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Everything posted by therealting

  1. I’m just quoting what he said, he discusses it here from around the 5:40 mark.
  2. I do not need another Super P5. I do not need another Super P5. I do not need another Super P5. I do not need another Super P5.
  3. He said he wanted to be involved in making instruments that were accessible to more players. Foderas are of course fairly exclusive.
  4. The Indian Encores are great, I had a nice trans black Strat a few years ago and it was insanely good for the price.
  5. Which ones are $900?
  6. I don’t even have a suitable 5-string for these to go in and I’m considering this!
  7. Oh interesting. What is their pricing like?
  8. Did anyone here try it at NAMM?
  9. Fair enough, mate. Will have a think! These are great straps, I bought two Dingwall badged ones some time ago.
  10. Are they £40 each, or £40 for the both of them (I’ll take them if the latter)?
  11. Anyone in the Midlands after a cheap 4-string version, this is on eBay. £90 (not mine) https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F173683803019
  12. Rounds and flats?
  13. Anyone in the Midlands after a cheap 4-string version, this is on eBay. £90 (not mine) https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F173683803019
  14. I have a 435 which is very similar. Satin neck. Doesn’t feel rough to me, but not *quite* as smooth as the back of my Sadowsky or Mk I TRB6 for example.
  15. It’s very well made and sounds great (I have tapewounds on it). I had been looking at vintage at the time and realised it was a better and more reliable instrument for less money, which suited me as I didn’t think it would become my main axe.
  16. String through body I think!
  17. Any medium scale news from NAMM? Shorties seem to be popular this year.
  18. I have two short scales (MIJ Mustang and a Hofner Violin) which I’m probably going to move on as medium scale suits me better. Those are worth a look.
  19. I had the sharp nut issue on a fanned fret Ibanez when I owned one - easy to sort out with a file (I used a nail file!). Sounds like this is worth the asking price!
  20. I wonder if the strings feed through the blocks.
  21. The Dingwall Supers are 35” on the B string (32” on the G), so a little closer. Personally I really like the fan on the Supers and have a feeling the 1” difference won’t be enough to sway it for me. Having said that, £170...?!
  22. Hofner Violin? Kala U Bass?
  23. Don’t be fooled by the low price of the BBs. My 435 gets more playtime than my Dingwall Super P...
  24. The MIJ Mustangs are excellent.
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