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Posts posted by ARGH

  1. Bizarre morning...

    Im 31....Ive played for aeons (ok...18 years) Ive read tons of mags,drooled at gear,gone deaf from my own and other noise....Ive gawped at millions of players,from the beginner to the total pro....

    This morning,I had a conversation with William Roland Sheehan....2 days ago I discussed custom strings,for myself,with C3......discussed the best way for a small child to capture a Leprachaun with Carey Nordstrand (Find a rainbow,Tranq gun,wear green...hide in bushes). Chatted about ERBs and playing and life in general,with many many players.

    Though,nothing Ive ever talked about is ground breaking beyond my own questions and reverse...(and yes Ive had to stop myself from being a gushing idiot,or I often just BLANK..and ALL the questions Ive ever wanted to ask,just book a holiday into the ether)

    But isnt the internet amazing.

  2. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='457637' date='Apr 8 2009, 05:38 PM']That is interesting. I was wondering if the 5ers would outnumber the 4ers.

    Give it a couple of years and maybe they will.[/quote]
    I think anything,given time,as its of a greater ..more...versatile use,will eventually become a standard.

    I see a lot of kids very quickly progressing onto 5s..even thinking of going to a 6 asap in my genre.

  3. As with Cetera...

    BUT in 12-18 months time,I will have to make the 'Choice',my Boss knows I love music,and he believes I can make it....and is watching my performance at work to see if the gigging causes it to suffer...Financially I could go mad and do it fulltime,Ive the funds available AND we are that good I think we have a damned good shot at the big time.

    Will it work?...Dunno,Ive been here before..twice...not many get one shot ,very few get two....This is my third. So maybe something's ment to happen?!?

  4. [quote name='bootleg' post='456628' date='Apr 7 2009, 05:45 PM']If this poll had been 3 months ago I would have said 6, but have recently gone back to 4. Wasn't making the most of the 6, and now enyoying the "limitations" of the 4 even more. Should I sell my 6 string, or hang on just in case the urge strikes again?

    Never played 5 strings.

    Good poll.[/quote]
    Keep it,Low Bs are fun.

  5. [quote name='The Funk' post='456610' date='Apr 7 2009, 05:30 PM']I think the number of strings isn't so much of an issue (but I get that that's not what your poll is about). Give most people on the forum a bass with just an E-string and an A-string and they'd manage just fine.[/quote]
    yep +10000

  6. [quote name='foal30' post='456031' date='Apr 7 2009, 03:07 AM']Cool,

    I thought the Gospel stuff was good business sense given America's spiritual tastes. To me it was preferable on a musical level than requests fro TAB of the Offspring or Nirvana.

    AJ"s 5th Anniversary Op/Ed remains a highlight for sure.[/quote]
    "The pants are falling down,and the fly's open..."

  7. [quote name='AM1' post='455092' date='Apr 6 2009, 01:22 AM']As far as being torn between styles, there is absolutely no reason not to learn to play in a multitude of styles.

    ..... and I think getting stuck in one style musically can be a road to nowhere in that it eventually constrains you as a player. If you play primarily in one style, you will hit a big musical wall at some stage. I found the only way around this was adopt a seismic shift in styles and do something else for a while, even if you don't like the style of music, an open mind means you can usually gain something positive.

    Versatility is where it's at for me. I'd happily play a variety of different styles in different bands (later down the line on the bass).

    If you have got great rhythm and phrasing, eventually you can do justice to ANY musical style.

    Becoming a "technician" in terms of fast fingers/technique, in my view, is secondary to developing a great sense of groove.[/quote]

    I spent 3 hours telling a group of 8 lads the same thing on friday.

  8. I recall the 5th or 10th birthday,of BP..and AJ got to write..and he pulled no punches......on the 20th he did the same thing again....

    Foal30,when Johnston took over...after 18 months..maybe a year,not one 'Heavy' musician of a Bass nature got a feature,nada,nowt,zip...the man even had a dig at 'Extreme' music in one of his editorials,lotta cheesy in the charts punky stuff,but theres only so much Late teeny with a P or J into an SVT that I can give a sh*t about,the mag went very very weak,the writing got gushy and didnt cut it,the reviews,have always been good,but even they started to get sweet......So I stopped buying for a time,the gospel content went upward,and things ..just felt wrong.Like a friend had drifted away.

    Wictor ,fubar'd many a time on the 'Unsung' side column...It almost became comical.

    And yeah I agree,the interviews in GP and GW in the last decade have thinned out...I remember when players really got grilled on their motivation and history.


    Asking the roadie for the equipment list..yeah ok,the tech knows best,but shouldn't the player learn the tools and know the job? Ive even seen blatant contradictions,in what the player 'thinks' he has and uses,vs what the tech says he has and uses.

  9. Do it,education is never wasted...ever.

    If you wanna push things a bit further down the line,get into the tuning of the kit too..makes a f***load of difference when the kicks in with the key of the song.

  10. [quote name='synaesthesia' post='454481' date='Apr 5 2009, 05:50 AM']Coryat was removed very quickly as he behaved like Jerry Reed in smokey and the bandit III, i.e. scream incessantly " I get to be the bandit! I get to be the bandit! I get to be the bandit!". Too excited about the job and completely unprepared.[/quote]
    Well,after Jim..who was of a senior generation...Karl was probably abit young (remember his columns on gadgets and gizmos)

    But he did freshen up the place.

    Another guy I dont see much of in writing now is/was Dale Titus,where did he go?

  11. I liked Bill Leighs editorship....

    I found the mag had become a little sweet under his guide,nicer,better,less preachy...

    Ive read Bassplayer under all its editors,I have to say ,imho,Richard Johnson stank.....the articles were boring,the layout was bad,and I feel his christian viewpoints coloured the magazine during his tenure (not ONE 'Heavy' Bassist was featured...nor anything beyond AOR).

    I wished sometimes Karl Coryat still had the reins after the great Jim Roberts left...The mag was a breath of fresh air under Carl....

    He is still longest serving member on the Bassplayer roll of honour. Im happy for Bassplayer.tv to exist,it gives a good selection and interactivity to the magazine.

    This issue brought back to the fore the mind of Scott Thunes,I hardly find that guy 'boring'..I didnt care for Stinson,but still read it,and it was nice to see the first inclusion of Pete Trewavas in probably 12 years. The reviews are better than BGM,the layouts Better than BGM,and the information,still feels more accurate than BGM....

    I await judgement on Herrera,but cutbacks may drop the quality,I remember him coming onto the staff register....I hope he does well.

    And I still miss the Berlin and Bailey columns.

    I remember buying my 1st edition in sept 92,'Masters of funk' adorned the cover....missed the next issue (think it was Steve Harris)and didnt miss an issue for maybe 6 years,until moving house and Johnson came on as editor....

  12. [quote name='yorks5stringer' post='452864' date='Apr 2 2009, 11:47 PM']Are we really sure Jeff Berlin isn't German...?[/quote]
    Jewish...from Queens..NYC....

    Parents went through the holocaust,big gangly ..kid...full of aggrassion,took up boxing and Bass,good fighter,good player.

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