Anyone in the Midlands after a cheap 4-string version, this is on eBay. £90 (not mine)
Anyone in the Midlands after a cheap 4-string version, this is on eBay. £90 (not mine)
I have a 435 which is very similar. Satin neck. Doesn’t feel rough to me, but not *quite* as smooth as the back of my Sadowsky or Mk I TRB6 for example.
It’s very well made and sounds great (I have tapewounds on it). I had been looking at vintage at the time and realised it was a better and more reliable instrument for less money, which suited me as I didn’t think it would become my main axe.
I had the sharp nut issue on a fanned fret Ibanez when I owned one - easy to sort out with a file (I used a nail file!). Sounds like this is worth the asking price!
The Dingwall Supers are 35” on the B string (32” on the G), so a little closer. Personally I really like the fan on the Supers and have a feeling the 1” difference won’t be enough to sway it for me. Having said that, £170...?!