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Everything posted by ead

  1. Not sure where you are in the general firmament, but you are very welcome to come and check mine out drlargepants.
  2. I'm not sure, probably I suspect. Certainly not stickers.
  3. How about something like a Sandberg VM? I can cover a lot of ground with this one. A pre-loved one would be within your budget.
  4. Mini owner? By which I mean a proper Mini nit the current abomination.
  5. Stolen from elsewhere, made me laugh....could easily sub Basschat and some bass related topic I fear! How many Facebook group members does it take to change a spark plug? 1 to change the spark plug and to post that spark plug has been changed. 14 to share similar experiences of changing spark plugs and how the spark plug could have been changed differently. 7 to caution about the dangers of changing spark plugs. 27 to point out spelling/grammar errors in posts about changing spark plugs. 15 know-it-alls who claim *they* were in the industry, and that "spark plug" is an electrical device threaded into the cylinder of an internal-combustion engine to ignite the fuel mixture by producing timed sparks between electrodes. 2 to post that this group is not about spark plugs and to please take this discussion to a spark plug group. 27 to defend the posting to this group saying that we all use spark plugs and therefore the posts *are* relevant to this group. 16 to debate which method of changing spark plugs is superior, where to buy the best spark plugs, what brand of spark plugs work best for this technique, and what brands are faulty. 2 to post URL's where one can see examples of different spark plugs. 12 to post to the group that they will no longer post because they cannot handle the spark plug controversy. 4 to suggest that posters request the spark plugs FAQ. 16 to post "F". 44 to ask what is a "F"? 4 to say "didn't we go through this already a short time ago?" 3 to say "do a Google search on spark plugs before posting questions about spark plugs". 14 to post photos of spark plugs they own. 1 forum lurker to respond to the original post 6 months from now and start it all over again....
  6. To be fair Limelight basses are not advertised as anything other than a Fender replica and have the Limelight brand and serial number on the reverse of the headstock in indelible marker under the lacquer so pretty hard to shift I imagine. I think the difference is intention to decieve; as a Limelight owner I am fully supportive of any action against deliberate fakery.
  7. The John East ones are quite nice but they are just one size, a bit cheaper at £7.75ea. They are here: http://www.east-uk.com/index.php/all-products/knobs.html Another option might be Sandberg. I've had a look through my spares box and I only have 4 black knobs off a Sandberg bass that are not being used: https://www.cottoncontrol.com/browse/sandberg/de,0,308,0,0,20.html They are on p2 a bit down the page. Mine are the slightly smaller ones judging by the published dimensions.
  8. I feel your pain Ped. Two of my basses have them already (a total of 7 of the larger size) although I did acquire some the knobs on here a little while ago. I think they are of an excellent quality and very easy to see at a glance what you're doing. I might give those Sifam items a whirl at some point though. Are they like to older Ibby knobs with a kind of soft feel to them?
  9. The BBG ones are the Sadowsky ones I mentioned earlier. And as a result of this thread and my own lack of a sensible perspective I've just ordered a bunch for my incoming SR4000e
  10. All this talk of knobs has been bad for my wallet just treated myself to some more Sadowsky knobs from Best Bass Gear as a "Christmas present" to myself. Couldn't see them in either of those two stores though.
  11. Thanks Ped, good link, look very similar for a fraction of the price.
  12. Again, just for clarity please can you advise if these are direct drop in for Fender style p/ups (i.e. the bridge pickup is slightly wider than the neck pickup)? Also do you know what the static resistance of each is please?
  13. Have you tried a VM? I have just sold a P bass as this does P in spades plus a meaty old pickup for added fun should you need it. Mine is also one of a brace of the updated Cali IIs that have a non-reversed split coil. Stunning basses.
  14. The Audere preamps can be specified in all manner of ways pre-purchase. They are physically small too so leave plenty of room for a battery if you wish to be able to return your bass to stock at any point. I've always found them to be very good in that they seem not to colour the sound too much. Worth considering imho. https://www.audereaudio.com/
  15. I like the Sadowsky items, but expensive to import.
  16. OK, good luck with the purchase.
  17. If you're looking for an SR4000e this one looks pretty splendid: https://classicandcoolguitars.co.uk/portfolio/ibanez-sr4000e/
  18. Two huge bands I've contrived to miss were Queen and U2 so either of those would be on my list. Of bands I have seen, Deep Purple just after Machine Head was released.
  19. I'm downsizing for different reasons, to raise dosh for a fam situation. I've sold 4 this year (and now into single figures) including a couple of ACGs recently which were a real wrench to sell. Probably still need to lose two more basses, maybe three. It's not been pleasant I won't lie as all mine get played and gigged on rotation but very much comes under the #firstworldproblems banner.
  20. I've had both and for me the Spector was superior in every way, although less iconic.
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