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Everything posted by therealting

  1. My last girlfriend had absolutely stunning green eyes.
  2. I have the 100w Katana and these are seriously impressive amps. I own several handwired THD and VHT valve amps and a Kemper, and honestly this is very close!
  3. Harley Benton has some interesting stuff these days - I am tempted by their Fusion series guitars... roasted maple necks with stainless steel frets for under £350?!
  4. Just seen it. Looks great!! What a bargain. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F143544487045
  5. Shipping is available if you’re happy to arrange it (really easy, economical and fully insured via EuroSender)!
  6. Shipping is available if you’re happy to arrange it (really easy, economical and fully insured via EuroSender)!
  7. Alternatively, 80s Japanese stuff comes in at that sort of price point. Fenders, Squiers, Fernandes, etc.
  8. Hard to go wrong with a Nate. I’d get one of those, put a tort guard on it, swap in a Nordstrand and call it a day.
  9. Not sure why people reply to posts asking for the price... when it’s one of the first things you see in the post! So gorgeous, this.
  10. I’m surprised pickup positions weren’t mentioned at all in the context of the original post.
  11. My Shuker 6 string singlecut has a 33” scale, low B sounds great.
  12. Are they the same as these? https://www.bax-shop.co.uk/studio-headphones/beyerdynamic-dt-770-pro-32-ohm-studio-headphones?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_9iywN-J6QIVhu7tCh0wJA0QEAUYASABEgIKjvD_BwE
  13. I’m in the process of trading a 4 string Sadowsky for a 5...
  14. I’d wager that most fretlesses existence are the one fretless in a much larger collection of fretted instruments. I personally have around 20 basses, but generally owned only one fretless at a time (I don’t own any at the minute).
  15. I think the fretless market is a lot smaller than the fretted one, so there’s less incentive for manufacturers to get involved. I had a Revolution which was unbelievably good for under £200 and unbeatable in my opinion. I think part of the issue is that most fretless beginners tend to be experienced fretted players, so they get a cheap secondhand one, and then upgrade to something more serious if they get more involved.
  16. Those DO look nice. Hope they introduce a medium scale at some point...
  17. Ideal for that last, set-closing number of your Chris Isaak tribute act...
  18. What sort of trades are you interested in?
  19. Ah ok - when you said you prefer more traditional Jazz style basses, I was toying with maybe my Sadowsky MV4...
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