business...always was,always will be,Scott,like Berlin says it so clearly,it hurts,some people cant take that.

  2. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='425115' date='Mar 4 2009, 02:38 PM']He sounds to me like he's projecting his own self esteem issues on the rest of the world and has gone further than many in his reasoning. He sounds unfulfilled, bitter and a little cynical and loathing of the world. I think he's over-rationalised his experiences and lost his passion - music is about self expression and reaching out to people. That second part seems lost on him.[/quote]
    No,he says it how it is,and always will be...The dream is a lie,and he does not hide that.

    Most people with instruments in magazines do not deserve to even be there,and nor does it make that great....

    After the sh*t he went through ......you'd be bitter in the same position,why reach out if no-one can understand,its not about self esteem,its about security for the self and the ones he loves....to be free of ego,in such a way as it becomes annoying to those that desire a place onstage.

    Thunes quit coz he had a family,wanted a regular paycheck,and didnt want to deal with the day to day muso sh*t that 'Originals' bands/musicians have to deal with ,he had his day onstage,did one of THEEE biggest gigs on the planet,said thanks and walked...he is a happier guy now,doing his IT thang in the Mid east USA.

    You should read the cut out parts....

  3. [quote name='dood' post='424546' date='Mar 3 2009, 09:33 PM']Not that it needs any introduction... [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=137"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=137[/url] ;o) But I find the low F# very useful and aurally exciting (??) when those low notes make my Hifi sub sing! - I have played in bands with the same keyboard player for years now. He's an amazing player and really likes to make use of his full range of sounds. Naturally, when he sweeps down in to those sub bass tones, I wanna be there too. It's another reason why I put Doodle together with Jon.

    So, yeah.. low F# then![/quote]
    F sharp Dood?

    You wimp....its sub contra E,B and C sharps now....try lower.

    Seriously though,Bill Fitzmaurice himself had a natter about sub cabs to me some months ago,most are badly designed,built,hell,even wrong in their statements about what they do....

    Can I ask,is a custom cab worth it?

  4. Anyone wanna hear it being played???

    I must admit,even as a total ERB zealot...this is now in nutter territory...utterly mad,probably pointless..12.98Hz..I mean what cab is even recreate that as an audiable note AND be transportable to a gig???


    Click on custom roundwound strings...scroll to the bottom.

    oh and while you are going "Wha??".....Mr Goodman in planning a .270...and Ive seen the prototype for the .298

  5. [quote name='Jamesk86' post='423902' date='Mar 3 2009, 09:39 AM']Fingers, picks, thumbs and tips of fingers are all needed in my point of view!!

    One other remark I have heard far too oftern at gigs and from other musicians is that bass players are failed guitarists and any guitar player can play a bass!!

    arse I say![/quote]
    Hand them a 9 string and watch them sh*t themselves

  6. [quote name='Musicman20' post='423445' date='Mar 2 2009, 05:33 PM']Surprise. The manager didnt call me.

    If they carry on like this they have lost a sale.

    I called Fender UK and they said it sounds like a shop soiled bass that they have got from another branch of the store. Esp when I mentioned the stickers looked liked they'd been peeled off.

    I know sometimes Fender is a little slack, but I believed them with this one. It looked like early signs of too much belt buckle rash! And the poles didnt match the strings....thats really sh*t. So...if they havent called by tomorrow morning I will go ballistic and demand all my deposit back. They will have also lost a sale with the Orange Bass cab. I asked about it the other day and they said the shop one (scratched mind) would be there normal price. If I ordered in itd be more. Same sales guy again though.[/quote]
    They've been sh*t,get you cash back,go and spend someplace else....but dont be a cocksure nobhead,be a pro,its the job you are a student in learning for,keeping your head is half the game....Dont go mental,just remain calm,stiff,but calm.

    Ive had Solicitors/Lawyers trying the rant at me (Guildford Law school...thankyou),and its the easy way to get hurled from a shop for harrassment and verbal abuse of staff...regardless of your money...or the situation..you might get a simple,f*** off,come back when you have calmed down and can behave like normal human being.

  7. [quote name='BigAlonBass' post='422120' date='Mar 1 2009, 12:57 AM']Rather a sweeping statement there, almost as bad as the blokes comment about the OP. :) There are some people who prefer 4-strings, just as there are people who prefer fingers. A bit more tolerance all round seems to be needed. :rolleyes:[/quote]
    Tongue is lodged firmly in cheek..Im sorry,please dont take me that seriously,Ive a rep for being an ERB zealot,but Im not that bad.

    Its not about preferance or intolerance,its about the OP's guy's statement-er being a small minded tit. Enjoy playing the instrument however or whatever way you like,in or with as many or as few strings,with a pick,fingers.... whatever,as long as its musical to somebody,and before that you,then be happy play play play.

    Tiny minded crap,really gets my goat.

    (I was guilty of this sort of thing when I was younger,I expect it from the younger,or inexperienced ..'set'...but not the seasoned)

  8. [quote name='Buzz' post='421960' date='Feb 28 2009, 08:44 PM']At nothing really in particular, just this general air of aggression in a few posts I thought, kind of the air where you're angry at something and that anger just happens to seem into other outlets.[/quote]
    Well,I am Bipolar,but the only time Ive been cheesed recently is either from 'Thisnameistaken' and his utterly contemptable thoughts upon function/working band bassists,or waynes misguided,fashion driven,dig at Ex Genesis Peter for not wanting to chop his song at an awards ceremony....which Wayne still has not clarified his point upon weather Peter playing the said song...cut... at the awards would be selling out?

    I am an angry poster,I know that,I used to rant..a f***ing lot,I try to change that,but then half the time people expect that...so..I cant win,so I dont bother.

    Still dont like the idea that 'I hate Warwicks' though,utterly untrue,that seems to have appeared recently,and the idea that I only post about myself...oh dear I have done..whoops..shame.. :)

    edit:thanks for telling me though.

  9. [quote name='Buzz' post='421883' date='Feb 28 2009, 07:09 PM']Ah, so that's why you've been raging recently. Makes sense now.[/quote]
    Me,raging? at what....

    I understand I have an (undeserved I feel) reputation for writing in a blunt fashion. But I dont think Ive been harsh in ages...months really...

  10. [quote name='silddx' post='421829' date='Feb 28 2009, 06:07 PM']Some geezer at one of our gigs a while ago said any bassist playing with a pick is not worthy of the name and shouldn't be let near a stage.[/quote]
    Next thing you get is some qunt saying that having more than 4 strings is bad.....Like a well run train service,its there ,always on time. I heard some 18 year old spout that and he was a student at the LSM.

    Fags,grow up,get lower,get a 5.

  11. [quote name='EntropicLqd' post='421009' date='Feb 27 2009, 03:30 PM']Seems to me like he'd be better off with a stick rather than a bass really.[/quote]
    Why,I think the way he plays/writes wouldnt need the tapstyle of a stick.

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