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Everything posted by ead

  1. I've always enjoyed Chrismas Wrapping by The Waitresses I think? It may be called Christmas Rapping.
  2. What Tom said ^ Note that they are not standard sizes and whilst I'm sure the B series are available to buy, I'm not sure whether the MC series can be purhased in this way.
  3. OK your secret is safe with me, I won't mention the [size=8][b]guitar[/b][/size] to anybody
  4. For sale is a brand new Gotoh 201B-4, to give it its full title, 4-string chrome bridge in its original packaging. I'll happily do a pic or two if anybody wants one. £33 posted to UK mainland. Thanks for looking. Any questions please just ask.
  5. How about one of these: http://www.sfxsound.com/h1/ I've heard very good things about them. Beyerdynamic DT-770s are the dog's danglies.
  6. I have been looking for a replacement p/g for a 50th Anniversary MIK Squier P however the one I tried, whilst pretty much a perfect fit for my '66 P, was out by a few mm. Specifically it was like the whole p/g had been stretched so the holes that were the bridge side of the back of the pickup were progressively more and more out. Very odd.
  7. Just bought a P pickup from Roman. All good, plenty of comms and fast postage. Thanks a lot.
  8. My first was a Yamaha RB270F (£90 iirc). Kept it for years.
  9. My initials...at the time I set up the account I didn't realise how critical this choice might proove to be
  10. ead

    Feedback for Higgie

    Acquired some tuning machines from James. All good, quick delivery, plenty of comms, great to deal with. Many thanks
  11. Another P loom from John. Top quality in every way. Thanks again.
  12. [quote name='Earbrass' timestamp='1506683213' post='3380377'] Maybe the thread should be questioning how many gigs per month people are interested in attending, rather than how many they are willing to play. [/quote] That is a very good point. I'm not sure I'd go to four a week even though my local is but 50yds away.
  13. Nutty Wal, a classic sketch, I remember my Dad introducing me to Bob Newhart in the 70s.
  14. I think if I were gigging at that frequency I'd want to be playing my/the band's original music and trying to build a career. At my time of life I doubt that I would have the stamina to do this given we have kids (albeit now living and working away from home) plus at the moment, some pretty serious health issues with Mrs ead. I think you have a couple of years on me Blue and hats off to you for doing what you do, but I think I'm in roughly the right place with my work / life / music balance now. In my youth I did tour Europe playing violin in an orchestra to a pretty decent standard, but a symphony orchestra is a whole different thing to a rock band!
  15. Hang on a cotton picking minute. If n = B + 1, and n = D - 1, then B + 1 = D - 1 and therefore D = B + 2 so you need two more basses than you currently have to narrowly avoid divorce. Result
  16. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1506326157' post='3377817'] Fixed. [/quote] Good shout, can't believe the OP missed it off.
  17. Lovely bass. Weirdly the board looks really like the one on my '66P.
  18. [quote name='visog' timestamp='1506180663' post='3376939'] Agree with oldslapper. Made me sad it's all over... (Whispers - still preferred his Rick) [/quote] Am I right in thinking that he didn't actually use the Ric as much as peeps in general think? For me the Jazz bass he was using had the best tone YMMV of course Great band though, seen them several times although annoying missed the R40 tour.
  19. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1506254465' post='3377314'] Pretty simple really, does anyone have bands that they like no, but when said bands were actually going, didn`t like them at all? For me it was Guns N Roses. At their hey-day they were (imo) far too bluesy sounding for me, whereas now I kick myself that I didn`t get into them at the time. Anyone else regularly eat a slice of hindsight? [/quote] Goodness, never thought of G'N'R as bluesy. For me possibly Duran Duran falls into this category, to the point where I went out and bought the Rio CD recently.
  20. Thanks folks, these are the things I was wondering about (pickguard bridge etc.). I was aiming for sub £250 and I had noticed Korean Squiers seem to be getting more expensive so I had half an eye on future resale. Which are the Indonesian ones? Are they the Affinity series?
  21. Hi team BC I'm on the lookout for a cheapo P bass for some gigs in a couple of 'challenging' venues if that is the right word. I saw this and wondered if it is likely to be OK as bits of it look relatively 'un-worn' plus did they make 2TSB bodies at that time? As long as it's mildly OK I'll go for it I think but just wanted some help on anything that is a no-no from the congnoscenti on here. Thanks in advance. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1998-Korean-Squier-Fender-Precision-Bass-Sunburst-Upgrades/302454064072?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649"]http://www.ebay.co.u...119.m1438.l2649[/url]
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