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About therealting

  • Birthday December 3

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  1. There are tricks to do with threading string or rubber tubes through and pulling them through with those, in case helpful for you or any buyer!
  2. I should not be, but I keep thinking about this bass… am only down the A2 from you as well!
  3. Import fees and taxes to the UK make it a hassle and an expense sadly. Would make a different of several hundred ££ to the final outlay.
  4. I own a Mk3 which is very similar. Incredibly fun and comfortable bass to play, and sounds spectacular. Easy to see why Nathan East favours them as a recording session bass!
  5. I’d LOVE one of these in 5-string. I have one of the original 1990 PRS 4-strings. Handsome bass, someone will love it!
  6. Could do with a few but don’t need 13, so as it stands I’d be better off buying them new but let me know if you decide to split!
  7. These are excellent, I have used mine several times when flying. Works well for electric guitars too, and I usually pack some clothes in as well. @Burns-bass is also a superb bloke with whom I have dealt several times.
  8. I do indeed still have it. It serves me very well on days when my hands need a break from playing long scale! Still have the Jazz too, did I get that from you as well?
  9. Glad you found another, I really didn’t want to sell mine! 🤜🤛
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