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Posts posted by ARGH

  1. [quote name='BigRedX' post='451734' date='Apr 1 2009, 05:21 PM']I think in this day and age it may be far more useful to run a series of articles about how to try and make a living playing original music without having to deal with a record company.[/quote]
    Hense my point about an interview about a proper WMC,wedding,Camp working stiff....

    Hell an article on self employed Tax form fillout,accountants and such would be a good idea!

    Insurance......is it what its cracked up to be?...same with the MU..Im not looking for the mag to be bloody 'Which',but its a BIG thing,both commitmentwise and financially speaking..I reckon theres a TON of horror/love stories.

    Gigging in other countries,ship gigs.....you rarely hear from those guys!

  2. [quote name='OldGit' post='451450' date='Apr 1 2009, 01:20 PM']What's an lp?[/quote]

    Like what you put on your grammaphone and boogie too!

    Failing that,come watch us...we melt grannys,its a bitch of a H&S paperwork mountain...but I feel we are doing our bit against society and its junta against the norm*

    (* its not Norms fault,he was in the wrong place at the wrong time)

  3. [quote name='Stuart Clayton' post='450942' date='Mar 31 2009, 10:33 PM']Ahh yes, the Kerslake method... man that guy knew his stuff.

    Still does,the Piano was always off key after the 2nd term,he had thrashed it....

    Went to work on the North sea liners..I recall you tried that,cruiseship gigs..was not fun iirc.

  4. [quote name='Stuart Clayton' post='450903' date='Mar 31 2009, 09:52 PM']That's a pretty interesting comment! Who are you?

    A purple Maison bass... weirdly that's a bass I really regret selling.

    Yeah..I didnt do it,it was either Paul..or Turner....Bastards tried blaming me..It was not me..I promise,I knew better...

    You dont piss about with another mans instrument.

    There has been quite a high ratio of Talent that vomited forth from NDC,and the Kerslake method....Im a lower league..But from the fountain.

  5. [quote name='silddx' post='450807' date='Mar 31 2009, 07:28 PM']Sorry, fair comment.

    My sincere apologies, Stuart.[/quote]
    Dont worry,you didnt get the blame for marking his metallic purple Maison Bass 17 years ago.

    (I was not me either..)

  6. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='450867' date='Mar 31 2009, 08:59 PM']And Vauxhall did refuse to allow their cars to be tested by Jezza for a number of years.[/quote]
    I have on good authority that inside the BBC TG office,theres a sticky wall,that has car company logo's and its divided into "WHO LIKES US,WHO DOES NOT LIKE US"

    I just find it fun that the guy that owns/is Bristol cars has publicly banned James May from the forecourt because he knows Clarkson.

  7. [quote name='silddx' post='450764' date='Mar 31 2009, 06:39 PM']Stuart Clayton said earlier in this thread he doesn't really have much of an opinion or anything to say, and that some like the mag, some don't and little will change. I think that's a really apathetic way of running a business, and they need to pull their socks up or lose it.[/quote]
    f***ing knockout punch....

  8. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='450731' date='Mar 31 2009, 06:15 PM']Old gear could be quite an interesting option. I remember Guitarist magazine doing a run where they would look at classic guitars and decribe the evolution, quirks of manufacture and valuation depending upon it's year. It certainly makes for more interesting reading than lifting the contents of the Fender catalogue.[/quote]
    Pomeroys doing that in Bassplayer...Starfires,EB0's etc etc. John Slog did the classic Basses for years a decade ago...I recall the 4005.

  9. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='450724' date='Mar 31 2009, 06:10 PM']Yeap - they really have got the right people feeding into the magazine. Are all those people journos? Nah. The mag is just on the ball with regards getting the text right. They really are a force in the bass world - could BGM run a bass even like BP and attract the names that they do? No. BGM is too small a player at the moment. They aren't even international so most of the name bass players out there don't even know that it exists.

    OK - London gigs. What name bass players have we got touring at the moment? It's all pop sh1te that is happening around here. Would those people make for any more entertaining reading? I don't know. Maybe. Just because they are touring, does that give you access to them? Some people don't want to know. Was anybody interested in the interviews with Richard Jones (he of the Feeling if anybody is lost) or Charlotte Cooper of the Subways? It's a tricky task. There are no UK bass heros at the moment. The last one was Stuart Zender in Jamiroquai days. I wouldn't thank anybody being tasked with going out to find a name bass player to interview. In some ways it's better that you don't do an interview rather than do a cop out one... but then again, interviews can help shift magazines. Catch 22.[/quote]
    Have they ever done an issue on workers,the Joe Bloggs on the backing circuit? Not just the Big guys doing Wembley and NEC back Madonna or whoever,but the stiffs that have done the WMCs and camps for the last 3-4 decades,they exist,Ive worked with them,theres a veritable goldmine of stories and tips these guys/girls can pass on,and it would be a killer read,plus they'd have a ton more going on between their ears about being a worker than any fly by night coming out of studio after 'its' 1st lp...

