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Everything posted by ead

  1. There's a queue you know. You can't just push in like that, it's just not British.
  2. Interesting, going through this very thought process myself if only because I'm playing through PAs mostly and the Compact is more often than not used as a stand for the Midget as a monitor. Alex is recommending an SC as the One Cab To Rule Them All option.
  3. Does that mean if you wear gloves to play you could legitimately Smell The Glove? On a related theme, I've seen Sandberg talk about steamed oak fretboards. No idea what they're like though, anybody played one?
  4. Barge poles come in different sizes?
  5. Personally not keen on single cuts. Also white and blue basses; completely irrational I know.
  6. Lovely. Most of Alan's 5ers are 18mm string spacing.
  7. I've recently left a band that did 40 or so shows a year to do around one a month. It was becoming too invasive into my family time, plus Mrs ead is getting over cancer atm so I need to be around a lot more. Something like would be fine for me. Aside from the 'gigging' band I also belong to an 3-piece originals band. Definitely hobby/social aspect to it. A couple of rehearsals a month and we'll do a few gigs when we feel like it, although of course venues for original music are getting hard to find around here.
  8. Ours evolves constantly. We'll drop stuff, put new tunes in and then resurrect old ones. We often play the same pub 3 or 4 times a year.
  9. Keep a weather eye on the For Sale section on here or maybe evilbay. Some little gems do come up. I got a decent P bass item from a seller based in Holland last year, straight fit, no issues.
  10. Just traded a bass with Martin at the usual service station type rendezvous and what a nice guy he is. The bass was exactly as described and if anything I'd say he'd undersold it as it looked better than the description The meet up went entirely to plan and was easy to arrange as he was most helpful and communicative about arrangements. Top bloke, deal in confidence folks, Martin is one of the good guys that makes this place tick
  11. You can now drag and drop an image into a post. Here's one of my recent speculative creations...
  12. Sorry got this the wrong way round, I was ripped off! Try Jack's Instrument Services for a pickguard. It will still be a significant percentage of the cost of you bass though. That having been said had I had to buy the DP126 set new it would have cost almost the same as the bass.
  13. Damn, you paid £10 more than me Did you get the red or the black version? They are great value at this price level. I picked one up the other day and after playing it for a while I decided it was a little too polite and as you say, the J p/up is quiet. So having stuck a set of DiMarzio DP126s in and a proper Kiogon loom and the bass sound has been transformed. Super punchy now with a great tone. Gratuitous pic.:
  14. The configurator is the devil's work. I spend too much time on there imagining more Sandberg basses that I might one day buy! Why not give us some of your options to consider. Is there anything nailed down at all?
  15. For those without a Fender fixation, I'd say these are top P basses.
  16. Nice bass sir, I have a red one (also with matching h/stock). Very nicely made indeed I think.
  17. Surely that's going to be an MIA Roger Waters P bass.
  18. I very nearly bought a set of these but after extensive listening to clips etc. on t'interweb I ended up with a set of DiMarzio DP126s instead (with which I am very happy).
  19. Also check the L/L porn thread here:
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