Hey, to all !!
I was born in Moscow in 1975. I`ve been living here since my birth. I studyed in the musical school(class fortepiano) Since 1989, I`ve been playing on the guitar (6 string Western, simply guitar.,not bass) In 1999 I learned bass guitar with my teacher S.G. Arievich about 4 years. I so appreciated to him. He set my mind in order. In 2000-2004 I played in other groups in my city but I didnt go ahead on this way. I`ve chosen teaching music (bass-guitar,theory of music)
But I`m training on the bass guitar at home. Anyway, I dont stop my practice as a musician(bass, fortepiano,vocal,guitar)
At Now I haven`t any group. I`m so busy for this. I have great Family, and I must helped to my Family- 24h in d/7d in w.
My gear-Warwick Streamer Jazzman,4, natural oil, amp - Ampeg BA-112 and rare Park-GB15, effect processor -Boss 6-GTB, acoustic guitar Yamaha FG-401 and keybord Casio for me and my child,Kate. She is studying in musical school (fortepiano/vocal). That`s all ))