  10. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='450714' date='Mar 31 2009, 05:52 PM']But then again, the choice of big hitter bass players in the UK to interview is somewhat less than in the States... There are lots of players passing through and residing in the Bay area (where the head office of BP resides - there is a sister operation in NY), LA is only an hours flight away - and that's where the big names actually live.1

    To put it in context, when I went to BP magazine, I signed my name under Rocco Prestia in the visitor's book. What does that tell you? Players are actually travelling to the magazine to be interviewed. How many of the people interviewed in BGM are travelling to be interviewed? There you go - we aren't really comparing like with like at the moment. One magazine is running on a shoestring budget, the other isn't.2[/quote]
    1,When they have contributors in Nashville,Memphis,Florida..your right...no competition.

    2,London gigs,grabbing a name someone cant be that hard? Maybe the 'subject' isn't that good a musician,to explain what he's doing (it happens)..And I know the Yanks have the entire Miller/Freeman corp behind them.....But dont fanzines in musical genres bubble up and get noticed with their no sugar attitudes...thats how they get respected...

    Maybe it would be dull as sh*te to interview ANOTHER Fender/Ricky wielding 20 something with an Ampeg or a Harke stack,that finished his/her LP a month ago,and cant read...does it not tell you how BAD British music really is???

  11. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='450707' date='Mar 31 2009, 05:42 PM']Agreed... and that is preferable to have somebody who is equally versed in playing and journalism - but I don't necessarily agree that it is essential. The thing is, some of the things that have been picked up in this thread should have never made it to print as they did. The text should be vetted and improved on where necessary. I would rather have somebody review a bass who is a capable player rather than somebody who is an exceptional wordsmith. It's the job of the wordsmith employed by the company to make sure the text that they are being supplied with is making the grade...[/quote]
    I'd pay more to read that....

    Every few years 'something' British appears,and its nice..but laughable after 2-3 issues...I tried BGM..I really did,but bar the Richard Johnson years at Bassplayer,its never come close..the interviews are flyweight compared to the Yanks.

  12. [quote name='BigRedX' post='450586' date='Mar 31 2009, 03:19 PM']Maybe tBBC is right here and BGM does need to "grow some balls" after all it is the only dedicated UK bass mag. Where else are Fender etc. going to advertise in order to appeal to UK bass players?[/quote]
    Back of the net!!!

    Anyone can be bland,problem is..do you have Journo's writing,or musicians playing at Journo's??

    Bassplayers staff are pretty much Journos (college major,uni ..whatever..qualified in Journalism) that play bass or have played bass to an,at least semipro level....Bar the Workshops,and those persons tend to be professional tutors (Rich Appleman,Steve Bailey,Goldsby,Berlin etc).

    Have a stab at playing big fish....its a small pond being the only UK based choice,so pump up!

  13. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='449981' date='Mar 30 2009, 09:41 PM']I'm sure that even the contributers of BGM know its crap.[/quote]
    After being taught by one...The person admitted..it is!

    Satisfy the companies,its their piece of kit......they are paying you...you like it or we pull the advertising...its the same with music mags.

    Its around this moment that you get a feeling akin to the moment you found out wrestleing was not real...dont worry,you get over it.

  14. [quote name='captain black' post='449161' date='Mar 30 2009, 01:41 AM']I've noticed a proliferation in the numbers of 'Dads Bands' around at the minute. :)
    You can see them all over. They're young.
    Their dads ferry them to 'gigs' and set the gear up for them while they stand around looking vaguely interested.
    They spend the whole night playing power chords learnt from Tab off the internet while adoring jailbait looks on.
    The dads stand at the back nodding all the way through and then pack up the gear at the end.
    The upshot?
    It's all done for them!
    They haven't had to do it for themselves.
    As a kid I had to bus 6 miles to practices then carry my amp and bass about a mile (stopping for many rests) so that by the time I got there I could hardly play.
    When you learnt your favourite songs you had to LISTEN to the Record ...NO REALLY LISTEN and work out what was going on.
    You learnt the subtleties. You learnt your trade. You couldn't just google it.
    So I think your answer lies in the fact that the future generation of bands are missing out on the 'serving your time' part.
    Also the standard of affordable guitars and basses you learnt on back then, or should I say Planks (hondo etc.), was pretty poor in comparison to what young 'uns have today (not that Dad hasn't bought them a Les Paul anyway).
    Anyway....Rant over.

    Ps. Apologies to anyone who helps out with their son's band but you get my point.

    Some still earn their stripes though fella,you just have to go to poorer areas,watching 5 total ragtags with sh*tty gear get up and do it,is often a marvel to behold...


    Ouch,you brought back a painful memory of an audition..I had to lug my bass and head from south Beeston to Holbeck....that hurt.

    That was the day Keegan walked after losing to Germany at old Wembley[/quote]

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